
Trip to USJ

After teleporting to Rumi's house Shun was immediately pulled into the bed room by a rabbit in heat and had his steamy time with her much to Shun's relief as he thought that Rumi might decided to punish him for being late and all but fortunately nothing of the sorts happened.

A few days passed by after that and Shun's days went past normally thought his classmates were also shocked by the fact that Bakugo started talking with Shun from time to time much to the blond explosive boy's annoyance.

Currently in the classroom Aizawa was looking at his students who were looking back at him and said, "The normal class today is going to be changed to a heroics one. Since all of you have already dealt with fighting course of the hero part today you will be dealing with-" paused Aizawa as he took out a card which had "RESCUE" written over it.

"We will be going to a facility which is able to simulate disasters and the kind to let students practice in that kind of environment. I am talking about the USJ building. Though the fact that it is outside our school's campus means that we will be taking a bus. You all are allowed whether to wear your costumes or not as youe equipment may or may not aid you in different situations during rescuing. You have 20 minutes to get ready and come down." said Aizawa as he yawned and left the class.

Immediately all the students stood up and went to take their costumes.

"Alright everyone, make sure to be down in 20 minutes, You will be left behind if you don't gather in that amount of time." said Shun as he walked out of the class.

All of th just nodded and soon followed him as well.


"Alright, looks like everyone is here. Now get on the bus." said Shun as he looked at his classmates.

"Wait, aren't you going to get them stand in a line and then make them get on the bus in an orderly manner?" asked Ida.

Shun and Momo looked at their classmates and Shun asked, "Anyone here who wants to make a line?"



"...Alright, no Ida we don't do that here." said Shun as they kept on getting on the bus.




"Hey don't you think that Midoriya-chan's quirk is like All Might's?" said Tsu with a curious tone.

"Heh, All Might doesn't self destructs everytime he uses his quirk though." said Kirishima as he chuckled.

Hearing that Midoriya sighed in relief while Shun just shook his head and thought, 'You are literally being dissed while having All Might's quirk you know.'

"Hey Kazami, tell us about your quirk. Its been quite a while since we started school you know. I am hella curious about yours." said Kaminari as he looked at Shun.

"You are free to guess what abilties I might have but I am not open to the idea of telling my abilities to the others. Observe and deduct what type of quirk I might have.....That would be more fun right?" said Shun.

"Man, you really like to remain secretive....you told earlier that your ability for somewhat similar to Yaoyorozu's right?"

"He is able to conjure that armour of his out of no where, then we can say that is something similar to Yaoyorozu's." said Tokoyami.

"And yet Shun-chan had that super strength and all during the apprehension test." said Tsu as she looked at Shun.

"You won't get your answers looking at me Tsu." said Shun who was currently in his body suit.

"But do you have to use your own body fat inorder to make stuff?" asked Momo.

"Nope, that's why I don't have leeway to eat as much as you do." said Shun.

Momo immediately got embarrased and said, "H-Hey I only eat that much because it is needed for my quirk to function."

"Hmm....sure it's not like I am making fun of you. I quite like eating myself but have to act in moderation you know. So in a way you can say I am quite jealous of that ability." said Shun.

"All right all of you, keep quiet. We are already here." said Aizawa as the bus stopped and everyone got off the bus.

Shun immediately made his armour and equipped it with its helmet opened from the front.

"Now this is a huge building." said Shun as he observed the building with customize create and was surprised to see all the different terrains and their sizes inside the building.

After entering inside they met a space suit wearing person who called herself, yes the person was a girl, Thirteen. A pro hero specialising in rescue.

Shun who saw a space suit wearing person in front of him immediately used his appraisal and thought, '....A person who can use black holes is specialising in rescue....'

"Aizawa, it seems like All Might will take some time, he is in middle of some hero duty." said Thirteen.

"Oh well can't be helped, we will just have to take care of the kids." said Aizawa with a sigh.

Thirteen then started telling the students about how their quirks were meant to be used to rescue people rather than attacking and harming them.

'....Tell me the same thing when you are fighting against my father.' thought Shun as he just snorted at that.

'The only thing I believe is that, my abilities are for my protection and my well being. Whom I use it on and what I use it for, are totally unrelated to right or wrong.' thought Shun as he looked at his hand and gathered some energy in it, before he absorbed it back.


"Bravo! Bravo!"

Hearing his classmates suddenly cheering Shun snapped out of his thoughts and saw Thirteen bowing in front of them and recieving applause and cheers from his classmates.

'Well....looks like her mentality is popular amongst the students.' thought Shun as he shrugged his shoulders and looked at Bakugo who was beside him.


"... Nothing. Just noticed that you are not as excited as the others."

"Heh, don't compare me to these idiots! What about you? You do not look excited as well." said Bakugo as he snorted.

"I have my own ideals." said Shun and just left it at that.

Suddenly both Aizawa's and Shun's eyes widened as both of them felt a large amount of killing intent aimed towards themselves.

Shun immediately took his stance as the front part of his helmet appeared as well.

Shun looked towards the direction where he felt the disturbance from and saw a black portal like thing appear in the middle of the air.

His eyes immediately widend in shock as he remembered some words that were told to him before.

'...He got absorbed into some king of black mist like thing and no trace of him was found since then.....Is that thing related to father?' thought Shun as he saw a large group of people come out of the portal.

""Villains"" said both Shun and Aizawa in unison as Shun snorted and said, "I hope that Thirteen is it going to use her quirk to harm these 'kind looking gentleman'."

Thirteen just glanced at him for a while before she stood beside Aizawa.