

This story is about JEWEL BANKS she's a hard nut to crack, world's second best Assassin and also known in the underworld as the Empress,her brutality is unmatched until she comes across the domineering devil BERYL MEVERICK PARK (the EMPEROR). Also know as the handsome devil. Let's see who dominates who in the world of money and how love conquers all.

Daoist0BU7Rs · ファンタジー
2 Chs

1) Jewel bank's Mansion

Good morning Dad, how are you and how was your night? My night was good Jewel he responds with a smile.. and yours? he inquired with a smile. It was fine Dad,but Dad... I'm leaving today . I said staring at him silently. He has this calm expression like nothing happened, like I didn't say anything at all. So... you're rushing to leave this house again?? Not exactly..I answer defensively. I just have things to attend to I'm tired of working from home and also I have my own house so I don't see any reason for me to stick around the house. Besides I'm a grown woman so you have nothing to worry about. I'm trying my best to make him understand me because he's one hell of a person, he's a hard nut to crack. Interesting! he says while staring at me with a raised brow. Need I remind you that you're a grown woman without a Man. Dad! I said raising my voice. WHAT?? he asked relaxed like he was taking a walk in the park. Oh I forgot you're my bossy daughter but,if you've lost your memory let me revive it. Your elder sister is married with 4 kids. Your junior sister is engaged, your brothers are all happily married and here you are.. the second youngest and richest Billionaire in the world without even a spouse to show for. Not even an ex boyfriend. Please be honest with your father...are you even interested in men?? Dad !! I am interested in men I just don't want to end up with the wrong person,I want to love too but I don't want to rush it. I explained out of exasperation.


How can he be this mean to me? I'm his daughter for Christ sake,he of all people should understand me and let me be. I hate rushing things,it always hurts differently. I know he cares but hey... I'm also human!

I give you two weeks to show up with someone, else!... I'll pick one for you. What the heck!! he wants to pick a man for me?? do I look like some fucking teenager to him?? There's no way I'm letting him do that. Dad you're threatening me you know ! I say faking a sad face. I'm not threatening you, I'm just worried about you. You are very beautiful and yet you kick out every man that walks in to your life, how do you expect me to feel about it?? Dad I promise I'll find someone very soon but please don't rush me. I say tiredly while pleading. Okay...I give you two weeks to show up with someone else I'll set up a date for you and you'll have nothing else to do about it. Try not to be rebellious young woman. he says while standing up and walking to the dining table.

What the fuck!! He's going to set up a relationship for me? I thought in shock. Are you just going to sit there like a lost puppy or are you going to come over here and sit down for breakfast?? his voice jolted me out of my reverie.... No Dad thanks I'll head straight to have a shower and head to work.


just as I was about climbing the stairs... jewel! I paused and turned to listen. Yes Dad... Look I love you okay, and I want what's best for you.. he pauses... I know that you're a grown woman but please look at yourself in the mirror... you're too beautiful to be single.

I love you too Dad and I understand you and I also know I'm beautiful.. but it's not my fault,you and Mum are to be blamed for this looks I'm just an innocent lamb in this. I teased him. Hahaha this daughter of mine is something else. He says cheekily. I rushed and gave him a tight hug. he hugged me back while smiling. This is what I want he's all I've got,he and my Mom knows me inside out... I really don't know why I'm like this but I hope I can change some day, I hope I get to meet a man who loves me for who I am and not for my money. I thought inwardly.

You should go now we don't want the Boss baby late for work. He teased.

Okay Dad I rushed to my room, took a quick shower and chose a white suit with long trousers, white stilettos,a black Hermes handbag. I let my hair loose. I was brown skin and had red lips, my eyes were often referred to as charming and seductive. I really don't know how or why but I really don't give a fuck! It's my face and it's been like that ever since. my Dad is white while my mom is a black, their handsomeness and beauty is what gave birth to this so I'm proud of it. I've got a perfect shape, because of my consistent workout sessions in the university. At 22 I'm the second richest billionaire...I mean am I not the luckiest chick in town? I hate public attention, but Soo many beauty companies and agencies want me to model for their products. I'm a business woman not some fucking model for pay.

I walk down the stairs and my Dad raised his head to have a look at me. Wow my baby is set for work... looks like I'll have to look for a partner for her..I don't want her landing in to the wrong hands. I'll ask her mother to do something about it he thought inwardly.

Yes Dad ..I walk up to him and gave him a tight hug. I'm leaving now...

Okay take care dear.

Thanks Dad I say as I walked out of the mansion majestically ..


Yes Empress...

Let's go.. I'm sure you know I don't accept lateness or laziness?? She says with a face void of any emotions.

Yes Empress.. he walks and opens up the door for me.

Travis POV

I wonder how such a beautiful woman can be so cruel ... she never smiles, she never pardoned anyone for anything, she punishes you without even batting an eye. I bet if I'm even a minute late she won't waste any second to sack me without pity. I wonder who'll tame her. She's the sexiest woman I've ever seen,her beauty is out of the ordinary, getting a man won't be a big deal for her but every man who approached her was bashed out of her presence. And honestly they aren't even up to her class. Her beauty almost trapped me on the first day I laid eyes on her. I swear I almost lost all control and she isn't even white. I love my job.. the pay is the best.. she may treat people bad when she's angry but she also pays like there's no tomorrow. I'll do everything to keep my job.

We've arrived Empress ... I stepped down and opened the door for her. she stepped out of the car and started stroding into the JEWELS CORPORATION.

Good morning Mame..

Good morning Mame... the employees kept greeting as I walked in to the building. I went straight to my private elevator. without responding to any of their greetings.

Did you see how beautiful she looks? she's like an angel...

Honestly her beauty is unique and out of this world..

That's true but let's not forget how she fired someone last week for talking instead of doing their job.

That's true, she didn't give the woman even a second look before firing her at the spot... trust me her beauty is just a facade.

Those words flew into my ears just before my elevator closed and I just paused it and went out to meet that useless employee. Becky... I called out.. she trembled at hearing my voice

Y..Y..yes Mame..

Park your things..you are fired! I said and turned to leave..

My eyes grew wide... she heard me I'm finished. Please Mame I tried rushing towards her but she turned too quickly and gave me a hard glare that sent shivers down my body. No one dares to touch her...I forgot about it..I might have just worsened my case by attempting to touch her.

Do you have a death wish Becky?? I asked her with a devilish look.

I..I.. I'm sorry Mame..

You want to keep your job?? she asked with an evil smirk

Yes Mame... I said in tears

Everyone.. take the day off.. she'll do your jobs for today! Her eyes grew wide.. What?? you can't do it??

NO Mame.. I'll do it she said trembling...

Good! I said and turned around and left.

That's me..no mercy!!