
USJ P2***

—-So chapters 45-and 52 are being edited and re-arranged. So this is around chapter 53 and beyond—-

I heard Izuku whisper, "I can't believe we are gonna get a lecture from Thirteen! So cool!"

I rolled my eyes as the hero explained the basics of the USJ. When she was finally done she asked, "Excellent, before we begin, let me just say one thing. Maybe two things? Possibly three, no four, or uh five? You know what, let's just start with any questions."

Erin's hand shot up first, "Have you ever killed anyone with your quirk?"

Thirteen jumped in surprise and she looked a little panicked. Thirteen however recovered, "Unfortunately, yes I have. As heroes you may need to take a life. However just as my quirk can take life, I do my absolute best in every way to use it to save lives instead. Ms.Connors, I would like to warn you however. Questions like that can get you in trouble."

Erin nodded and Thirteen continued, "I understand why you would ask that question however. As you learn and progress you will train your quirks. However that isn't all, you will expand your knowledge on your quirk. Learning new ways to use them. This is the beginning of that lesson. Those with destructive quirks will learn how to appropriately use their quirk in a situation where destruction is not needed. Now let's head in so you guys can see more of the facility."

The class nodded along, but I caught Mr.Aizawa off to the side on a phone. He shook his head, it seems he lost connection out here. I watched him try again as he followed Thirteen into the building.

While walking inside the person who ended up next to me this time was Ochaco. "WHOA! It's so big! Is that a giant water slide! I wanna go down it!" I almost blurted out a joke and had to hold it in.

Thirteen spoke quickly. "The water slide is a part of the amusement park setting. Almost all the environments that heroes face are set up here. The first area is an urban environment, the second quadrant is aquatic situations and weather hazards, the third is mountainous which blends into the last area which is forested areas."

Izuku was about to open his mouth, but Katsuki backhanded him. "Shut up and pay attention you nerd!"

Other classmates mumbled, it seems everyone was noticing the same thing. The lights along the USJ flickered and Mr.Aizwa snapped to attention. He clicked his tongue, "Shit! I knew it! Get out of he-"

A portal of purple mist opened in front of the entrance. A man covered in hands stepped out along with several other people. If anyone was an obvious villain it was this guy. Mr.Aizwaw activated his quirk. It shut down the portal, making it cut off before any more villains could exit.

Mr.Aizawa whispered to the class. "Tenya I am going to need you to try and make a break for the exit and send for help. They have someone blocking signals. I want you guys to work together to help Tenya escape."

Tenya froze, "but sir!"

I punched him in the shoulder, "You are the fastest."

Mr.Aizawa shouted, "Everyone stay together! Thirteen protect the students!" However he whispered once more, "Shizen, Bakugo, Kirishima I want you threeto to work with me to get Ida out of here. The rest of you stick close to Thirteen. Those are real villains, be on your guard!"

He looked down and nodded, The villain with the hands stomped his foot, "Where is All might? Why is it only a bunch of runts?"

The purple mist formed into a person and spoke, "Even if he isn't here now. He will either show up to die or find his students and fellow teachers as corpses."

A slight nod passed over us at the front. Tenya, Katsuki and Eijiro sprinted forward with me. Mr.Aizawa backed us up. The leader of the villains scoffed, "Kurogiri send them away to the others. We don't need to dirty our hands with such small fry."

Katsuki shouted, "SMALL FRY! I'LL SHOW YOU CHUMPS!"

An explosion followed after his words blowing some of the lesser villains away. Mr.Aizawa captured them with his scarf, but a guy with four arms and one ugly face charged toward him. Eijiro slammed into him though pushing him away.

Me and Tenya ran straight forward, the main bad guys who still blocked the entrance eyes watched us. I stopped in my tracks and Tenya sidestepped around them as quickly as possible. The Mist man opened a portal in front of Tenya. This was why I stopped in my tracks, I released a big blast of light.

The flash blinded the mist man allowing Tenya to run out the doors. The leader shouted, "Kurogiri, they are escaping! Stop them!"

The mist man responded, "Let them, perhaps it will make All might come sooner. For now however…"

A portal opened behind me and I fell backwards through it. As I fell I caught a glimpse of the rest of the class being grabbed. I got up and looked around. It seems I am transported to the Forest area. I heard people move around the trees. It seems the villains planned far ahead. Blocking the entrance, hiding henchmen in the USJ… I sighed I had no doubt more was planned. 

They came here for All Might. They must have a plan to fight him. A cat man hybrid jumped out from the bushes and I grabbed him by the throat slamming him into the ground. The henchmen placed around are likely all random scum. None of them are likely a trump card for catching All might.

I dodged an arrow. I blasted a beam of heat at the source of the arrow. I listened closely to my surroundings. I heard only the sound of people creeping around. It seems I don't have any classmates near me. I was transported alone, which means I have to fight alone.

I listened closely and fired a beam of heat toward one of the villains. However he was yanked away by a long tendril. I didn't hit the archer so they must've been saved the same way. The villains had me surrounded, yet none moved forward. They were cautious. I've shown physical power and heat based attacks.

Best guess was they were trying to figure out my quirk. I blinked and my vision switched to the infrared spectrum. If they wanted to hide, I'd be the aggressor. First I needed to find who the tendril user was. All the villains had some kind of animalistic feature. I paused and looked at the cat man. He was still out cold, but I caught on.

They weren't wary of my quirk, they wanted to save the cat man. I put a foot on his chest and pressed down and an arrow flew past my head. I dodged it and I saw the tendril reach out for a second. Sure enough, the guys here were a unit. This was the worst situation possible.

The henchmen that were with those big bads were 100% random losers, but somehow I ended up with a group of villains that know each other. What's worse is none of the people I could see had a tendril of some kind. So either it was made purely with their quirk or the tendril was actually a tail. Most likely a snake of some kind.

I kept my guard up. They danced around me, constantly switching their locations. This was a terrible situation.

I changed this chapter up a lot

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts