
What Horror the Dark Spawn

POV: Marcus

I can feel it. The Archdemon is awake and is making its way to the surface. I can also feel the other Wardens, the ones to take the improved super soldier serum are easier to feel than those that haven't. I don't know why I feel so excited at the thought of fighting the swarm that's heading our way, but I'm giddy as hell. I've even been practicing on my skills more and they are coming up nicely.

I can now not make things explode. Which I think is a great step forward considering I have no real understanding of what it is I can do. You know with magic and all the other various powers you can get from games. Although my favorite so far are the BioShock ones. They're pretty easy to get down.

In other news I remembered that The Outer World has a shrink ray you can get and once I mentioned how funny it would be to kill a tiny Archdemon with a fly swatter, the Synths practically mobbed me until I brought out like a million of the things. I don't know what they're up to and I don't wanna know, I remain more sane that way, and plausible deniability too, always have to have some of that in there.

I've also been talking more with my crew I guess. Not the Collective, as they like to call themselves, but Flemeth, Solas, Duncan, and Morrigan. They give me some pretty good insights into stuff and I help them out if I can.

Examples being Flemeth teaching me how to better utilize my finite resources, I don't have that problem but she did give me some ideas. Like, what if I scrape everything off one of the Citadels and make it into a farm that grows all sorts of rare or legendary plants. That way the damn Collective stop bothering me for them every time they want to experiment. In return for the idea I gave her some potions of youth from the Sims 4 that can decrease how old you look.

I was very afraid for my virginity the next day when she came sauntering up to me looking younger than Morrigan. Before she could even speak I teleported my ass to Skyhold where I sat there contemplating the meaning of existence while holding my Golden BONK bat. I'm not even sure where the damn thing came from I just have it. I only returned when I had Marcia bonk her with it.

With Solas I learned how to speak Elvish which In return I taught him how to use the repario charm the Boys in R&D figured out. I later found him In the middle of his room laughing with his orb shattered on the ground. When he saw me he smirked and used the charm. The orb reformed but that's not all, the thing was brimming with a type of energy that felt on par with El Machos power core. "Neat." is all I said before walking out and closing the door. I heard something smash into the door behind me, but I wasn't worried. That's why I taught him the charm in the first place.

Next was Morrigan, she didn't have a lot she could teach me, but she made a valent effort. I had no idea what to give her in return so I just threw another random book at her head. Gotta admit the *Thunk* sound is really growing on me. Maybe I'll start using that gravity hammer of mine when I eventually fight... maybe.

With Duncan I learned how to better organize my troops and how to implement a balanced discipline and reward system. Marcia said it was trash compared to what she already put in place so I shrugged my shoulders and thought on what to give him in return.

Nothing really stood out to me at first but then it hit me. He would look badass with a light saber. So going over what I had available I remembered all the stupid training you have to do to even use the damn thing so I scratched that idea.

I couldn't think of anything so I pulled a random potion from my box of wonders and gave it to him. I think it might have been a Might potion from Fable, but I can't recall. Now to play some Roblox.

POV: 3rd Person

A beautiful and stunning young woman is sitting at a round table with three others. They were Solas, Morrigan, Duncan and of course Flemeth.

Flemeth is the first to speak. "I called you all here for one simple reason. Who Is Marcus Sol? As you may have noticed I've returned to the age of my prime without any loss in power. In fact I've grown slightly more powerful, and all possible by a single potion." She marvels at the smooth hand in front of her.

Duncan chimes in, "He gave me a potion as well. Mine however increased my strength by a factor of 10. My body also grew six inches so I no longer fit in my clothes." He shows them by flexing his arm.

Solas scoffs and huffs, "That asshole completely ignored me when I showed off my orb to him. He wasn't even phased by its power. That is the same power in which we used to have when the Fade was not a separate existence. He only muttered "Neat" and walked away. In my rage I threw my orb and it broke upon the door. Oh this means war." Solas has an evil smile plaster across his face while he stokes his orb.

Morrigan just has her head in a book, "Well he threw another book at my head. It is a most interesting Grimoire however. I don't know what some of these components are, but it seems to grant unique powers if mastered. I've been quite taken with it." She finishes while turning a page.

The other three look at each other and sigh. Flemeth is once more the first to talk. "So as a recap, Marcus has a potion that can revert the age of a person, as well as a potion to increase someone's might. His building materials can resist the full brunt of an Elvish gods attack and remain unmarked and he can toss out grimoires with strange powers and fountains of knowledge as if they are nothing. Did I miss something?" She asks while looking at everyone.

Duncan chimes in. "He apparently has an army of soldiers that can easily go toe to toe with elder dragons and come out on top. Plus advanced technologies that would make anyone drool."

Solas throws in his two cents, "He also has his own personal powers that we haven't even been able to understand. It is like no magic or technique we've seen."

Morrigan continues to read her book before saying what's on her mind. "I know not what he plans, but I shall stay in his good graces no matter what. He has far too much to offer those that follow him." Before getting lost within her book once more.

The talk then breaks down and they simply chat before Duncan leaves to check on his charges. Flemeth leaves to go sunbathe on El Macho and Solas checks upon his men. Morrigan sits in silence until a wild Marcia sneaks up and whispers words that put a fire in her eyes before leaving as well.

