
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · 歴史
75 Chs

Chapter 53 - Salary Increase

 After two months of such painful and pleasant days, Jack underwent a change that was visible to the naked eye. If he hadn't seen his own appearance when he washed his face, Jack would hardly have recognized the person in front of him as himself.

 The previous self, because of the long period of time to eat not enough reason, all body less than less than two two meat, wear clothes and clothes rack hanging clothes almost.

 And now, with the clothes over his body, bulging, he grabbed his fists, and visible muscles could be seen on his arms, and there was leftover flesh on his inner thighs.

 The most noticeable thing was the height, when he first arrived he was at most three feet, now Jack had sneakily measured it and it was almost four feet. That's right! The unit of feet was still something he had learned from his evening teacher, Jack hadn't known about that unit of measurement before.

 Jack quietly admired his handsome, dashing face, which, except for being darker, didn't have many flaws left.

 This was something he hadn't even thought about before, having the leisure to look at his face and spend his days thinking about how to find food to take care of his stomach.

 "Jack! Come on, it's almost time or the instructor will scold!" This one was his friend from the same bunk and was urging him to gather.

 His bed was one big long plank, twenty feet long and seven feet wide, and no one had his own bedding, and slept man to man.

 "Coming! Wait a moment!" Jack heartily straightened the new clothes that had been issued, and rubbed them very babyishly, with a look of love all over his face.

 For Jack, it was the only new piece of clothing he had worn so far, and there were reasons for him to cherish it.

 Jack took three steps toward Allen in front of him, stopping to walk in a line with him.

 "Hey! Allen! What does His Majesty the King look like that your coach asked us to meet?"

 "I don't know! But whatever he looks like, all I know is that he is the benefactor who saved my sister and I from death!" Ellen's face was sincere, exuding a grateful demeanor.

 Jack expressed his understanding, according to the time Alan's sister was starving to death and made up her luck to come to come to Windsor Castle to beg, praying that the nobleman who lived in this castle had a good heart.

 Who knew! Alan and his sister were taken in, only to learn later that this was His Majesty's castle.

 Ever since then, Alan and his sister have looked up to the king as a benefactor.

 In fact, Jack had spent a lot of time here and had become grateful to His Majesty, whom he had never met, especially when contrasted with his previous life, which was heaven.

 The two made their way to the large grassy field where they usually trained, where what had been a foot of grass had been flattened into weeds by their trampling.

 There were over two thousand men standing on the large grassy field at this time, and Jack and Alan found their squares, lined up, and stood in the military position they had been training for two months.

 One by one, by eight o'clock, all the orphans had come to the meadow, and none dared to be absent.

 Edward arrived at Windsor Castle last night, and after a night's rest, the whole man is alive and well again, and is back to his old self.

 Remember last night when he just came back, he saw the castle in front of the rows of neat wooden houses, his heart has countless joy, these are his future conquest of the British Isles, the cornerstone of the world ah!

 "Uncle Smith! Are these the orphans sent by Darkblade?" Edward asked as he looked at Baron Smith, who stood erect beside him!

 "Yes! Your Majesty! These were sent by that dark blade of yours." Baron Smith was as underhanded as ever, "However, there are still over a thousand infants under the age of four being cared for in the castle by Lady Squire Anna!"

 When Edward heard the news, he felt unbelievable that there were so many abandoned babies in England, which really refreshed Edward's impression of England.

 "So! Did you train according to the training outline I wrote! Dear Sir Baron!"

 "That's for sure, I did exactly what you had to do!" Smith exclaimed, pounding his chest vigorously in order to show that he took the task seriously.

 Edward himself looked at the pain! Thinking that under this hammer, he must not be with the bed for the rest of his life ah!

 "My liege! Tomorrow! It is tomorrow that you will see those children I trained with the other guards, and they will give you a big surprise!" Baron Smith made a promise, and also to show off his achievements in a big way.

 "Can! My Uncle Smith! Tomorrow I'll see the results of your two months, and if it's to my satisfaction, each of you squires will get a five tier pay rise!" Edward also made a guarantee, hanging a sweet big cake in front of Baron Smith was enough to move them to tears.

 "Is this true? My liege!" Baron Smith asked in a bit of disbelief.

 "Are you doubting me? Uncle Smith!"

 "Of course not! Your Honorable Majesty!" Smith shook his head hastily and made a hasty explanation.

 "That's good! I look forward to a good day tomorrow!" Edward threw Baron Smith a backward glance and went back to his room to rest.

 Then Baron Smith told the good news to the whole of the lads of the Squire's Regiment, and the lads, whose average age was only twenty, were jumping up and down with joy.

 It was important to realize that since leaving home and becoming the king's guards, they no longer had the support of their family and lived off the paycheck from the king every month.

 It is to be remembered that whereas prices throughout England have nearly quadrupled since Henry VIII. instituted five pounds a month in the year, their salaries have remained as they are without much change.

 A salary that used to support a family is certainly easy to support one person now. But for the squire who has a family, the whole family lives a tight life, especially living in a big city like London.

 And if it had gone up five floors, then it would have paid pounds a month, enough for a family to live comfortably.

 As a matter of fact, Edward was also prepared to raise the salaries of the guards, so borrowing this excuse, he simply did it now! And a little better!

 So every month Edward paid his guards in pounds alone, an unimaginable amount for an ordinary man.

 And for the aristocrats, it was a figure to look up to, but for Edward, who was earning close to forty thousand pounds a month, it was a drop in the bucket!

 So, like hormones, the excited guards came to the dormitory of the army of orphans in the night, and one by one, they greeted them with a good performance tomorrow.

 Then a benign smile was flashed, and those who performed well were greatly favored. As for those who dragged their feet, the coaches just flashed a grim smile that still makes Jack shudder when he thinks about it.

 Thus came the scene in which Jack and Allen teamed up to head for the meadow.

 There was also the sight of Edward fighting off the urge to still sleep a little and getting up early.