
My heart bleeds for another

Linzel is the daughter of Cordelia. They look alike in every way but she has a kind heart. Her father told her she is to be wed to Laito her older brother. She accepts knowing it did not matter what she thought, or what she wanted. Lin wants to be with Subaru but what will happen when he chooses to leave her to wed their brother. Will she still love him or will she let him go?

Mama_Wolfblood · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs



I was in the Rose garden when Yui walks up. "Hey Subaru do you know who's the father of Linzel's brat is?" I growl an slap her. She falls to the ground. "You keep her name out of your mouth. You are a filthy human, a low life that is here to fulfill our thirst. As for the father of her baby. Its her older brother Laito." I said picking her up by her hair. "You will respect her. She is master to you all of us are. So be a good girl an take it." I said before biting her neck. She cried out in pain. But it did not bother me. Her blood was so sweet an warm. "Su..Suba..ru" she said before passing out. "I carried her back into the house. I walk up the grand stair case. I entered her room an tucked her in bed. When I walked out into the hall I hear talking in dads study. The moment I  entered a familiar sent hit me. "Hello my son. I hear some distasteful things about you. Care to explain to me why you disgraced Lin? You treated her like a whor." My father said glaring at me. Lin being held by Laito. The smug bastard smirking at me. "Yes I said things to Lin. But none of them were true. I love her an it killed me to say what I said. But I also knew that she was to be wed to Laito in the spring." I said plainly. "So you own up to saying what you said. But you did it so she would be faithful to your brother. Well thats honorable an shows how trustworthy you are. However next time choose better words ok." My father said standing up from his chair. Lin looked away she could tell I lying threw my teeth. "You are all dismissed Lin congratulations again. You will be a beautiful mother. " she smiles "thank you father." She kissed his cheek an walks out with Laito. I walked out after them to my room. When I walk in an closed the door I was pinnedto the wall. "YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT!"