

1500hours Western time at Pacific Ocean.

Three Hours after the massive supernova went off.

The Pacific Ocean was filled with battle cruiser from the five main First World countries which is America, Russia and China, Europe, Japan

The respective top heroes were sent out along as well.


1) Star and Stripes No.1 hero The New Order

2) Shatter No 2 hero Can release huge amount of seismic shockwave to incapacity villain

3) Dark Eye No. three Hero Can create huge number of eyes that shot dark lasers

4) Microwave Number four who can release and absorb microwave from his body parts

5) Arcane Hurrican No 5

6) Haichin No 6


1) Rad Russian the Thermonuclear Hero who is alive for hundred years.

2) Ice Maiden the number 2 hero who can use ice constructs and control them.

3) Iron Maiden the number three hero who can transmute anything she touches to iron

4) Umbra the number four hero.


1) Feng Huang No 1 hero who can divide and revert an object back with his sword. Dividing a person just separates them to half and not kill them.

2) Sun Yigmei who can create light swords and is No 2

3) Liu Huang Can create a storm of floating iron blades No 3

4) Xiao Mei has Electromagnetism and with clever use of the quirk she can run at lighting speed by coating it over her body. No 4


1) Rapid Force No 1 hero of Germany

2) Momento No 2 hero of France

3) Pixie No 3 hero Germany

4) Mercurian No 4 hero of Italy

5) Repulsor No 5 hero of Norway

6) Flame bird No 6 hero of Norway

7) Magneto From Italy


1) All Might (Prime)

2) Endeavor

3) Best Jeanist

4) Hawks

5) Wash.

6) Ryukyu the dragon hero

All such brilliant heroes from different countries were Immediately rolled out by the WHCUN

(World Heroes Council of United Nations)

Going against all such heroes in this single spot is basically suicide and whoever is dumb enough will get the greatest ass beating of their lifetime.

But with all these amazing heroes here with great force, but most of them are having second thoughts after looking at such pure destruction.

There is a huge hole in the middle of Pacific Ocean and is glassed with heat radiating from the surrounding even though water is flowing to cool it down with huge steam rising in the atmosphere.

The world was stunned with the news footage the news chopper is showing with the news person Tony Badger giving a Fanatical look. Commenting on how it was the wrath of God.

The crime of several countries took a nosedive after such groundbreaking news. Even criminals were paying attention because of fascination or maybe for nefarious purpose.

Right now, an old woman was shown by the news anchor Abeni Zulu from Africa who has a special quirk called vision.

This vision shows her about the past, present and future of a certain place.

She was well renowned in the hero society for saving millions with her vision.

Now she is crouching and holding a cooled down rock in her hands with her face scrunched up and sweating.

Never has Abeni have hard time looking into the scenarios.

She sees a person riding a magnificent golden chariot which reminds her of the Indian Mythology Sun God.

Then she sees something that will shock her to the core.

Never in her hero career she has seen such vision.


A literal sun was there.

But any further she cannot make out of the being riding the chariot.

It was almost like everything was being warped.

A hero association member approaches and looks at her in concern.

!!!???!!: Miss Abeni is everything All Right?

Abeni does not respond but slowly stands up holding the rock making the person wait in trepidation.

Abeni finally says in a soar voice.

Abeni: All my life I have used my powers for Helping, Gambling and making money by talking about someone's future. It made me felt like that I could control the future and destiny of people and just looking at those prophecy fulfilled made me feel extreme joy. It felt like I was a God controlling the world. But this! This is something I admit that is beyond my comprehension. It's like time is warped by this entity. I cannot see the future this time Amelia. I think this time you are dealing with an actual God.

Amelia: Sorry but Gods don't exist in my book but only science. I am Atheist if I may say. With all the Gods walking around here, I don't think it's logical.

Abeni: Here are people who cannot explain where quirks come from with science? Perhaps they already know like you. Just think about it like the post-Quirk era. People would laugh if someone said they have super powers, but now that superpower is reality now and the most important backbone of society. Now it is not hard to assume that so called gods you called are actual gods? these heroes? NO! gods are not limited to incredible feats but accomplishing a miracle that no one has ever imagined. Now this miracle has taken in the form of the sun.

