
My German Empire.

Confusedly crossing over, I became the heir to the German emperor, and the protagonist confidently prepared to show off their skills. Disclaimer: This novel is not mine, I'm just translating. If the author is bothered, please send a message so I can delete the novel.

80 Chs

Chapter 34

Wilhelm asked Goebbels to gather a group of cartoonists and set up a comics studio, preparing to establish the famous DC Comics Company and Marvel Comics Company of the original space-time America.

In his view, cultural infiltration is sometimes more terrifying than military invasion. In later generations, cultural infiltration has even been included in psychological warfare, becoming a form of 'cultural war' and 'cultural aggression.'

After all, force is obvious, and everyone can see a plain war. You can resist (including mental and physical resistance) when you know it. But cultural penetration is carried out in secret. The most powerful thing is to subtly change the beliefs, values, etc. in the hearts of the public. For example, before Wilhelm crossed, a large number of Western film and television cultural works were flooded into different parts of the world, and Western thoughts and culture also penetrated everywhere. For example, Western individual heroism, etc., these ideas are not necessarily bad, it is better to say that some are beneficial to today's society, but the important thing is that these ideas and culture are eroding traditional culture.

Since there are countless examples like this, Wilhelm wouldn't miss this hidden front. From now on, there won't be Captain America; instead, there will be 'Captain Germany' and his partners' stories. Superman will also be an extraterrestrial visitor in Germany. All the American elements in comic stories will be replaced with German ones. The late Stan Lee, who was already seven or eight years old in the original spacetime, won't have much involvement in the future. Well, maybe some other classic characters can be created.

On that day, while Wilhelm was transcribing the world settings, timelines, and character profiles of 'Marvel,' the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Wilhelm couldn't help but complain about the piercing ringtone before picking up the receiver. It was Wilhelm II calling. "Wilhelm, do you know about Heckler & Koch?"

Heckler & Koch? Aren't they the company that designed the first assault rifle, the Sturmgewehr 44? He wanted to talk to them. "Of course, what's up, Grandfather?"

"That Heckler is here with me. He wants to talk to you. Are you available?"

Huh, this Heckler is quite capable, contacting him through Wilhelm II. "I'm available, let him come over."

Ten minutes later, Annie led in a middle-aged man in his fifties, who looked like a shrewd businessman at first glance. "Your Highness, Mr. Heckler has arrived."

After Heckler paid his respects, Wilhelm smiled and spoke. "Mr. Heckler, I was thinking about contacting you these past few days, but I didn't expect you to come to me. Enough with the small talk, although I don't know from where you heard it, but I guess you are here for weapon designs, right? So, tell me, what price are you prepared to offer?"

Heckler secretly wiped off some sweat, grateful that the Crown Prince was straightforward. Luckily, he had prepared in advance and took out a document bag from his briefcase. "This is a transfer agreement for 16% of my company's shares, Your Highness."

16%? Wilhelm couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. It seems the situation of Heckler's company is not very optimistic. After instructing his secretary to put away the agreement, he pulled out four blueprints from the drawer. "Since Mr. Heckler is so generous, here are four design blueprints. Take them."

"Thank you, Your Highness. Thank you, Your Highness." Heckler received the documents as if they were precious treasures, eagerly flipping through them. As expected, just like Walter said, the naming style given by Your Highness to the weapons is truly incomprehensible.

MP40, MP41, StG44, StG45.

He couldn't figure out at all what these names were based on.

MP40 and StG44 (MP44) are well-known, so no need for further explanation. The so-called MP41 was not a submachine gun originally made by Germany in the original spacetime; it was the famous Sten Mk.II submachine gun from the United Kingdom (Sten is essentially a simplified version of the MP40. The bolt mechanism, receiver shape, and structure are similar to the MP40, but heavily simplified. The Sten submachine gun has six models: Mk.I, Mk.II, Mk.II (S), Mk.III, Mk.IV, and Mk.V. Among them, Mk.II is the most commonly used and durable. However, in the later stages of World War II, due to a shortage of resources, Nazi Germany began producing the MP3008 as a replacement for the MP40, and the MP3008 is basically a copy of the Sten submachine gun).

StG45 is a simplified version of the StG44 (MP44). Its production cost was only 45 marks, lower than the 70 marks of the StG44. It required less production time and fewer raw materials, which suited the resource-scarce Nazi Germany at the time.

When Heckler reached the last MP41, he couldn't help but pause. "Your Highness Wilhelm, this is the last one?"

Wilhelm had already anticipated the other party's reaction and smiled. "Is it ugly?" The Sten submachine gun consists of 47 parts and has a very simple structure. Most of the components are stamped, and only the bolt and barrel require machining. The stock is made by welding a steel bar and a steel plate, and the body is a steel tube. The spring inside can be seen through the bolt slot.

Heckler smiled awkwardly. Indeed, not only was the appearance of this gun ugly, but it also deviated from the norm. In his view, the MP40 before it was already a classic submachine gun, so why add this strange thing?

"Do you know how much it costs to produce?" Despite receiving criticism for accidental discharges, the Sten submachine gun has many advantages: firstly, it is a powerful weapon; secondly, it has low production costs; thirdly, it is easy to mass-produce rapidly. Its simple structure and low cost have also been appreciated by the enemy.

Heckler quickly estimated in his mind. "If mass-produced, it should be controlled within ten dollars." After saying it, even he was somewhat surprised; this kind of gun was too cheap.

"That's right. I designed the MP41 and StG45 for large-scale production at minimal cost, to provide aid to our allies in the future. This aid is likely to be provided free of charge, with the government footing the bill, so I have to save costs as much as possible. But I can guarantee that at least 2 million units of these two guns will be produced, enough for you to make a profit."

After Heckler left with joy, Annie reported that representatives from Henschel, Mann, Rheinmetall, Krupp, Daimler-Benz, Focke-Wulf, Bavarian Motor Works (BMW), and Bavarian Aircraft Works (Messerschmitt) had arrived.

"Bring them to Meeting Room 1," Wilhelm rubbed his slightly throbbing temples. Damn, there's so much to handle. If he becomes Emperor in the future, there will be even more. Being an Emperor is not an easy task, huh? Perhaps his 'old man' saw through this early on, which is why he abandoned the throne of the Emperor and didn't sit on it?"