
My Heart For you

He believed a love as pure as his should have no barriers or restrictions but would it be that easy? how did he prove it to her when barriers were all around them?

Deborah_Golden · ファンタジー
40 Chs

I miss you

He stopped the car close to her dorm and turned to stare at her, their hands were entwined and they smiled at each other "I already miss you a lot Gracie, I can't believe I'm returning you here after this. Are you sure you can't come with me?"

She shook her head "my friends are waiting for me, they'll be worried and I can't tell them."

He smiled "didn't you want to tell all your friends about me years ago? What now, are you ashamed?"

She blushed and looked away "don't tease me. The situation…"

He put a finger on her lips to silence her "Don't put a boundary between us Gracie. Those things shoudn't matter to us, it's just Will and Gracie." He leaned toward her to kiss her "I've never kissed anyone before but I suddenly can't seem to stop myself." He kissed her deeply before pulling away then he kissed her hand that was still entwined with his "I don't want to leave you."

With the look on his face, Gracie knew if she so much as reciprocated it, he would drive off not minding the consequence but the situation was too delicate and she had to be careful

"Christie would be so jealous." How would she ever tell her that the man she dreamt of was her Will

"Who is she?"

"My friend, she loves you a lot, she even joined your fan page and has several pictures of you. A lot of women love you Will."

His face turned dark "I don't care about any other woman."

Gracie saw his expression and lifted her free hand to caress his face. His expression softened "you're the only woman for me. I love you so much, I want to marry you and wake up next to you every morning, touch you, I want you to bear my kids and just be by my side forever and I'll take care of you."

He said it with so much passion and conviction that she felt bad for ever doubting him, he really didn't want to lose her. She had never seen anyone proclaim love like that. What she did next was totally out of character and impulsive. Like she had been possessed by his love, she moved to his side and straddled him, his eyes never left her and he held her closer, he adjusted the chair to make them more comfortable. She kissed him. It was slower, more sensual this time. When they were out of breath, she laid on his chest and he just held her there.

She suddenly felt something solid poking her.

"Just sit still for a while, it'll go away, I promise." He said breathlessly

She nodded. They just sat there in peaceful silence for minutes. She was being lolled to a peaceful sleep by his presence, it was just too good for her but his voice interrupted her.

"It's getting late, you should go."

She sat up, she wished she could stay longer. Who knew what tomorrow would bring? But he was right. He helped her back to her seat, she gave him one last look.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

He nodded "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

She smiled at him before she got down and started walking away, her dorm wasn't too far from there. They had parked in a secluded space so she hoped no one saw them, it was dark anyways.

Her phone suddenly beeped in her bag, it was probably Lori Anne or Christie. They would be so disappointed, she picked the phone and saw a text message from a new number, she opened and read.

"Finally I have a good reason to use your number."

She gasped and turned back to the car even though she couldn't see him, it was him. There was another beep

"Save my number."

Then another

"Save it as husband okay?"

She smiled to herself. Who knew he would be clingy like that. it was so romantic "I'll save it." She typed simply before continuing her walk to her dorm. There were other things to worry about for now like what she would tell Lori Anne and Christie.


That night, Will lay on his bed with a satisfied smile on his face. His fingers reached up to touch his lips, his smile grew wider. His mind flashed back to when he kissed her. he drew in a breath.

"That was too hot." he was still grinning. He had always imagined kissing her but he didn't know how it would actually feel. It was way to sweet and he won't mind doing it again and again. He missed her already. He picked up his phone and almost dialed her number. He saved it as 'wife' now but he stopped at the last moment. He should probably wait till morning. With that, he flipped to his side and went into a peaceful sleep.