Amelia: Are you saying this assailant or villain caused this?

Abeni: Ho! You are already making this person a villain? Is the council this afraid of this assailant you call? I am afraid a template of a villain is unfitting of this unknown enigma.

Amelia: I think it is about time you told us about the assailant. I cannot wait for an old women's musing.

Abeni: Not this one Amelia. Leave it.

Amelia: You know I cannot just leave it at that. The secretary of defense George Bradely is already breathing down my neck for information.

Abeni: I can only give you a prophecy.

Amelia: Excellent! Another one of your games. Haa so what is your so-called prophecy.

"The Sun has come down with its chariot"

"It has shone it's brilliance to the darkness that hides in the world"

"The snake will hunger for its warmth"

"To devour the Sun"

"It has shown it's wrath for such blasphemy"


Amelia: Hmm nice poem you ring out every time. By chariot you mean someone dropped a hydrogen bomb?

Abeni: No Amelia it is the bomb.

Amelia was wide eyes and gears turned on her head. The satellite image was correct. There was someone her with a Godforsaken quirk. Fighting a person like that will be a disaster. Rad Russian may have a chance but the others? if the person goes against society.

Amelia: Thanks Abeni I will look into it.

Abeni: Humanity surely is zealous aren't they Amelia? If someone does not have something they will try to either gain or take from someone. Now the main question. What is Humanity willing to pay for such power granted to them?

Amelia stops on her tracks. This is one of the reasons she doesn't like dealing with this woman. Abeni has a bad habit into seeing one's future.

Amelia: So, what will I have to pay?

Abeni: Who knows but your destiny is surely intertwined with interesting individuals. The question is "Will you take a leap of faith and take someone's hand for help?

Amelia: I can take care of myself. It was always like this.

Abeni: It is not shameful to ask for help.

Amelia: Hmph! I'll see about that!

!!!!!Back to the scenario!!!!

Kathleen was having a good dream in her sleep. A dream of All Might saving her from those stupid bothers. The best part of her fantasy! All Might asked her out for a date after she graduated at the Top from Americas top hero school "Radiant". She was getting to the best part of the Date but the damn alarms ringed like Jingle Bells instead of All Might's Jingling bells.

She woke up like she was trained and looked at the time.

It was 1200 midnight!

Who the hell thinks it was best time for villainy!

Whoever they were will get a good lecture from her mouth.

But she realized that light is coming from the window and thought is the alarm and the clock busted?

She got down from the bunker as she notices her brothers getting awake with an irritated groan.

She knows the feeling but duty calls.

She looked through the window and the next second her brain stopes working.

Kathleen: WHAT THE-


Stevie Hugh called out who had a shocked face as the only person who quickly got up.

Joe Muller: Man what are you screaming like a pi-

Joe who was the second pilot was stunned and later all the pilots had the same expression.

Hughie's: Umm Kathleen please tell me you are not pulling one of your pranks.

Kathleen: No Hughie this is not one of my pranks, but whoever is shooting a beam of light at the sky is one crazy son of bitch to deal with.

Before anyone can comment the commanders voice rang through the speaker.


Looking how Commander Jorge Hansen is hollering all of the people present knew it was serious.

But LEVEL 5!

Bob: Who the hell is firing nukes this early, don't tell me it's the end of the world.

Kate: Enough! Bob! We need to get out there and stop that thing!

Bob: You think! Even All Might will get toasted by that stuff!

Kathleen stops and mulls over.

Joe: Enough! Billy! We will see about that when Kate gives a titan hammer on that.

Stevie: Right! Let's go.

Few hours of getting prepped and travelling Katleen is flying on top of X-66s and looking at the huge hole in the midst of Pacific Ocean.

Bob (Through Comms): Now that is what you call a Diggy hole.

Joe: Enough! Concentrate on the mission!

Bob: Roger Billy out!

