
The Cycle

"Good morning everyone, I'm Gabrielle Jasmine.. 12 years old. I'm glad to be a member of this class." That's one phrase i've been saying multiple times infront of my laptop screen.

I started Junior High School here at my house. Guess why, it's because of the pandemic.

The day when I started reviewing for my examination was the moment when I first saw him, and I didn't know that this would be a long story of mine.

First time I saw him at my laptop screen.. I got interested cause he's name was Arvin, the same with my childhood friend who's extremely good in math that always teaches me whenever we meet. I searched up he's facebook account and I saw his face, woah, deja vu. I vaguely remember his face and I feel like I saw him somewhere before but it's not clear. I opened messenger on my phone and saw that my classmates and teachers were all talking about him.. they say he's smart, handsome, and a campus crush in his elementary school. Knowing about that, I got more curious about him, and thought about something... At the time when my adviser were talking about my class (SSC) having an extra subject since we are in Special Science Class, it gave me an idea, I thought about asking him about that as an alibi. Well, It took me some time before I had the courage to message him. I did the first move and asked him if his class also have Advance Elementary Algebra as an extra subject, our first ever topic. After a while he replied back! I was really shocked and I just thanked him for answering me, then i said Good Bye... and I thought it would be the end, but..

The next day, I woke up and reviewed for my examination, then suddenly a sound popped on my phone, it was a notification.. from him.. he messaged me, and there.. It all started.