
Lucy Pevensie


I ran towards the source of the sound. From what I could make of it, a little girl was the one screaming.

I found myself coming to what seemed like a small cliff. I came to a halt as I neared the edge. Peering over, my eyes widened because there was indeed a girl, no older than 8, hanging on to a small ledge.

My eyes scanned the surrounding ground and landed on a long branch.

"Hang on!" I told the girl.

Then, I ran quicker than I ever had before. I grabbed the branch and lowered it, such that the girl could hold on to it.

"Grab the branch! I'll pull you up!" I shouted to her.

She seemed to trust me, so she let go of the ledge with her right hand and grabbed the branch. I held on to it tightly. Soon, her other arm was wrapped around the branch as well, so I pulled it up with all my strength. My arms were aching and begged me to stop, but I pulled with all my might and eventually got the girl up. For a few minutes, the only sounds I could hear were huffing and panting and my heart beat slowing gradually.

"Thank you." a sweet little voice broke the silence, and before I could register what was happening, I was being hugged by a tiny pair of arms. I hugged back, of course.

When we pulled away, she said, "My name is Lucy Pevensie."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lucy. I'm Y/N L/N." I replied, smiling.

I stood up before helping her up as well. Then, the puzzled expression returned to my face. I still hadn't a clue where I was. She observed my face for a bit.

Then, as if puzzle pieces were fixing themselves in her head, she said, "You're not from here, are you?"


"Me neither. I just walked into the wardrobe and found myself here."

My puzzled face turned to surprise, "You came in through a wardrobe?!"

"It sounds unbelievable, I know, but it's true." she clarified.

"Oh. I just woke up laying on the snow." I told her.

We started walking back in the direction of the lamp post.

"Are you here with anyone else?" I asked.

"No. Peter, Susan and Edmund (those are my siblings) didn't believe me about Narnia, so I came back in all by myself."

"Narnia?" I questioned.

"Yes. That's where we are right now. I was just getting back from visiting Mister Tumnus." she explained, "Mister Tumnus is a faun. He isn't exactly a creature you would find in our world."

That last sentence baffled me, which she noticed and said, "Well, he has the top of a human and the legs of a goat. He's also got horns and a fluffy, little tail."

I smiled listening to Lucy talk about her friend.

"And he has loads of books and he plays such lovely music and-"

Lucy suddenly stopped. I looked at her and realised she was staring at something, or rather someone.