

As there was a boy is kneeling on the ground with Lifeless Eye as he see as his dad got stab to death and his mom who was got ra.pe and torture in front of him right now. the villain didn't care about as they continue to defile his mother in front of him. but something snap inside of him. he want them to suffer. as something on his back start growing. as red glowing sharp tentacle come from his back. he need only one thing to do is to kill them all

as soon as the quirk start slashing then the villain was cut in half like butter as he fall down and the 2 villain that are still alive look shock. but got nothing to say as the first villain down. the second villain dlgot slash too two but only decapitated his hat and the third slash tomcome. the villain didn't scream they was too shock too know that they dead as soon as the next villain.

his mother Lifeless Eye after seeing her husband got stab and was getting ra.pe and torture. she had no will to live as her eye close her only regret that her son was watching as his dad got stab and his mom who was ra.pe and torture but as she was going to close her eye he saw her son eye who has hatred. pure hatred as his quirk manifest as a red glowing sharp tentacle that came from his back as he swiftly control his quirk and kill the three villian that ra.pe her but as soon as her son did that

a hero come. the number 1 hero all might come he knock the door down he was smiling and saying

"you villain the number 1 hero is here give yourself I'm all might!"

but all he see was a boy with his quirk a red sharp tentacle with his Lifeless Eye and a woman who was look like she got ra.pe but where the villain as he look at the woman. he look shock to see 3 corpse one was cut in half. two was decapitated. three was cut in half too. he know who is the one who kill them as he look at the boy. the boy look at him like Lifeless Eye. the boy could only say one thing it was a shout.


all might could hear the suffering. the despair that the boy have. the boy have to see his father got stab and his mother who was rape and torture. all might was not blaming the boy who was look like 5 year old who has White Hair with red eye and look like can see your soul but with Lifeless Eye it look like he could kill you with stare. all might continue to walk to the boy mom and carries her to the ambulance. as time last the boy just kneel there Lifeless Eye thinking what he had done and what if he hadn't done it. he think the Villain deserve to die. all hero are just fake that wanting to be only popular and just capture the criminal to their self. the hero didn't do anything to stop crime. they just lock the villain up and forgotten about the victim that the Villain do to....

as the boy was thinking all might come to see the boy and he still just kneeling on the ground like before and the boy just didn't diactivate the quirk as all might walk to the boy the quirk subconsciously attack all might but all might have speed so he just the neck of the boy as he falling unconscious

I think I will post 2 novel 1 chapter each day

Orion_Senseicreators' thoughts