
[43] NewJeans and New Challenges

I settled into my desk, the familiar classroom a welcome sight after the chaos of the USJ incident.

Jiro hopped onto my desk, her boots dangling inches from my textbook. "So, Lotus Boy, ready for another thrilling day of academia?"

I leaned back in my chair. "Thrilled is one word for it."

Katsumi stormed in, her eyes narrowing as she spotted Jiro perched on my desk. She slammed her bag down two seats over. "Oi, Earlobes! You're blocking the view."

Jiro raised an eyebrow. "What view? The riveting chalkboard?"

"The..." Katsumi faltered, then scowled. "Just move your ass!"

"Make me," Jiro challenged.

I sighed. "It's too early for this."

Ashido bounced over, her pink skin practically glowing. "Guys, guys! Did you hear the news?"

"That you finally learned indoor voice?" Katsumi grumbled.

Ashido's grin widened. "No! Luna Snow's group NewJeans dropped their second EP last night! It's called Get Up and it's absolutely incredible!"

Todo's head snapped up so fast I thought he might get whiplash. "They what?" He practically teleported across the room, grabbing Ashido's shoulders. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Because you're insufferable enough about them already," Katsumi muttered.

"I simply appreciate artistic excellence." Todo struck a pose. "Unlike some philistines."

"Did you just call us a Philadelphia?" Kaminari frowned, scratching his head.

Yaoyorozu pinched the bridge of her nose. "A philistine is someone uncultured, Kaminari."

"Oh." He paused. "Wait, hey!"

"I don't get the hype," Katsumi said, still glaring at Jiro's position on my desk. "They're only popular because Luna Snow's a top ten Korean hero."

Todo gasped like she'd personally insulted his mother. "How dare you? Their choreography is immaculate! Their vocals are divine! Their-"

"Their marketing is excellent," Hitomi cut in, her voice cool. "But they are genuinely talented."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. "You follow them, Todoroki?"

"Luna is my cousin. On my mother's side."

The classroom exploded.

"WHAT?" Todo grabbed her shoulders, shaking her. "Why didn't you tell me? Can you get me an autograph? Does she remember that time I sent her a ten-page letter about her influence on modern hero-pop?"

"Please stop touching me."

Hagakure's uniform bounced excitedly. "That's so cool! What's she like in person?"

"We haven't spoken since I was young," Hitomi said, carefully removing Todo's hands. "Our families... don't interact much anymore."

The temperature dropped several degrees. Time for a subject change.

"So, Ashido," I said quickly. "What's your favorite track on the new EP?"

"Oh my god, Super Shy is absolutely-"

The door slid open, and Aizawa shuffled in. Fresh gauze wrapped around his forehead and arms, but he looked better than the last time we'd seen him. The class scrambled to their seats - except Jiro, who took her sweet time sliding off my desk.

"Morning," Aizawa grumbled. "Few announcements. First, Sakurada will be absent for a few weeks due to a family emergency."

My hand tightened on my pencil.

"Second, after the USJ incident, we're implementing new security measures." He pulled out a sheet of paper. "No leaving campus without express permission. Buddy system for all training exercises. Emergency alert devices will be distributed later this week."

"Like baby monitors?" Katsumi scoffed.

"Like tools to keep you alive," Aizawa replied flatly. "Which brings me to the third announcement. The UA Sports Festival is happening at the end of May."

The classroom erupted again. I leaned back, watching my classmates' reactions. Katsumi's face split into a predatory grin. Todo struck another pose. Kaminari looked like he might throw up.

"It will be heavily secured," Aizawa continued. "And you're all free to withdraw if you feel unsafe. But this is your chance to show pro heroes what you're capable of. Many agencies use this festival to scout future sidekicks."

"Like we'd back out after USJ," Katsumi declared. "Villains or no villains, I'm taking first place."

"Bold words from someone who ranked third in the quirk assessment," Todo said.

"What was that, Dance Dance Revolution?"

"Now, now," I raised my hands. "There's plenty of time for trash talk later."

"Agreed," Aizawa said. "Because you'll all be too busy training to argue. Starting today, we're kicking everything up a notch. Those who can't keep up will be left behind."

A dangerous glint entered Aizawa's eyes. "And speaking of competition..." He pulled out his phone, showing us a text. "Vlad King seems to think his class will dominate the preliminaries."

"Class 1-B?" Kaminari scratched his head. "Aren't they like, our B-team?"

"They're our equals," Yaoyorozu corrected. "Different teaching styles, but similar potential."

Aizawa's grin widened. "Vlad bet me a month of lunch duty that his class would advance more students." He pocketed his phone. "I'd hate to spend my nap time serving food."

"Like hell we'll lose to them!" Katsumi slammed her palm on her desk, small explosions crackling. "Those extras haven't fought real villains!"

