
My Heart For you

He believed a love as pure as his should have no barriers or restrictions but would it be that easy? how did he prove it to her when barriers were all around them?

Deborah_Golden · ファンタジー
40 Chs


Gracie was frozen in shock as she viewed the items contained in Will's car trunk. They had agreed to meet up in a secluded environment that Friday afternoon and he pulled her along excitedly to show her. All kinds of things ranging from soccer ball, back packs, games to hand bags stared right back at her. She looked wide eyed at Will who had a satisfied smile on his face. She wondered when he had the time to do all of that.

"I had them ordered." He said as though he could read her thoughts "express delivery… so what do you think? They'll love it right?"

"This is too much." She gestured towards the items, it was okay to buy gifts but wasn't this going overboard? Was he planning to throw some kind of gift party or something "What were you thinking?"

He chuckled "this isn't even near half of what Lo…" he paused "...what I'm saying is they're my family now too Gracie and its okay." He pulled her into his embrace and held her tightly "I've waited for so long to do this and if it makes you feel better, my sister spends way more."

She pulled away from him. She had never met his sister before, not even back then when they were little. She had even forgotten about that but now that he said it, he wondered how his sister would be like, how old she was and if she would like her "I've never met her."

He looked a flustered for a while "I'll introduce you soon." He closed the trunk then took her hand in his "I'm really looking forward to this. I've missed you." He pulled her closer "ever since I confessed to you, I can't seem to hold back anymore." He pushed a few strands of her hair behind her ears.

She blushed and lowered her gaze. She felt her heart flutter at that moment, why was he so romantic like that? they had avoided much physical contact for a while now but they were just being cautious and not that she didn't love it because she did. She really wanted to touch him as well but she was too shy, she had never done this before. "We should get going."

He took her chin in his hands and lifted her gaze to himself "I like it when you look at me."

He leaned in to kiss her, she wanted it too but it suddenly clicked that they weren't in the safe zone yet. Someone could still easily see them. it was too risky so she pushed him away and ran into the car before she couldn't stop herself anymore.


Later that day in a parking lot in the back seat of a black jeep, two men sat discussing with one another

"So, this is the girl that Will likes?" the first man asked looking at a bunch of pictures taking from different angles. He scoffed "she's not so great."

The other man turned away "I went through great lengths to get this information." He looked like he was holding something back

He laughed mockingly "Quit acting like you're being bullied, we have a deal." He had an unforgiving look on his face "Only when you can dig up enough dirt on Will, would you be free and this…" he waved the pictures in disinterest "is hardly anything." He didn't see what he could do with an information of Will's personal love life. Yes, he knew the man should have been marrying Diane but that was hardly anything to destroy him with. He glanced in annoyance at his companion, he wasn't taking it seriously at all. Should he just give him a beating first? He hissed

"She's his student." He finally spoke up "he's her professor and she works for him as well."

The man's eyes suddenly lit up "why didn't you say that sooner?" that man was so slow, he was already so close to getting a beating. Should he just beat him up anyways? He took a look at the pictures again with a devious smirk. He didn't know that Will had such devious desires. Many pictures of what he could do with that information spun in his mind. He smirked.

"Don't do anything stupid. Will is a good man."

The man smacked his companion on the head. He lifted his hand to smack him again but paused halfway, the other man pulled away

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"How could you be so unfilial? Just go now before I beat you up."


Dave stepped out of the car in anger, the driver came in and they drove off. He rubbed the spot where he had been smacked "that hurt." He felt bad for Will already but there was nothing much he could do. Both their lives were at stake here and this man would never stop digging. "Did he call me unfilial?" he scoffed "Am I your son? This man is taking too much credit." Afterall, he was just his brother.