Kathleen was shaken at what she was seeing and if she hazards a guess so does rest of the heroes down there.

Joe: Star if you want to go down it's fine, we will be on the lookout.

Kathleen: But what about surprise attacks?

Joe: Please! With all those heroes around, it will be fine. Also, I can see a Japanese cruiser through my HUD. Guess who is there?

Kathleen was swooned by hearing about Japan and she can only deduce from Joe's words that of all the heroes the first person to respond to trouble and give support for help will be none other than him. But orders are orders. She cannot leave her brothers in the midst of such mess.

Kathleen: Thanks, I appreciate the offer Joe but I cannot leave for my own selfishness.

Bob: Here I though Diggy hole brings people closer.

Joe: Is it about the time when you missed Mirandas Diggy hole?

Bob: Ey ey how do you know about that!

Stevie: Bros before Hoes Bob, Bros Before Hoes.

A collective laughter went through the comms making Kathleen chuckle. These Guys what will they do without her.

!!!????!!!: I am here, I am here.

Here she though she will not here that voice.

She looks behind and looks at the Joke of a hero called Captain Celebrity who thinks who is at the top of the world. Here he was bumbling with his hero suit. She can only shake her head and give a confident guess at what she was doing.

Captain Celebrity: Oh! Hey beauty how is the patrolling going?

Joe puts on the speaker of X-66.

Joe: Back of from our girl cunt! I will shoot you down.

Captain Celebrity: Whoa whoa! Easy there just trying to make a conversation here.

Kathleen: You know what Joe I think I will take your offer. I cannot stand this clown.

Joe: Sure Girl, go have fun.

Captain Celebrity: Hey!

Kathleen: Supersonic Flight.

She uses her quirk new order and flies towards the cruiser of Japan. Not before blowing wind towards Captain Celebrity.

Celebrity: Oh, come on! I was just trying to have a conversation.

Joe: Not with this girl Play boy. Try again and my brothers will shoot you in the back and call it friendly fire.

Celebrity Just shudders looking at the steel eye of the piolets. Their authority is same as the No.1 hero Star and Stripes. If they think anyone is a threat to her, they can put a bullet hole in his head and get away with it.

Like a wise man he backs off and goes to the landing point of several flying heroes.

Kathleen hates people like those guys. Some guys avoid her because she is buff or others for nefarious purposes to get her quirk through quirk marriage. All she does is using her new order if anyone threatens her and make the whining idiots. She is a strong girl and no one can topple her.

She Lands at the cruiser of Japan surprising everyone present making them stand guard but later they relax knowing who she was. The person who approached her had a huge smile on his face like a radiant sun.

It was none other that All Might with Golden Age costume with his signature twin golden tufts on top of his head.

All Might: Oh Kathleen! Long time no see. What brings you here!

Kathleen: Just Finished my patrol and came to see you All Might. America misses you!.

All Might: Hahaha I know but you see I have prior commitment to my country to protect it's citizen, to be the symbol of peace and be the very best like no one ever was as a hero.

Kathleen: I agree your charisma is astonishing whenever you save people with a smile. Just like you save me and inspired me to become a hero.

The just look at each other and have a moment together reminiscing in the past. But someone grumpy interrupted spoiling the mood.

!!!???!!!: Tch! Wasting time talking nonsense. Get a room.

Kathleen: Excuse me no one asked your opinion; I am just getting acquainted with friends. Also, who are you?

Endeavour: Hmph! I am the Blazing hero Endeavor! Remember it No.1 of America.

Kathleen: Sorry just like the number two astronaut on the moon, I cannot remember your name.


Hawks: Now now clam down we are just greeting each other. No need to be on each other's neck. I think you were the one who was rude Endeavor. Sorry miss Kate but our number two is hot head sometimes.

Kathleen: I can see that with those flames flaring.

Amongst this All Might was sweating bullets.

All Might: Okay how about we go inside and have some coffee. It's night after all.

Kathleen: Sure! Let's go!

Kathleen grabs All Might's arm and takes him to the counter for coffee. This confuses All Might at why Kathleen is so excited about.

