
My Grandfather's Family Secret

So this story is all about a girl named Isabella. Her grandfather falls ill and doesn't tell her why. He keeps telling her to "go find the gem", but she doesn't know what that means. Why is her grandfather hiding something from her? What's the big deal with her family? Let's embark on an adventure together and find out.

MysteriesUntold9 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Now We Have To Find A Magic Nut?

"KIARA!" I screamed.

Kiara ran toward the unconscious Brad at an incredible speed. Now it was a race. Who would reach Brad first? Malissa or Kiara? As fast as Kiara was going Malissa was slightly faster. Malissa grabbed Brad and pulled him up a few seconds before Kiara could.

Thankfully Kiara managed to grad Brad's leg. It looked like two woman (a little girl and a wolf) fighting over a guy they liked. Unfortunately before I could help, Malissa yanked Brad out of Kiara's grip.

"Listen here both of you. If you want your boyfriend back you are going to have to retrieve something I want. It's a nut. This nut is very useful you see... it gives me strength. It's hidden somewhere in the forest where you killed that wolf -" Malissa began to explain but I interrupted.

" How exactly did you know that? " I asked.

" Oh yeah. I didn't tell you. The whole wolf kingdom is on your tail- uhm... no pun intended. " Malissa said.

I thought of 1000 wolves charging toward me, Kiara and Brad. I didn't want to run into anymore wolves. This also meant me and Kiara had to find that nut fast.

" Do you know where in the forest? " I asked.

" In the largest tree of course. You can't miss it. Toodles!" Malissa said and flew away.

I realized we were running out of time for my grandfather and now I had to go waste more time trying to get Brad back. This was a nightmare. Then I realized how many crazy things were happening to me. A LADY TRIED TO STRANGLE ME WITH A WETSUIT AND A LITTLE GIRL THAT COULD FLY, KIDNAPPED MY FRIEND!

"Oof." I heard a voice say.

I had forgotten all about Kiara! She had turned back into a human, but she looked like she hadn't slept in days. I ran up to her to help her up.

"Kiara I- " I began, but she interrupted me.

"Didn't know I could change into a wolf? Yeah, me neither." Kiara said sadly and quickly ripped her the bottom half of her shirt and used it as a bandama for her eyes again.

"Why so sad?" I asked.

"Because I lost control! What if that happens

in a very public place? Like full of people. I could even hurt someone..." she replied.

"We can work on controlling your-" I paused, not knowing exactly what she had, "Powers..." I finished.

Kiara nodded and got up.

"Let's go." she said.