
My German Empire.

Confusedly crossing over, I became the heir to the German emperor, and the protagonist confidently prepared to show off their skills. Disclaimer: This novel is not mine, I'm just translating. If the author is bothered, please send a message so I can delete the novel.

80 Chs

Planning 8

Although the various war plans mentioned by Wilhelm might sound unbelievable, wanting to attack the Soviet Union and land in England, it's likely that the United States would also get involved. Would that mean even the United States would have to fight alongside them?

But these are just plans after all. Given the current situation in Germany, even if he wants to start a war, it would probably be several decades later. Maybe by then, he won't even be around anymore, so there's no need to worry about it.

However, now he has to take on the responsibility of being an elder. "You're eighteen years old this year, right?"

"Yes." Wilhelm felt a sinking feeling in his heart, suspecting that something bad was coming.

Sure enough, what Wilhelm II said confirmed his suspicions. "The granddaughter of the Klar family is also sixteen this year. How about taking some time to meet her these days?" He had mentioned this matter to Wilhelm two years ago. (In Germany, people can get married after they turn 16 with their parents' consent. However, once they reach 18, they can marry without parental consent since they are considered adults with rights and legal capacity.) But back then, Wilhelm was more interested in indulging in food, drinks, and leisure, and had no interest in discussing marriage. Now that Wilhelm had matured a lot, it was time for him to settle down.

"Let's forget about it." Wilhelm didn't hesitate and straightforwardly refused.

"Why? I think that girl looks quite suitable," Wilhelm II said, raising an eyebrow.

Wilhelm scoffed. "The Klar family is just a pawn in my plans. In ten years, this family will have to disappear. All their members, regardless of age or gender, will be sent to labor camps, and their assets and funds will be seized by the state. How could I possibly marry her?"

Wilhelm II was immediately shocked. "What? What plan?!"

Wilhelm rubbed his chin and replied, "The plan is not fully developed yet, but when the time comes, I will eliminate all those who obstruct and defy the imperial authority, the parasites in the military, politics, and business sectors that hinder Germany's progress. Germany can only have one voice, and that is the voice of His Majesty the Emperor. Anyone who dares to act against it is an enemy of Germany. I won't show mercy to enemies. Since I can't change their minds, I will destroy their bodies."

"..." Wilhelm II remained silent for a while before speaking again. "Even if they are Junker aristocrats?"

Wilhelm nodded without hesitation. "Of course, the Junker aristocrats are the primary targets."

Wilhelm II shook his head slowly. "That would cause unrest in the country. Don't you know how powerful the Junker aristocrats are?"

The Junkers, as the German transliteration of the German word "Junker," originally referred to nobles without knightly titles, but later became a general term for the Prussian nobility and large landowners, dating back to the 16th century.

The Junkers led the movement for German unification, and they were the representatives of the Prussian kingdom. Bismarck was one of them.

Therefore, from the unification of Germany until the defeat and dissolution of the German Empire in 1918, the Junkers controlled political power, especially the military power.

However, after the Second Industrial Revolution, German capitalism developed rapidly and entered the stage of monopoly capitalism or imperialism at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries. With the increasing strength of the bourgeoisie, they also shared some political power. The Junkers still held real power and controlled the state, but they began to adopt capitalist methods in agriculture and invested in industry, aligning their interests with the bourgeoisie. They also contributed to military expansion and initiated aggressive wars.

As a result, Germany in the late 19th and early 20th centuries had a unique characteristic that other imperialist countries did not have: on the one hand, the Junker nobility controlled the state power, and on the other hand, the bourgeoisie shared the political power and had entered the stage of monopoly capitalism or imperialism. Therefore, Lenin summarized it as "Junker bourgeoisie imperialism."

Wilhelm chuckled dismissively. "Of course, I know, Grandpa. But luckily, they are a group, not just one person."

Seeing that Wilhelm II didn't seem to understand his meaning, Wilhelm continued to explain, "I quite like Marx's quote: 'If there is 10% profit, capital will ensure its use everywhere; with 20% profit, it becomes lively; with 50% profit, it becomes audacious; with 100% profit, it tramples on all human laws; with more than 300% profit, there is no crime it dares not to commit.'" As he spoke, he took a white piece of paper from his desk and drew a triangle, then filled it with two horizontal lines, forming a pyramid shape.

"If I were to eliminate the top layer of the wealthiest and most powerful people and distribute the wealth and benefits to the two layers below, would they still oppose it? For them, it's not just 50% of the benefits anymore; some people might even receive more than 100% of the benefits. What reason would they have to refuse?

As for the officers related to this top tier of the pyramid, we need to secretly develop non-officers from other factions. If one day those guys decide to collectively resign..." He had barely spoken when Wilhelm II suddenly snorted.

"What's wrong, Grandpa?" What did he mean by this?

Wilhelm II's face showed some annoyance. "Nothing, I just remembered when those officers threatened me with their resignations over a decade ago."

"..." Was there such a thing? Right, it seems like the world's military history mentions that the division of forces on the Eastern Front was an unavoidable result under the pressure of the Junker aristocracy. "The same thing will never happen this time. I have confidence, Grandpa. I guarantee that after the plan is implemented, the entire German nation will become more united and stand together against the common enemy."

Wilhelm II nodded skeptically. "Alright, then let's forget about the girl. But you're already 18, it's time for you to start a family."

Seriously, in the original timeline, there were plenty of people who didn't rush to get married even when they were 30. "There is no need to be in a hurry, Germany is currently weak, and as the Crown Prince of Germany, I cannot discuss matters of love and marriage. Grandpa, please don't worry about it. As soon as Germany becomes truly powerful, I will naturally start a family. I believe I can fulfill my wishes within fifteen years. It won't be too late to start a family then."

Hearing his words, Wilhelm II was deeply moved, almost shedding tears of joy. If only his own disappointing son had half the ambition of this grandson, he could retire early and enjoy his later years.

While Wilhelm II was lost in his thoughts, Wilhelm's mind was occupied by the woman known as the "angel on Earth," Audrey Hepburn.

Unfortunately, that beautiful angel wouldn't come to Earth until next year. But then again, he could afford to wait. When she turns 15, he would only be 34, in the prime of his youth. But then again, if he waits for her for over a decade and she doesn't like him, wouldn't that be a wasted wait? But if everything goes according to his script, he would already be the Emperor of a unified Europe by then. There would be no reason for her not to like him, right?

Well, let's forget about that. In the worst-case scenario, he could just focus on the current Wilhelm II and establish a connection. Then he could figure it out when the time comes.