POV: Marcus

I grew bored just waiting for the Darkspawn to come to me so I teleported to one of the Deep Roads that have an exuberant amount and started testing my combat skills.

I issue my challenge by throwing a large ass fireball into their midst. They react by charging my position. Lifting up my Modified Rocket Gravity Hammer I swing at the nearest one and watch the bloody mist cover those that weren't hit by the shockwave. Running forward I keep swing and firing off bolts of different powers into the thinning Darkspawn until I feel no one near me.

Stopping my frenzy I see hundreds of trolls are now rushing my way. Grinning I ran to meet them halfway. Before we clash I jump and slam the hammer down on the ground. I will admit I was wrong to do so cause my little stun brought the roof down on us.

My fun being cut short I teleport out and back to Ostagar. Heading to my personal room I rinse off the gore I covered myself in, it got in a lot of nooks and crannies. Stepping out of the shower I put on my comfy robes and just lay about for the rest of the day.

Flemeth came and bugged me to sunbathe with her, cause in her words "It's no fun doing it alone." Then I felt eight new Wardens join our ranks. Looks like there are going to be six new Heros of Fereldan soon enough. All in all a fun way to spend my day. Would do it again. I then go to bed and promptly pass the fuch out.

The Next day brought about the start of the Blight, not exactly something I wanted to wake up too, but it would seem The Darkspawn are officially on the move. Wanting to challenge myself I will only be using my Hammer and blood magic during this battle. Now without a backstabbing Loghain and with suped up Wardens, let's see how much butt we can kick or I might just enter like a badass and hog everything.

POV: 3rd Person

"The Darkspawn have been sighted right outside of the forest your Highness. It is time for battle." Cailan and his advisors are discussing last minute preparation but with the recent news they start rallying the troops. Thanks to the help of Marcus, Ostagar has been refurbished back into the fortress it was once known for.

King Cailan takes to the field with Commander of the Grey Duncan by his side. Cailan is armored in his golden plate mail while Duncan is in a refitted Grey Warden plate armor. They both stand ready to fight and wait for the Darkspawn to break the forest line.

The first to appear is a genlock carrying a bloody sword. It stands in awe before running forward with a twisted grin on its face. It gets a few steps past the tree line before it is felled by 3 Arrows. Two rest in its head while one in the place of its heart. It perishes but its sickening grin stays, almost as if plastered, on its face. Then a horde the likes witnessed only deep under earth emerges and runs forward with the same twisted smile.

Arrows are unleashed upon them, but it does nothing to halt their charge. Magic flung across the field with only a few shrieks to answer it. Nothing halts their advance forward, but that all changed when a man with vibrant red hair steps out of nowhere with a large hammer slung across his shoulders and a helmet in hand. He is covered head to toe in a most impressive armor, which description eludes those present. With a bark of laughter he puts on his helmet and he charges the horde, moving faster than eyes can track and arrows can fly he is upon them.

With a swing of his hammer he takes out hundreds in front of him. The Bloody mist that results, blocks the view from those presiding. Multiple shakes are felt through the land while explosions go off continuously. Lights can be seen all over the place with more blood mist congregating and becoming dense. Shrieking and laughter are the only other sounds audible from within.

A minute goes by then five follow. Four more are added and out walks a lone alpha Hurlock staggering around as if intoxicated. It looks behind itself and trembles. It tries to run only to be pulled back in with a flaming chain wrapping around it. Screaming out, it is drawn back in a moment's notice. A lone helmeted head flies through the air only to land tens of feet from the King.

Cailan approaches and lifts the head, he turns it to and fro before chuckling to himself. He holds the head of the Alpha which has a look of terror plastered upon its face. The Blood mist slowly dissipates and before them lies a scene from the depths of hell. Bodies in all states of pieces tossed about. Not one lays intact for all are missing one or multiple limbs. And in the center lies a large pool of blood with a single man standing knee high in it. With his hammer slung across his shoulders and staring forward as if waiting for more victims to fall before him.

However none ventured forth, the evil that is known as the Darkspawn are running away from this sole man, and not turning to look back. As if doing so would invite their demise. The man releases his hammer but it disappears once left to gravity. He raises his hands and the pool beneath him churns and bubbles. Then a single Javelin is created and hardened, but then thousands follow. With an opening of his hands the javelins surge forth each seeking a target.

The Blackened bloody javelins find their targets before continuing forward all the while dragging the blood form their victims turning the javelins even bigger. Thousands more fall before a blink of an eye. Once all lay dead the javelins return back to their conductor and merge together forming a lake of blood floating in the air. With another wave of the mans hands it starts to condense upon itself, slowly shrinking in form. All stared enraptured by the process and before long a giant black-ish red ruby is formed.

Then it fractures and little slivers start to come away from it. With one more wave, the man sends a single sliver to all involved in today's slaughter. The blood ruby is reduced to a size of a small crystal soon after, and the man reaches up and takes what's left in his hand. The man then promptly disappears.

And so the Legend of The Blood Prince begun.

Comment... Did you do it yet? Stones what the Fuck do I want those for. Talk to me damnit...

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