
My heart belongs to the lycan king

Maya Lancroff blames the Lycan king for the death of her beloved parents, leaving her and her siblings to fend for themselves. The festival of seasons occurs once every four years, under the full moon, to celebrate the end of a fruitful season and the beginning of a new one. Maya uses this chance to exact her revenge but things don't go as expected. She ends up with a pregnancy and a heart that beats for the King. Scared and confused, she takes to the wind, taking refuge in the hands of the enemy. Four years later, there are no full moons and the Lycan kingdom isn't doing well. A seer prophecies about the King's missing child and it must be found before the end of that year, else the festival of seasons will not take place and chaos shall befall them. Determined, the King goes out in search of his child and finds more than he ever bargained for.

GraceEmma · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter Five

It seemed impossible but we finally found a table at a slightly secluded part of the hall.

Medium sized round tables were scattered around the hall. The lighting in the hall is dim enough to not hurt our eyes but still allows clear vision and the smell of the various meals on display is enough to take my mind off my troubles for a second.

It would have been perfect if not for the obvious glares being directed my way. The murmurs and stares are starting to get on my nerves.

Two women dressed in dinner gowns that left little to the imagination, saunters by our table and stops behind us.

"She's the one?" One of them asks.

"Yes. According to what I heard from Elizabeth, she and the king shared a passionate stare. He even blew her a kiss," the other woman exclaims in a wounded tone.

The first woman gasps loudly. "That is so unlike anything I've heard about his Majesty. I mean..how…" She sputters, "She's not anything special. So bland and too plain. She's even stuffing her face like a pig." The disgust in her tone makes me pause against my will.

"There's nothing on your face, May. She's just jealous." Sarah whispers, the sympathetic look in her eyes causes me to scowl down at my plate.

I'm only human, I act like ice most times but the jabs still get to me. Insecurity is an enemy of the mind.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, sis," Sarah taunts, trying to lift my mood, the sauce from the chicken spilling from her mouth to the corner of her lips and down her chin.

"I'm over the moon," I drawl dryly without looking up. Taking my eyes or hands off this beautiful offering before me is blasphemy and I'd rather not lock eyes with murderous cougars.

I hear footsteps approach and I pause for a second to wonder if the two women would have the guts or stupidity to cause a scene moments before the king arrives.

"Don't look now but Jason's coming our way," Sarah says while glaring at what I assume is our visitor.

"Can I join you?" Jason asks as he comes to stand beside me, totally ignoring my sister.

I ignore him and fork a bit of bacon into my mouth. I'm chewing so it won't seem rude for snobbing him.

"No, you may not," Sarah replies in my stead with a sneer. Thankfully she swallowed before speaking.

Jason isn't a bad person and he hasn't done anything wrong but his stalker tendencies keeps me and my siblings on our toes.

I hear another person approach from behind Jason, recognizing the footsteps, I sigh and look up from my plate; getting ready to break up a fight.

"I see you didn't wait for me before stuffing yourself, May. Weren't you worried about me? What if I had been in some ditch or had been kidnapped?" Richard jokes, and places kisses on my cheeks.

He goes to do the same to Sarah and his eyes finally take in the person at our table. His face hardens into a furious glare and his fists tightens, ready to deliver.

"Richard, please don't cause a scene," I beg, taking hold of his hand and trying to make eye contact but he's looking straight at the object of his hate.

Slowly but surely, he releases his fist and lets out a breath. "Leave us."

Any man with at least a quarter of a brain would have left already, happy to have averted his face from being punched in but Jason disappoints.

"She's not your property. She's not your mate, you're not going to be with her forever so take that out of your ass and accept that," Jason growls through gritted teeth, his wounded pride making itself known through this foolish display.

Much to my dismay, we've attracted some attention and it won't take long before all eyes will be on us.

Sarah guffaws at his audacity and pops a cherry into her mouth in wait for the beating of the year.

A long vein appears on my brother's head, nose flaring and teeth clenched in barely restrained anger, he yanks his hand from my hold and launches himself at Jason.

My brother grabs him by the collar, lifts him three feet off the floor, and angles his fist for a crushing blow. Jason's struggles do nothing in the face of my brother's fury.

I bury my face in my palms and pray that this doesn't land my brother in a cell for the rest of our stay here.

"Settle down, everyone," a booming voice startles the four of us into stillness as if caught doing something we weren't supposed to.

We turn towards the voice and release a collective sigh when we see the king's aide on the raised platform in the middle of the hall. He's talking to everyone, thank goodness.

Jason takes advantage of our inattention to shove Richard's hands off him and scuttles away, something he should have done long before now.

Richard flexes his fists, shooting a look filled with murderous intent at Jason's back before pulling a chair and sitting between I and Sarah who is already drooling at the sight of her crush.

"Welcome once again to the capital, the home of our one true king," he announces into the quiet hall and everyone erupts into applause. "We won't be doing much tonight. We will be blessed with a few words from his Majesty and then you can all enjoy yourselves as you see fit," he concludes and steps to the side.

The silence is deafening, I'm pretty sure no one is breathing, myself included as we look to the door in anticipation.

He walks in and immediately we all stand to our feet. All the breath in my body leaves in a deep sigh as I take in the enamour that is our ruler.

"King Lucius Olethros!" Xavier exclaims and we all go down on one knee.

He marches languidly through the crowd, his footsteps echoing throughout the hall and in tune with my heartbeat. He is decked in a three piece suit that accentuates his broad shoulders and narrow hips that leads down to sturdy thighs and unending legs. I can bet my whole life's savings that more than half the population are drooling, figuratively and literally.

His gaze seems to be searching for something or rather someone and I'm not trying to be cocky but I duck my head a bit, hoping and praying that it's not me. I want his attention but not like this, in front of everyone.

I'm not so lucky and our eyes meet again for the second time today. My heart skips a hard beat and tries to jump out of my chest. I avert my eyes to the floor but not before I see him smirk. What's with that?

Richard senses my discomfort and takes hold of my hand. I start to play with his fingers, a habit I picked up since we were children. It helps but not much.

"Take your seats." He commands, in a voice that makes me twitch, and we all obey quietly. His aura is as intimidating and heavy as I remember If not more. Breathing in his presence is a chore and I'm sure he's the one making it so.

He looks around for a bit and smiles. Just like that the air lightens and you could hear the sighs going around the hall.

"Welcome. It is that time of the year where we celebrate the end of a fruitful season and the start of another. It is quite refreshing to have you all in one place but it also brings me a bit of a migraine," He says, causing chuckles in the crowd. "It is an honor to serve such great people and I hope you enjoy your stay here as I have. Music." He calls out and the background music becomes louder.

It's time for the dance and the mated couples are the first to take the stage while others look for a partner. Soon almost everyone is dancing and the atmosphere is happy and carefree. Well that is if you don't count the women who are shoving at each other to get in the king's line of sight.

Usually I'd dance with my brother but it seems like this year is my lucky year.

King Lucius seems to conclude his discussion with his aide and turns to look straight at me and walks towards me.