
My heart belongs to the lycan king

Maya Lancroff blames the Lycan king for the death of her beloved parents, leaving her and her siblings to fend for themselves. The festival of seasons occurs once every four years, under the full moon, to celebrate the end of a fruitful season and the beginning of a new one. Maya uses this chance to exact her revenge but things don't go as expected. She ends up with a pregnancy and a heart that beats for the King. Scared and confused, she takes to the wind, taking refuge in the hands of the enemy. Four years later, there are no full moons and the Lycan kingdom isn't doing well. A seer prophecies about the King's missing child and it must be found before the end of that year, else the festival of seasons will not take place and chaos shall befall them. Determined, the King goes out in search of his child and finds more than he ever bargained for.

GraceEmma · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter nineteen

I end up sitting on the bed in nothing but a soft fluffy robe because there is no way in hell that I am putting that thing on. I'm going to take much pleasure in ending him; does he think I'm some kind of brothel whore?!

Cotton booty shorts and a lacy bikini top is not my style or anything I have ever imagined myself wearing. The nightgown was a first and I'd rather not add another to the list.

A few minutes pass by and I use them to steady myself. I remove the box from my pocket and lift up the lid.

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise and draw in almost immediately in confusion. A lip balm is the least of my expectations and somehow a total letdown. It's even placed on a soft red cute little cushion. Talk about over kill.

I lift it out of the container and turn it left and right; looking for any special engraving but I find absolutely nothing of that sort.

The witch had told me that whatever she was in the box wouldn't kill the king immediately since he is too powerful. Instead, it would put him in a comatose sleep and his life force would drain away slowly until he is a cold corpse.

"What is the use of lipstick if I'm going to kiss it off anyway or you just want to look pretty for me."

I come to with a start and turn towards him with wide eyes; my heart already hopped out of my chest and has taken residence in my throat.

He is carrying a tray filled out with an assortment of scrumptious dishes judging from the scent. I didn't hear his footsteps, breathing or anything to signify his arrival. Did he levitate?

"If so please go ahead but I assure you, with or without makeup, you are utterly stunning." He continues and smiles warmly at me, causing me to look away. Why is he acting like this? My eyes are threatening to tear up.

He places the tray on the bed with gentle hands and sits beside me, still in his towel. My eyes stray to his waist to make sure the towel didn't seem loose. It looks tight enough so no one got a flash of his package; that's good.

"Are you alright? You seemed awfully shocked to see me and your heart is still beating abnormally fast." He places a big warm hand on the back of my neck and I unconsciously lean back into it.

"I'm fine. I don't like the clothes you picked out," I reply quickly, probably too quickly and I see his bushy brows draw in from the corner of my eye. How one has to do with the other is of no concern to me as far as I succeed in changing the subject.

"But they will suit you perfectly. They're even your exact size." His hand is now massaging my neck making me sigh and turn my head to face him.

Is he pouting? The thought almost makes me smile.

"They don't look comfortable," I reply in a drowsy tone.

"You won't know until you try it. If you don't like it you can take it off." He says and looks at me with big sad eyes that unfortunately makes him look so adorable.

I sigh and nod my head in resignation. His expression immediately lights up and his lips lift in a victorious smirk that is as endearing as it is infuriating. "That's my girl." He husks against my cheeks, his warm breath washing over me before placing a wet kiss on my cheek.

My heart swells with affection causing my cheeks to burn. Why is he acting like this? So loving. It just makes this harder than it's supposed to considering what he did.

I walk to the wardrobe and hesitantly open it. "Why is this filled with women's clothing? What will you wear?" I ask in a bid to distract myself from what I am about to do. The clothes feel soft and of great quality, making me wonder how expensive they are.

"I have my own closet. Since my mouth-watering nakedness disturbs you so much, I'll get dressed as well so we can eat before the food gets cold." He saunters past me and into another door beside the bathroom, but not before cupping a feel of my buttocks.

I smack his hand away with a scowl causing him to chuckle as he closes the door behind him.

With a deep sigh, I pull off the robe and slither into the clothings that his Majesty lovingly picked out for me. The pervert. I move to stand in front of the mirror and a full body blush comes over me.

The bra is almost see through but that means nothing because my nipples are on display and the shorts aren't even long enough to cover my bum.

"Fucking hell," He whispers against my neck causing me to jump with a loud yelp.

I turn to glare at him but he pays me no mind and just stares at my breasts. With burning cheeks, I slap his bare chest and fold my arms over my chest. "Why do you keep sneaking up on me?" I can hear myself pouting making me cringe internally.

"Belladonna…" He drawls in a deep husky tone that does things to my insides. His eyes are dilated and heady lust is clearly written on his face. "Maybe we should start with dessert." He pulls me closer by my waist. He's wearing nothing but low hanging sweatpants.

"I thought you were getting dressed?" I ask absentmindedly; my arms are already sliding up his arms and around his shoulders.

"I am dressed but it seems as if it was a waste of time." He leans down and takes my bottom lip between his teeth and sucks on it, causing my whole body to erupt and my toes curl.

I tilt my head to return the kiss but he pulls back, making me frown in annoyance.

He has the nerve to chuckle and uses his thumb to play with my slightly swollen lip. "You forgot your lipstick."