
My heart wrenching diary

Song Chengdong started writing on the first day he was in the hospital when he contracted leukemia at the age of 16. The diary records the ups and downs in his heart that he has never mentioned to anyone. The sadness of treating the disease, falling in love at first sight when meeting Michelle Chen for the first time, taking on different and similar jobs to maintain Michelle's happy life, his inner feelings, his brotherly love for his best friend, Gu Jiale, finding a publishing house for Michelle to achieve her goals Write down your wishes in your diary one by one. On the night of Michelle and Jiale's wedding, Chengdong couldn't stand the sorrow and committed suicide in his apartment. He took two morphine injections, swallowed sleeping pills and cut the pulse on his left hand, then lay on the bed. Fortunately, Scott immediately informed Jiale that Chengdong did not return to the hotel. He called Brother Bao and found out that Chengdong had returned to the apartment. Afterwards, Jia Le and Michelle rushed to the apartment, but it was too late. Chengdong took too much morphine, which caused bleeding from all seven holes. He died in a very painful way, but luckily he had time to see them one last time. At Chengdong's funeral, Song and his wife attended, and Song Ci'en handed over a diary to Michelle. Ci En also learned from Michelle that she was not divorcing Chengdong because she registered a false name on the divorce document. She didn't change her name at all. Her wedding to Jiale was also just a ceremony, allowing Chengdong to witness her lifelong happiness in the next life. Doing this also fulfills Chengdong's wish. After Chengdong died, Michelle went to Japan alone to relax and work. I read through Chengdong’s days every day, as if the memories are coming to my mind one by one.

Michelle_Chan0220 · その他
8 Chs

chapter 2 - first day admitted to hospital

Jiale drove to Chen's mansion.

In Chen's mansion. afternoon.

Michelle rushed in as soon as she arrived at Chen's mansion.

"Michelle, why did you come to my house!?" Yongkang asked in surprise.

"Call that evil woman Chen Huijuan out!" Michelle replied angrily and loudly.

Jiale walked in and pulls Michelle...

"Michelle, forget it. Chengdong is already dead. Let's go back." Jiale said softly.

"Let me go! Our wedding is just a show for that woman. I want to see that woman!" Michelle replied angrily.

Huijuan came down from upstairs...

"Chen Michelle, how can you call your mother like that!?" Huijuan asked angrily.

"Bah! You don't deserve to be called mom! You went back on your word! You said that if I married Jiale, you would let Chengdong go. But you lied to me! You also kidnapped Chengdong, gave him poisonous injections, and fed him chilli oil to drink, and even...cut off his penis so that he couldn't touch me anymore! You're going too far!" Michelle replied angrily, crying.

"He deserves it! I have persuaded him to give up on you, but he said that even if you don't like him, he is still willing to wait! Psycho! Madman!" Huijuan said angrily.

"Mrs. Chen, you shouldn't have given the poisonous needle to Chengdong on the wedding day? That's too much!" Jia Le replied angrily.

"Actually, those two poisonous needles are very light poisons and will not kill anyone at all. Unless he mixes them with sleeping pills. He wants to commit suicide, no one can stop him! Get out!" Huijuan said angrily.

"Chen Huijuan! Have you made enough trouble? It's been so many years! I gave you a reputation, but you got worse! We killed Chengdong's parents, and now you don't even let their son go! I'm divorcing you ! Michelle, let's go! We can't stay here anymore!" Yongkang replied angrily.

Yongkang took his luggage and left Chen's house with Michelle and Jiale.

"Go away! It's Song Chengdong who wants to die. What does it have to do with me!?" Huijuan shouted loudly.

The next day.

November 2, 2010. Shanghai.

Shanghai Funeral Home. 10:45 am.

Michelle, Jiale and Yongkang walked into the funeral parlor together.

When the Song couple came in, Zuer and Ci En blocked them...

"What are you still doing here!? It's you who forced Chengdong to death! Get out of here!" Ci'en cried and said loudly.

