
My history in fairy tail

I was an ordinary high school girl student, an otaku with no friends, cold and distant, but I always got excellent grades at school and always came first in exams, but one day I tripped on a banana peel on the stairs and died, and then I woke up in another world in another person's body. And so her adventure begins. Fairy tail is not mine, I'm just inspired by it.

popo9074 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Join the Fairy Tail guild

The tower begins to collapse. I pick up Natsu and carry him on my back, conjuring my wings of light. We manage to get out of the tower before it crumbles completely. I scan the horizon for the boat but can't find it, so I head towards the nearest land.

"Luckily, we got away from that tower. I can't imagine what would have happened if we were still inside," I say, my voice slightly trembling from the adrenaline.

"You're right, but let's hurry to land. I'm sure the others are worried about us," Natsu replies.

"Okay," I say, flying faster towards the shore.

After a few minutes, we reach the land. The others come running toward us as we land.

"Finally, we thought something had happened to you," says Lucy, a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, Lucy. It takes more than an explosion to beat me," Natsu says with a confident grin.

"That's for sure, Natsu," Lucy replies.

"And you," says Erza, pointing at me. "I wanted to thank you for saving us even though you don't know us."

"It's nothing. I'm sure you would have done the same for me. Besides, it's also to make up for Phantom Lord's attack."

"But you had nothing to do with them. You didn't attack anyone from our guild. On the contrary, you wanted them to stop. What were you to Phantom Lord anyway?"

"Ah, I was actually Phantom Lord's Angel. Well, I was."

Lucy gasps in surprise. "What? Really? I'm glad we didn't have to fight. You were known as the strongest person in the Phantom Lord guild."

"Yes, you were lucky you didn't have to fight her," Gadjeel says with a smile.

"That's right. I'm sure I can defeat you if we both fight," Natsu says, challenging me.

I smirk. "I don't think you'll win. You're still too weak. But I'm not the one who'll be sick after."

"Nonsense! Like I'm going to be sick when I'm fine," Natsu retorts.

"Why do you say that?" Lucy asks, curious.

"Natsu ate one of the crystals in the Tower of Heaven."

"You're crazy, Natsu! You could have died," she exclaims, hitting Natsu on the head.

"You've earned it. Well, it's time to go home, Gadjeel and Jubia."

"Yes, you're right. Hurry, Jubia wants to join the Fairy Tail guild as soon as possible," she says, taking both my hand and Gadjeel's, dragging us along.

Jubia continues to drag us for a few more minutes before I intervene.

"Jubia, you can stop now. We can walk," I say, slightly annoyed.

"You're right. Jubia was a bit too excited."

Jubia lets go of both of us. Gadjeel looks at me curiously.

"I was wondering when you were going to let go. But, Jade, why did one of your eyes turn golden?"

"Jubia wants to know too," she chimes in.

"Well, I got a letter saying to go to the cave where I found my katana," I begin, recounting everything that happened in the cave, omitting the detail that I'm not from this world. I explain waking up and noticing the changes.

"When that person shared that power with you, that's when your eyes changed color, right?" Gadjeel asks.

"Yes, she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Too bad she didn't tell me her name."

"Be careful, Jade. Otherwise, you'll become a playboy again," he says, laughing.

"Jubia agrees with what Gadjeel says," she adds, laughing too.

"Don't make fun of me. It's not funny, and I'm not a playboy," I say, pouting.

"It's okay, we're just joking. No need to sulk, Jade."

"Come on, stop pouting," says Jubia, pinching my cheeks.

"Don't pinch my cheeks, I don't like it," I say, pushing her hands away.

"If you're done arguing, it's time to go home so you can join the Fairy Tail guild."


After a few hours, we arrive in Magnolia, but it's already dark.

"It's getting late. I think the guild is already closed," I say, yawning.

"Yes, she's right. We'll go tomorrow, alright, Jubia?" Gadjeel says.

"Well, tomorrow then. But Jubia will be picking you up, so you both better be ready," she says threateningly.

"Well, no problem, Jubia," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Now I'm going to go. I'll see you tomorrow," Gadjeel says as he leaves.

"Jubia is leaving too. You better not be asleep when I come to pick you up in the morning," she says, teasingly.

Jubia and Gadjeel leave me alone in the streets of Magnolia. I head home quickly.

At home, I take a shower. When I'm done, I don't get dressed immediately. I take the opportunity to look at myself in the mirror to see if there's anything else different about my body.

"Here I am, in front of the mirror. As far as I can see, nothing has changed except my eyes and a few strands of my hair."

I take off my towel and see my muscular body with abs from my training over the past two years and a generous chest. The only difference is that on my abdomen, there's a black wing pattern.

"What is this?" I say, pointing to the mark on my abdomen. "It's not the same color as the one on my right hand. It's really weird. But for now, there's nothing I can do. I'd better eat and go to bed soon. I don't want Jubia to wake me up tomorrow morning. I need to rest."

I get dressed, eat, and then go to bed. The moment my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep.