
My Girlfriends Are Beautiful Demoness

Asher, a young boy faced with misfortune from the start, found connection in the care of his adoptive parents after being abandoned by his biological ones due to unknown reasons. However, his streak of bad luck continued into his teenage years when his adoptive mother fell ill, further pushing them into poverty. Determined to help, he matured quickly and took on various job to secure income. He soon realized that society favored only those with status, leaving individuals like him, from impoverished backgrounds, backed into a corner by the very system meant to safeguard them. However, his mundane routine took a sudden turn when a cold but very beautiful woman named Fier moved in next door. One evening, as he lounged in his apartment, he heard screams of terror coming from her room. Puzzled, he briefly wondered if she was just watching a horror movie. With a shrug, he put his earphones back in, attributing the noise to a harmless source and going back to his usual business. Ding "A visitor?" Asher wondered. The place was like a haunted building, so he was shocked to hear someone ringing his doorbell. He didn't even know it worked. Reluctantly, he got up and lazily opened the door. "Hi, I'm Fier , your neighbor. I made too much spaghetti, so I brought some for you," she said, smiling. Asher, surprised by the unexpected gesture, felt a mix of confusion and curiosity. 'Why is this cold looking girl acting nice? ' he thought to himself .

Lightraven · 都市
24 Chs


We were all born equal according to those who had wealth, fame and power.

They say words like honey to soothe our thirst for fairness , and delusion us with their twisted ideas of equality. 

But deep inside, doubts emerge in our heart, challenging the lies they had created.

"Equality? Was it not just a phrase intended to comfort the masses and soothe our restless souls?

Look around and witness the hard truth etched in the face of humanity.

A child born to privilege and filled with wealth never knew the curse of hunger or the desperate longing for a better life.

But just one stone thrown away, another child screams, their voices drowned out by the cruel sounds of poverty.

Are these two lives the same from the first breath?

Are these two lives really equal? 

Of course not!

A child dealt a bad hand would grow up to face more challenges in life.

Although they had the potential to succeed and achieve more, the truth was they had to adapt to a harsh reality and make some tough decisions to move forward.

They are trapped on the hard road, not by choice but because inequality pushed them there.

This was a path they could not shake, a reality that screamed at them: they were born poor, weak and frail.

Sadly, another abandoned child was born today. 

There were no loving hands waiting for him, no caring whispers shaping his fragile body.

Instead ,he was cast aside and left to weather the storm of life alone.

The weight of the abandonment rested on his small shoulders, crushing his soul before it even had a chance to soar. 


On a cold, rainy night, the sound of an old door opening echoed.

A flickering candle illuminated a small basket, revealing a helpless baby inside.

"Poor child"

An old woman quickly took the baby and held it close in her arms. Her touched showed longing and love, as her motherly instincts kicked in.

"I'll take care of you from now on," the woman said in a soft voice full of compassion and love.

However, a look of sadness covered her face as she glanced outside and saw that it was raining. It seemed like the heavens were crying because of the boy's unfortunate fate.

"We can't take care of him. We have to give him to the police," said an old man behind her. He looked sick and thin, a clear sign that his body was not getting enough nutrients.

"Darling, look at him, he looks like our son Asher," the old woman replied in a pleading voice.

The couple remembered their son who died from an illness decades ago. After that, they were never blessed again with another one. 

They tried their best, but the woman couldn't have a baby anymore, so they just accepted their fate.

"But we don't have enough money. We can't take care of him. I know that you want to have a son , but we are barely living, " replied her husband with a defeated tone.

It wasn't that he didn't want to take care of the poor child; he was just being honest about the painful reality of their situation.

Her eyes fell to the ground as memories of their son Asher, flooded back. Their hearts still carried the weight of their loss, and they endured a life filled by the economic struggles that followed.

"I was not able to save our child and I can't bear the thought of seeing another kid suffer the same fate" he added. 

The couple found themselves wrestling with heartbreaking decisions, torn between their desire to love and financial problems

"I will let you decide, Darling" she replied with an understanding tone. She knew that her husband was hurting just like she was.