

Dangerous love always brings blissful ectasy and longing memories. The forbidden interance Love between territorial creatures Rage, anger and ego takes more than we bargain from all. ( The blood of the innocent will flow ) The Awakening Ives parents are the Alpha and Luna of the park. Ives mother was expecting the park had hopes on a male child to carry on the legacy of the centurion and rule the park. Having birth a girl it was a bing wore to the park but they could have more. Years and years went by and they had begin to live with it and the fact, but Ives began to opturn the signs and obture of an Alpha which was rare but not impossible. My mother new they would impose the idea of me ruling as the not boring of a male child has given some people the hope of having me has their luna while they or their children became the Alpha.. Scared and finally free youngster Named Josie fall for a rogue Alpha werewolf.........

ybeee2_0 · LGBT+
3 Chs



The moon hung heavy in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the dense, ancient forest. In the heart of this wilderness, the pack's territory lay silent, save for the haunting echoes of a distant owl. Ives, a young werewolf, sat alone on a weathered rock, her eyes locked on the ghostly shadows around her. She could feel the past calling to her, urging her to witness the events of a night she had only heard in stories. The weird old lady was right 

Knowles is a young man, special attribute he does his part to complete the park. The great grand child of the blood eyed Alpha.

The Coronation of a new Alpha has come to dawn. He isn't thought of. His family hasn't been chosen for generations after the blood eyed Alpha. Ezra his close friend is one of the most anticipated Alpha the people believes it would be him.

He has been campaigning and doing as much as possible to be noticed by the elders of the pack. Which is working as they've been giving him blessings to be chosen by the moon goddess....

 Elsa a young maiden is who is being shipped with Ezra when he becomes the Alpha. Elsa already has a spark for Knowles which they've been building. Ezra noticed this but didn't speak on it as he'll become Alpha and she'd have no choice other than to be his or be banished for rejecting to be the mate of the Alpha.

His world was complete it was perfect. 

Not for long........ 

[ As her mind drifted back, Ives found herself transported to a time when her father, the formidable Alpha, was in the prime of his life. He was a strong and fair leader, known throughout the pack for his wisdom and valor. However, those qualities had drawn the envy of his closest friend, Ezra.] 

Ezra, once a trusted confidant, had grown resentful of her father's status. He couldn't accept that he would never become Alpha, despite being powerful and skilled. But what fueled his anger even more was that Ives' father had produced a female heir. This, according to ancient pack traditions, was an affront to their way of life, as only male offspring were supposed to inherit the title of Alpha.

One fateful night, as Ives' father patrolled the edges of their territory, he sensed an ominous presence. The air crackled with tension, and the rustling leaves whispered secrets of a plot against the Alpha.

Ezra had gathered a group of like-minded wolves who resented the Alpha's rule, both for his strength and for breaking with tradition. The disgruntled wolves aimed to usurp his power and disband the pack, leaving no trace of her father's lineage. The pack's elders, too, had sided with Ezra, driven by the belief that a female Alpha would be a curse upon their kind.

Ives' father, oblivious to the conspiracy brewing in the shadows, confronted Ezra. The tension between the two was palpable, their eyes locking in a silent exchange of fierce determination. It was then that the forest bore witness to a battle that would define their future.

Under the baleful moonlight, the clash of fangs and claws echoed through the trees. Ives' father fought with a valor and strength that could only come from defending what he held most dear – the pack and his daughter's future as Alpha. Each strike and parry were as precise as a well-rehearsed dance, but there was something more profound at stake than mere survival.

Ezra, fueled by a toxic mix of envy and spite, fought with a ferocity that bordered on madness. The conflict was more than physical; it was a clash of ideologies, a test of loyalty, and a struggle for the pack's soul.

As the battle raged on, Ives watched in tears as her father defended not just his position but the future he had envisioned for her. It was a fight for the right to break free from traditions that stifled progress and to recognize that a female Alpha could be just as strong and wise as any male.


 Female Alpha? Is this about me? I'm involved in the death of my parents?

Ezra the man the first appeared to me?