"That's exactly why they're gunning for us," I said, twirling my pencil. "We've got targets on our backs after USJ. Everyone saw the news coverage."

"Especially you, Mr. Dimensional Eyes," Jiro pointed out. "That close-up shot of your quirk went viral."

"Good," Katsumi grinned. "Let them come. More people to crush."

"Such violence," Todo shook his head. "Though I must agree. The stage is perfect for showcasing our superior talents."

"You realize that attitude is exactly why everyone wants to take us down?" Hitomi's voice carried a sharp edge.

"Bring it on!" Ashido pumped her fist. "We'll show them what Class 1-A is made of!"

"Yeah!" Hagakure's uniform jumped. "Wait, what are we made of?"

"Sleep deprivation and poor life choices," I muttered.

Aizawa cleared his throat. "The festival consists of three events. Only the top performers advance to each round." His smile turned predatory. "And this year, I've convinced the committee to make some... interesting changes."

"Define interesting," Yaoyorozu said carefully.

"You'll see." He pulled out a stack of papers. "For now, let's focus on heroic law. Page 94."

The rest of the morning passed in a blur of lectures and note-taking. At lunch, our usual table was packed with energy.

"We should train together!" Ashido declared through a mouthful of rice. "Form study groups!"

"It's a competition," Katsumi stabbed her chopsticks at Ashido. "Why would I help my rivals?"

"Because we're friends?" Hagakure offered.

"Speak for yourself."

"Actually," Yaoyorozu set down her tea, "training partners would be beneficial. We can push each other further than alone."

"Plus," I added, "the first two rounds are usually team-based. Better to know your classmates' strengths now."

Katsumi pushed back from the table. "Count me out. I don't need help from extras."

"You sure?" I pulled out my phone. "Might be fun to blow stuff up together later. One-on-one?"

She paused, then scoffed. "Text me the details. Maybe I'll show up, maybe I won't."

"Your tsundere is showing," Ashido sang as Katsumi stormed off.

"I heard that!"

"So," Yaoyorozu pulled out a notebook, all business. "Gym Gamma after classes? We should coordinate our schedules and training goals."

"I'm down," Kirishima grinned, sharp teeth glinting. "Nothing manlier than pushing each other to improve!"

"As long as we're done by seven," Todo said. "I have a virtual fan meeting with Luna Snow's official fanclub."

"Dude." Kaminari shook his head. "You need help."

"I need excellence."

Jiro kicked her feet up. "What's the plan? Just gonna throw quirks at each other until something sticks?"

"Actually," I leaned forward, "Yaoyorozu and I should map out proper training regiments. Different quirks need different approaches."

"Agreed." Yaoyorozu nodded. "We can meet in the library after dinner to draft schedules."

"Look at you two," Ashido wiggled her eyebrows. "Planning dates already."

Yaoyorozu's cheeks pinked. "This is purely academic."

"Sure, sure." Ashido turned to Hagakure. "Bet you five hundred yen they end up holding hands over training notes."

"You're on!"

I rolled my eyes. "Focus, people. What areas does everyone want to work on?"

"Stamina," Kaminari said immediately. "I need to last longer before going full derp."

"Precision for me," Sero added. "My tape's strong, but I waste too much on wide shots."

"I want to work on stealth!" Hagakure's chopsticks moved animatedly. "Like, proper ninja stuff!"

"Combat training," Jiro said. "My quirk's great for recon, but I need better close-quarter options."

Midoriya pulled out his notebook, muttering rapidly. "If we factor in everyone's quirk strengths and limitations, we could create specialized training pairs that complement each other's weaknesses while pushing their strengths through adaptive-"

"Breathe, man," Kirishima patted his back.

"Sorry! I just think there's real potential here for innovative quirk combinations and-"

"Nerd." But I was already thinking along similar lines. "Send me your notes later?"

His eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Why not? Two heads are better than one. Even if yours is full of hero fanboy stuff."

"Speaking of heads," Todo struck yet another pose, "we should document our progress! I can start a training vlog-"

"No." Everyone shot him down simultaneously.

"You people have no vision."

The bell rang, sending us scrambling back to class. The afternoon dragged by, filled with modern literature and rescue protocols. Finally, the last bell freed us.

"Meet at Gym Gamma in twenty?" Ashido bounced on her toes. "Gotta grab my gear!"

"Don't forget water bottles," Yaoyorozu reminded everyone. "And proper training attire."

I fired off a quick text to Katsumi: "Gamma tomorrow morning? Promise to make it worth your while."

Her reply came seconds later: "Better not waste my time, Lotus Boy."

The gym was empty when I arrived, changed into workout clothes. The reinforced walls bore scars from previous training sessions - plenty of room to cut loose.

Yaoyorozu arrived next, her hair tied back practically. "I brought preliminary scheduling ideas." She pulled out color-coded charts. "We should establish baseline capabilities first."