Endeavor just glares at the two leaving people and at hawks then walks away before stamping his feet on the deck of the ship.

Hawks just shakes his head and looks at the two people who have the same rhythm and pose. He has wry smile and leaves. He looks at the crew who has the same smile some chuckling looking at the number one hero of Japan dilemma.

Hawks can only shake his head.

Being too stubborn to save people has made the hero dense.

!!! 10 minutes after the confrontation with Endeavour!!!

Kathleen with her mask off is sipping on her coffee while All Might talks about his ideals and adventures of heroics in Japan.

She can only sigh.

How can he not notice the appearance she copied after him! Also, the same golden age costume.

She can only shake her head.

All Might: Is everything all right Kathleen? You look tired. Did my stories bore you?

[ How can the stories bore her? She researched the heck out of his heroic acts. But listening from his mouth is something else.]

Kathleen: Nothing it's just I was wondering about the incidence late this midnight. What could you have thought the reason for such overwhelming display?

Kathleen changes the topic before her Idol realizes he is such a bore with all the talking of obvious heroic acts everyone knows about.

All might lose his smile startling Kathleen who was ogling by the hero's appearance.

The light reminded of All Might the time he left his master to die. All because of that man's overwhelming power. It wasn't even a battle. He clenches his fist under the table. He gazes at the starry skies above him. Without noticing someone grabs his hand.

Kathleen looked at the shift of her Idols presence and it seems sent him on a staircase of some memories he did not talk about. A women's intuition never lies.

All Might: Sorry Just had some bad thoughts in my head. To answer your question, I could guess that it was a show of force and a warning.

Kathleen: I understand about the show of force but warning?

All Might: There is some people in the world who are beyond our comprehension Kathleen. The acts and atrocities they do is something that cannot be spoken of. This person whoever has this power will be the greatest challenge we ever face as heroes. No matter if the intention is good and Evil. With such power.

Kathleen/All Might: Would want to rule the world.

Both of them got surprised and let out a boisterous laughter.

Kathleen: But we are the best! Whatever is thrown our way we can tackle it when the time comes to face this force of nature.

All Might: I do hope so.

All Might looks at his fist and thinks about the next confrontation with that bastard. He will make sure to settle this once and for all so that future heroes like Kathleen will not have to face such monster. If the person who causes this is All For one that even better, he will burst that bastards head like a balloon. All Might looks at Kathleen taking a good measure and compares the child he has saved in the past to grow into such a fine young hero contributing to society, making people smile.

This is the reason he fights to bring smiles at people's faces and so that no one can cry. A world where people don't cry.

He was bought out of his musing as Hawks called to Kathleen that the Headquarters of American Military is calling her back.

Kathleen: Here I thought we were having a serious conversation. Haa! Looks like I have to go double time.

All Might: Too Bad looks like we will meet next time.

Kathleen: Yes, next time.

All Might: Oh, by the way I like your costume. It seems you took inspiration from my golden age costume. Also, the Hair Hahaha you had to color it so that you can have the same antennae's as me.

Kathleen beams at this compliment and skips over to grab All Might's Hand and firmly shakes it.

Kathleen: Thanks for the compliment! Let's see you at America after you have got a break from your heroics. We will have some fun! When you come back.

Kathleen winks and goes back to take flight.

All Might shudders at that wink thinking back to the time he had to outrun several females who wanted to trap him in marriage.

Hawks just chuckles at this taking All Might's attention.

He then remembers that this fifteen-year-old boy is someone who climbed to number four spot recommended by the Hero Public safety commission. He has seen the footage of his skill, if he gauges the skill.

This boy fights more like an assassin than a hero. He remembers the time that bastard All For one sent assassin for his master and him.

(Author Note: Hawks was born early due to time manipulation of the prime universe)

He then looks at the sky and thinks about the storm that is about to come.

The storm made by the MORNING star

Meanwhile the person who caused this is going to his greatest battle.


While his mother compliments the changes in the eye color of gold and shade of red.

A great journey awaits for all .