
My Great British Empire

The twilight of the medieval era has not yet faded, and the best of times has already arrived. The protagonist travels to Edward VI of the Tudor dynasty in sixteenth-century England, centralizes power, rebuilds the Parliament, and establishes the United Kingdom of Great Britain, taking you through the strongest monarchy in British history, the dawn before the sunrise of the British Empire.

Rumngsuy · 歴史
75 Chs

chapter 30 - speeches in the house of lords

 As soon as Grenville's words fell, Elizabeth lowered her head, her face suddenly turning as pale as a drawl all at once, and she looked extraordinarily distressing.

 "Holy shit! So precocious, I thought it was a thirty year old uncle?" Grenville's words fell into Edward's ears, and he couldn't help but spit in his heart.

 Age aside, Edward hadn't noticed the change in Elizabeth's face and was just thinking about the recruitment for Grenville.

 It would be too direct to solicit now, and awkwardly Edward didn't have an ounce of power to bypass the Board of Regents and appoint anyone, so Edward decided to build his own team only when he actually exercised his power himself two years later.

 By the way, observe if there are any outstanding talents in the following two years, and then compare them to see who is best suited for the position of Secretary of State.

 After thinking about it for some time, Edward finally saw his sister Elizabeth's face filled with a pale scowl, her otherwise white skin becoming as bloodless as a vampire's.

 "Elizabeth! Are you alright!" Edward hurriedly got up and went to Elizabeth's side, shaking her gently with his hand.

 "It's okay, Edward! I'm just a little uncomfortable!" Elizabeth slowed down and turned to Edward.

 "Lucy, hurry up and help Her Highness back to her room, and then recruit His Excellency Fitch Ralph to come and see Her Highness!" Edward anxiously instructed Lucy, his inner anxiety completely showing on his face, no longer able to maintain the calm and collected appearance of a nobleman.

 "It's all right, Edward! There's no need to bother Lord Ralph!" Elizabeth was dumbfounded by Edward's appearance, and a warmth flooded through her insides; she was very touched by her brother's concern.

 Hearing that Elizabeth was fine, Edward breathed a sigh of relief when he assumed that it was the woman's monthly best friend who had arrived and the loss of blood that was the cause of Elizabeth's paleness.

 "Then, Lucy! You help Her Highness back to her room to rest and prepare some brown sugar water for her!" Edward then instructed Lucy, commanding with what little knowledge he knew.

 "Mr. Richards! I'm sorry to be rude!" Elizabeth turned back to Grenville as she was helped away by Lucy.

 "It's okay! You rest first, beautiful sister won't be beautiful if she is sick!" Grenville made a timely joke to lighten Elizabeth's mood.

 "Mr. Richard is not only a wise and brave knight, but also a humorous gentleman!" Elizabeth was helped towards the bedroom by Lucy, and on the way she could not help but think back to Grenville. The more she thought about it, the more her face flushed.

 "Mr. Knight, when are you planning to leave tomorrow?" Edward asked about Grenville's trip.

 "I'll be ready to leave in the morning, thank you for your hospitality, you are truly a generous noble!" Grenville couldn't help but exclaim.

 The next morning, Grenville, with Edward's gift of clothing and ten pounds in gold, led his own big black horse, and stood erect in front of the gates of Windsor Manor, looking extraordinarily gallant.

 Elizabeth changed into a long white dress with lace trim and stood playfully in the doorway with Edward to see Grenville off.

 "Farewell! Your gracious Baron, and lovely Sister Elizabeth!" With a beautiful flip, Grenville was on the back of the big black horse in a flash.

 Arthur suddenly appeared at some time, and sprayed his saliva towards the big black horse under Grenville's crotch, while Harry, the big black horse, also sprayed each other without any weakness. The big black horse was taller than Arthur, so all of Arthur's spit erupted onto the big black horse's legs, while the big black horse's spit sprayed directly onto Arthur's horse's face, so it was obvious that Arthur lost.

 Arthur stood behind Edward with an aggrieved expression, pushing and shoving him, wanting Edward to avenge it. Edward lazily ignored it and slapped its butt. At once, Arthur quieted down.

 "Hey! Buddy! When you come to London in the future, we'll come entertain you and let you taste what really good wine is!" Big Sean's voice was extraordinarily loud, sounding like thunder in Edward's ears, which straight away shook Edward's eardrums and hurt.

 Sean and Grenville met without a fight, and after knowing each other for less than a day, they immediately became good friends, which was fast and furious.

 "There will be that day, man! Next time we meet I hope you can beat me once! Hahaha!" Grenville walked a little farther away and shouted back towards Sean.

 "Damn it, you won't be so lucky next time, I'm sure I'll beat you so much that you won't dare to get on your horse!" Shawn shouted furiously towards Grenville, while the crowd beside him hastily covered their ears with a horrified look on their faces.

 And Edward had the foresight to cover his ears hastily the moment Grenville spoke back, protecting them to the best of his ability.

 ............ The dividing line of a million evils... ............

 And at that moment in the House of Lords in London, Edward's uncle, the Right Honorable Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, was standing in his speaking position in the House of Lords, explaining his proposed program.

 "Honorable gentlemen of parliament, honorable nobles, I have come here to solve a problem that the late king has been trying to solve!" The Duke of Somerset also knew to bring up Henry VIII to gain support from nobles loyal to the crown.

 "We have always known that the heretics of the Catholic Church, led by the greedy Pope located in Rome, have not only turned their backs on God's original ideas, but have been trying to remotely control our every move in England!"

 "They are judging our people in England with heretical ideas that have turned their backs on God! And dare to openly defy the laws of England, against the will of the whole English people!"

 "The behavior of the heretics in Rome needs not only to be stopped, but corrected, and God's servants brought back to God!"

 "Gentlemen! Let us approach God with a reverent heart!"

 "So let's get moving!"

 "Snap! Snap! Pop ..." The Lord Duke of Somerset's speech was met with unanimous applause from the councillors underneath as the nobles recognized his ideas.

 Immediately thereafter, the legislators repealed the Act of Treason, the Act of Heresy, and the Six Articles of Faith, which had Catholic overtones.

 The Act of Treason was a new law set up by Henry VIII through Parliament in the year of which it was enacted that anyone who, by word, writing, or action, slandered the king as a heretic, schismatic, tyrant, or other infamous person, who did not recognize the king as the head of the church, and who denied the legitimacy of the king's marriages were guilty of treason and punishable by death.

 The Heresy Acts were Henry VIII's decrees dealing with England's belief in other denominations, including Catholicism, and Protestantism, including Lutheranism.

 The Six Creeds Act was a product of Henry VIII's dealings with the bourgeoisie.

 The spread of new bourgeois ideas and the awakening of the lower classes made Henry VIII fearful that further reforms would jeopardize his rule. In 1948, he personally presided over the enactment of the Six Creeds Act, which stipulated that the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Mass, penance, clerical celibacy, and other major Catholic doctrines and rituals must be observed, and that violators of these laws would be punished by death.

 Once Edward Seymour's bill had been passed, the atmosphere of intellectual tyranny from the late Henry VIII period was gone, and a period of religious toleration had arrived.