"Cien, calm down! It was Chengdong who chose to commit suicide! It's none of their business. Let's go into the room and talk. Scott has something to tell us." Chengxian replied.

In the body compartment room.

Scott gave the report to Mr. and Mrs. Song to read....

"Uncle, aunt, although Michelle and Jiale were the triggers, Chengdong actually suffered from depression after recovering from leukemia. We didn't find out that his condition gradually worsened until he became a DJ." Scott said.

"What!? Chengdong has always suffered from depression?! This kid really likes to bury his worries in his heart all the time." Chengxian replied sadly.

"No wonder when a few friends and I went to Hangzhou with him that year, he would talk to himself. Sometimes he would even smile to himself." Michelle whispered to herself.

"I found out he had a gastric ulcer when you sent him to the hospital. The ulcer was already very painful, and he could still cry and laugh. But he kept saying he was fine." Scott replied.

Michelle sat in the body compartment room and opened the first page of the diary.

January 18, 2000. Hongkong. The coldest winter.

Continuously lower than ten degrees weather. Lately I've had nosebleeds, vomiting and fever. It must be a problem with the weather. Today I fell down on the stairs and corridor of the school and fainted. It seemed that a girl helped me vaguely and called an ambulance for me.

She is very beautiful, like an angel coming to save me. I don't have any friends at school. I have a very withdrawn personality, don't like to laugh, and am busy with work, filming and singing. Rush to the set as soon as get out of class is over.

As soon as I woke up in the hospital today, a foreign doctor named Scott Nelson came to see me. He speaks fluent Chinese. He reminded me getting a physical as soon as possible. Mom was also notified. She hurriedly came from Korea.

I was very scared and felt that something serious was going to happen. Continuous fevers and nosebleeds lit up my health. Chengdong.

January 18, 2000. Hongkong.

Lhasa Art Institute-next to the staircase corridor.

3:30 p.m.

"Sister Lin! I know! I've just finished class now. I'll rush down right now!" Chengdong said anxiously.

Chengdong had just finished class, and his assistant urged him to go downstairs as soon as possible. He had a fever that day and was in a very bad state of mind. He walked downstairs with all his might.

Suddenly he had a nosebleed and severe pain in his waist. He fainted and slipped down the stairs. Michelle, who was walking upstairs, saw him and immediately helped him...

"Sir! How are you?! Zu'er! Call an ambulance immediately!" Michelle said anxiously.

"You...who are you?" Chengdong fainted halfway through asking.

Michelle followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Private hospital in Midlevels - emergency room. 4 pm.

Jiale happened to be the emergency room doctor on duty that day. Jiale saw Michelle walking around anxiously...

"Ms. Chen. What's wrong with you? Did you send your friend to the emergency room?" Jia Le asked.

"Doctor... Doctor Gu. A boy in my college fell down the stairs and fainted. So I sent him here. You... how do you know my last name? I don't think I have seen you before." Michelle replied.

"We met at the Singapore Airport, maybe just once, so you forgot." Jia Le said.

"Wow! It was just once, and Doctor Gu remembers it so clearly. Could it be that you have a crush on our Michelle?" Zuer asked.

"Zu'er! What nonsense are you talking about!? He is a big doctor, he must have many girlfriends!! When will it be our ladies' turn! I'm sorry for my friend's nonsense. Please help me look after that gentleman. Thank you. Let's go first." Michelle replied.

A few hours later.

In the Chengdong ward of a private hospital in Banshan District.


Chengdong just woke up. He saw Scott and Ci En in the room.

"Mom, why did you come to Hong Kong?! What happened?!" Chengdong asked in surprise.

"What's wrong?! Your attending doctor, Scott, called me on the phone and I didn't know you had a fever and nosebleeds these past few days! Why didn't you tell mommy?!" Ci'en replied anxiously.

"Chengdong, you must seriously consider getting a full body checkup. There is something wrong with your blood." Scotts said.

"I've been very busy recently. Let's wait another day." Chengdong replied.

End of chapter