
My Hero Academia: Dojutsu Quirk

A soul after being granted 3 wishes from a Goddess is reborn in the world with no previous knowledge of anything including the quirk he has. Watch as he uses Dojutsus from the world of Naruto in order to become a hero ------ Note: As of this current moment I do not know if this novel will include a harem or not. I do plan on it to have some sort of romance either way. I do not plan on writing any R-18 chapters right now since I find them sort of awkward to write however I may write some in the future. Also the Dojutsus will be changed in order to better match the world. The MC will not be overpowered from the start. I plan to keep his power level paced with the people around him so don't expect him to wipe the floor with every enemy he fights.

Psycho_Whale · アクション
5 Chs

Chapter 2

Four years have past since Mason acquired his quirk and in that time he has improved it and also discovered the limitations that the quirk has. He discovered that the longer that he uses his quirk, no matter which eye he uses, it will become very painful. The maximum amount of time that he can currently use his eyes for without stopping is 10 minutes. After 10 minutes his eyes will be start to feel like they are burning. If he keeps his quirk on for 15 minutes without stopping he will go temporarily blind for an hour.

He discovered that fact when he was trying to train himself and pushed himself to his absolute limit. It may seem strange to others to find a kid training his quirk to that extent however for Mason who only thought about being a hero at the time he was trying his best to be as strong as All-Might.

However his training didn't go to waste as he can now use his Byakugan to see within 20 meters, his Sharingan now has 2 tomoe, he has discovered the ability to perform illusions using his Sharingan and Ranmaru's eyes though it does use a lot of energy to do so. Due to him strengthening his abilities he has began to eat nearly 3 times as much as the average adult at 8 years old. His mother now buys as many energy bars that she can in order to supplement his metabolism.

Currently Mason is at the park walking by himself. His mom likes for him to interact with other kids so she tells him to go the local park for at least 2 hours everyday. It's not that Mason has no friends but he usually keeps to himself on his free time and only talks to his friends at school. Usually during this time even though he knows that he isn't supposed to do it he usually uses his Byakugan while walking around in order to train and also because he likes to see everyone around him having fun.

As he began to head home he passed by an alley where he heard someone crying. Intrigued by this he cautiously entered while using his Byakugan to see what was happening. By doing so he saw that there was a child looking down at the ground while crying. As this was going on two men began to approach her from the other end if the alley while laughing and looking at her. Mason isn't the smartest kid around but even he knew that something bad was about to happen to the girl.

Disregarding the fact that he had no real way to help the girl, Mason ran toward the area while switching to the Sharingan as he felt that currently when it came to fighting they were best eyes that he could use. Don't misunderstand he wasn't actually going to fight the men but instead use his eyes and his speed to dodge them to the best of his ability if it came down to it. However just as he turned the corner hoping that he wasn't late he saw a shocking scene.

The little girl that he was going to "protect" was on the back of one of the unlucky men stabbing him with a pair of scissors. She was a small blonde haired girl while the widest shark tooth grin that you would ever see in your life. The other man was absolutely terrified of the girl at the current moment as she straddled the back of his partner and continuously stabbed him with a pair of scissors.

Mason on the other hand was absolutely infatuated by her as something inside of him awakened when he saw her covered in blood. He knew that what she was doing was a crime and that he should try to stop it or get someone else to do so but instead he stood still with a wide smile on his face. Unknown to him t the time the sclera of his eyes had changed to a bloody red, his iris had turned black, and his pupil became a red bar. He had awakened the Ketsuryugan and along with it a love for blood.

The girl finally stopped stabbing the man when he fell to the ground and turned to his companion. He in turn pulled out a gun and aimed at the girl causing her to freeze in her tracks. Before he could do anything however Mason ran towards them catching their attention and as the man looked into his eyes he said..

Mason: Sleep

Using genjutsu combined with his newfound eyes the man stood now chance and promptly crumpled to the ground with no resistance. Upon reaching the girl who was staring at him he took another look at her face. She was very cute with yellow cat-like eyes and sharp teeth. He continued staring at her for a while before sticking his hand out and saying

Mason: Mason Woods nice to meet you.

The girl looked at him for a minute before taking his hand and with a smile saying

Toga: Himiko Toga let's be friends. Say can I take some of your blood.

Under normal circumstances Mason would have of course said no but he currently was under the influence of the power of his new eyes and the effect of his first crush on this strange girl.

Mason: Ss-sure. Umm....here you go.

He said this as he stuck his arm out for her. She quickly grabbed his outstretched arm and bit into it with no hesitation. Mason yelped in both surprise and pain but stopped as he stared at Toga. As she started to drink his blood she grew an incredulous grin on her face as she drank more. Unknown to him as he did not remember his conversation with the goddess but as a side affect of his Uzumaki blood, his blood was delicious to people like Toga.

After she stopped drinking she looked up at him as his wound started to rapidly heal and said

Toga: I think we will be great friends in the future.


Finally making it home after spending over 4 hours outdoor he had the happiest grin on his face as he greeted his mom. After telling her that he had made a new friend who happened to be a girl, while leaving out the part about her killing people and drinking blood, Alice glanced at her son with a knowing look on her face.

Alice: Ara ara, did my little Mason find a girl he likes?

Mason: N-no of course not. What are you talking about mom?

Alice continued teasing her son til her husband came home at which point he joined in on the fun asking when he'll meet his daughter-in-law much to their son's embarrassment. This sort of teasing continued for the next few days before they finally let up.


Since that day Mason and Toga continued to meet at least once a week where they would talk about their interests. During this time he discovered the ability of the Ketsuryugan to cast powerful genjutsu and control blood. These meeting continued all the way until Middle school where Toga managed to convince her parents to send her to the same school as her best friend Mason.

Alright guys I hope that was an interesting way to introduce both Toga and the Katsuryugan into the story. You may have noticed from the story but I plan for the eyes to somewhat influence Mason's personality.

I plan to write a lot of chapters about Mason's middle school life.

Also as you can see Toga is a potential love interest for Mason because you doesn't love a little Yandere in their life

Tell me what you guys think about the chapter and Ill try to write a new one soon.

Psycho_Whalecreators' thoughts