"Agreed. Then pair them up based on complementary quirks." I pointed to her notes. "Though maybe swap Kaminari and Jiro?"

"Good point. And Hagakure's stealth training would pair well with-"

"Guys!" Ashido burst in, followed by the others. "Less planning, more training!"

"Yeah!" Kirishima pumped his fist. "Let's get pumped!"

"Hold up," I raised my hand. "Ground rules first. No permanent damage to people or property. Tap out means stop immediately. And nobody goes past their limits - this is training, not a death match."

"Boring," Todo sighed dramatically.

"Safety first!" Midoriya nodded vigorously. "We should also establish emergency protocols and-"

"Deku." I cut him off. "We got it."

"Right! Sorry!"

"Now," I grinned, "who wants to go first?"

Hands shot up immediately. We spent the next hour running basic drills, getting a feel for everyone's current abilities. Kaminari's control was better than expected, though his stamina still needed work. Hagakure had serious potential for infiltration tactics. Ashido's acid showed surprising precision.

"Okay," I called a break, watching Sero help Kirishima untangle from capture tape. "Good start. Yaoyorozu and I will work out proper training schedules tonight. For now, let's try some simple partner exercises."

"Dibs on Midoriya!" Ashido grabbed his arm.

"Please don't melt me!"

"Time!" Yaoyorozu called after another hour. "We should wrap up before curfew."

"Already?" Hagakure's floating clothes drooped. "But we were just getting started!"

"Better to pace ourselves," I said. "This is just day one. We've got weeks until the festival."

"Plus," Kaminari collapsed dramatically, "I'm dying here."

"Same," Sero groaned from the floor. "Everything hurts."

"That's how you know it's working!" Kirishima helped him up. "Nothing manlier than pushing past your limits!"

"Pretty sure that's exactly what we said not to do," Jiro poked him with an earphone jack.

"Details, details."

We cleaned up the gym, comparing notes on what worked and what needed adjustment. Everyone was tired but energized, already talking about tomorrow's session.

"Library?" Yaoyorozu asked as we headed out.

I nodded. "Let's grab dinner first. This is gonna take a while."

"You're the best."

"We know!" Ashido called over her shoulder. "That's why you're perfect for each other!"

"Ignore them," Yaoyorozu sighed.

"Always do."

"Oh, before we go," Yaoyorozu stopped, pulling out her phone. "We need permission to leave campus. New security measures."

"Oh?" I leaned against the wall. "Are you taking me out, Yaomomo?"

Her cheeks flushed pink. "This is a study session."

"Sure, sure." I pulled out my own phone. "Who do we ask? Aizawa?"

"Yes. Though he's probably napping."

I typed out a quick message: "Yaoyorozu and I need to go off campus for dinner. Sports festival prep."

The reply came surprisingly fast: "Back by 10. Don't make me regret this."

"Got permission," I showed her the screen. "Though I think we just woke him up."

"He's going to make us pay for that tomorrow."

"Probably. Worth it though." I gestured toward the gate. "Shall we?"


Hey there, my wonderful readers!

I need to have a heart-to-heart with you all about something that's been on my mind.

You see, while I absolutely adore writing "My Hero Academia: Limitless" (and trust me, I have SO many plans for where this story is going), I've realized that I need to create a more sustainable schedule - both for my sanity and to maintain the quality you all deserve.

The thing is, I have other stories brewing in my imagination (some might say too many - my notebook collection is becoming concerning), and I want to explore those worlds too. Plus, you know, there's that whole "real life" thing that keeps demanding attention. Apparently, we can't just live on coffee and plot bunnies. Who knew?

So! After much consideration, I've decided to set a regular publishing schedule:

New chapters will come out twice a week:

Sundays: Because what better way to end/start your week?

Thursdays: To help us all get through the week!

But wait! Before anyone starts feeling disappointed, let me remind you about our wonderful Powerstone system! The goals and rewards aren't changing at all. Every milestone we hit still means bonus chapters! Because let's be honest, I love writing bonus content almost as much as you love reading it.

Speaking of which, I want to thank everyone who's supported the story so far. Your comments, theories, and enthusiasm make my day!

I know some of you might be worried about slower updates, but I promise this schedule will actually help me deliver better content. No more rushing to meet daily deadlines means more time to polish each chapter, develop those complex scenes you love, and really dig into the character development.

Plus, having set days means you know exactly when to check for updates! No more refreshing the page every hour (I see you, SYED_AFAQ, and I appreciate your enthusiasm!).

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to write a certain explosive blonde interrupting what may or may not be a date...

Plus Ultra!

Wisteria 🦋

P.S. - Todo would like everyone to know that the NewJeans EP is, in his words, "absolutely revolutionary and anyone who disagrees has no taste." He made me add this. He's very insistent.

Please send help.