
My ghost from the future

"In a world cloaked in shadows, Happy battles an enigmatic organization, The Shadow Unit, only to face tragedy when saving his sister costs her life. Possessed by his own vengeful future ghost, he embarks on a riveting journey, uncovering dark secrets and challenging perceptions. As the truth unfolds, Happy confronts unexpected allies and unmasking the real enemy leads to a surprising twist. Brace for a thrilling tale of revenge, redemption, and the blurred lines between reality and deception."

leoberacah · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Certified loner

Greg, the school bully, and his group approached a weak-looking youngster who was in the same year as them and said,

"Hey, stop daydreaming." The boy's body wanted to merge with the wall he was facing since he was so terrified as they surrounded him.

Greg slapped him hard on the wall and said,

"Did I stutter? I said stop daydreaming and gives us our royalty," which caused his gang to applaud.

"This is everything I have, I'm so sorry," the boy muttered as he groped in his pockets, pulling out every last bit of cash and handing it to Greg.

While the rest of his gang ran up to Danny and started beating him up, Greg gave him the cash for his right hand man, saying, "Huh, Danny boy, why does it look so little and it is not up to the right amount for the boys." Eventually, one of them went through Danny's pockets, found the money he had been hiding for himself, and delivered it to Greg.

He was kicking the battered Danny who was just lying on the floor when he felt a touch on his shoulder. "Oh oh, looks like Danny has grown so balls but I wonder how large and steel like they are," he said with a menacing grin which was smeared all over his face as he continues to kick the beaten up Danny who just laid there on the floor, while he was enjoying himself he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"How many times do I have to tell you morons that when I am having fun no one should distract me or stop me", Greg was irritated that he was stopped while beating Danny, when he looked at the faces of his gang members for explanation he realizes that their face was pale white in fear and their lips where quivering.

'if it wasn't them then it was which, this thoughts ran through Greg's head as his body was drenched in cold sweat.

"Is it the principal", he managed to move his lips inaudibly which his right hand man understood and dhook his hear in the negative.

'if it is not the principal, then who will it be?'

Greg thought hard but couldn't think of anyone who would release such pressure, so decided to turn his head and look at the person.

"Happy Wilson", Greg shrieked in fright. Happy was the school ultimate loner but that doesn't mean one could mess with his as he was always a mystery to his fellow students.

"I wonder if your own balls is also amde of steel", as Happy ended his words Greg felt a soul numbing pain at his nuts making him to release a blood cuddling scream as he held his crotch area rolling on the floor. When Happy look at the rest of Greg's gang they subconsciously held their crotch area.

"Return it", Happy suddenly commanded while walking away.

"Huh", the right hand man of Greg was confused but when he saw Happy looking at him with a dead pan expression he hurriedly emptied his pockets and the rest of the gang piling up the cash in front of the bullied boy before picking up the nutless Greg running away as far as their feet can take them.

The boy looked at the pile of cash at his front but before he could thank his benefactor, Happy was no where to be found.

* * * * * * * * *

"Hey wait up", a girl ran up to Happy Wilson, sh e was his twin but it makes people wonder if they actually came out of the same womb.

"Layla, can you just go home and leave me alone you are just bothering me", Happy said softly to his sister and what made more irritated is that she was holding his arm.

"But brother we never had time for each other ever since our parents died. Why are you still heavy on yourself thinking that it's all your fault", Layla words left her mouth as she was almost in tears but Happy just looked at for a second then released his arms from her grasp before walking away to his favourite restaurant. 

After taking his meal Happy went on his usual daily 'activities' which is doing nothing, he just sit at the park with a dull and depressed look in his eyes.

"Hey rival do you think you can seat at my spot " a guy guy walked up to him and tapped him on the cheeks in an insulting manner.

"Aly take those greasy fingers off my face", Happy was irritated with Aly intrusion into his alone time (even though he is always alone).

"Oh you called this hands greasy, how about I give you 5he full palm", as Aly was about to smack Happy's face his hand was caught mid air.

"I said get lost you bastard", Happy snapped and pulled Aly towards him ,5hen he used his free hand to smash his face into the ground before kicking him away in the groin.

"Goddamn that was a freaking low blow you doffus", Aly winced in pain as he rushed again towards Happy he still beat up over and over again till it became an almost endless circle which was broken by the wailing of sirens.

Happy just stopped for a moment then shrugged as it wasn't any of his business and continued to use Aly as a punching bag but when the number of emergency vehicles that passed him reach the 5 number and they where all going to the same direction his curiosity was quipped as he left a battered Aly on the floor to only thank his stars.

Happy arrived at the sight of the emergency, it was a building on fire and the firefighters where having time to put it out. Happy just stood there for some time but when he was about to leave he suddenly realized that it was his house that was on fire and the only person he had left was inside of the burning building without even thinking twice he broke through the police barricade and ran into the burning building regretting the words he told her.

"Please be safe for me".