
My Futuristic System

Mc reincarnates on a whole different planet..... Filled with people, business, adventure, passion, love, and many more..... Deciding himself to live a better...... When he was just beginning to start his life... System Arrives....... . . . . . . Now warning, Yeah there will be HAREM!!!!! YEAH H-A-R-E-M( yeah but it will be after a while) English is not my 1st language Please overlook some of the misplaced words or grammatical error And yeah i was not that good with the subject English especially with the grammars but will try to improve for sure.. And can you please at least read the prologue....

FluxleX · 都市
3 Chs

Futuristic system? (Mini)

A young man who looked like in his 20s could be seen on his bed, sweating profusely while he was shaking as if he was having a seizure, he also had a painful expression on his face.


Abruptly he wakes up, breathing heavily he sits upright on his bed, resting his back.


After a while, Alex calms down.


"Was that the last day of my previous life?"


Alex closed his eyes while resting and calming his heart down.


Opening his eyes he looks at the transparent screen in front of him.


{Soul completion 100%,

Soul memories are transferred 100%,

Soul Stabilizing.



Soul Stabilized,

Welcome host, congratulation on getting the Futuristic system}


Alex read through word by word, sighing and closing his eye again as he rests his head on the bed.


"So, it seems this is really my second life" Alex said while feeling complicated.


While he was 98% sure given everything he experienced in the dream as well as experimenting with some of the projects he did taking the reference from the dream.


But he still held some doubts which made him 2% unsure but as the system was stabilizing, the memory of forgotten dreams like the 1 2 years old seems to resurface and he could remember everything.


He was now 100% sure he was reincarnated and born as Alex luxehurt. But he was not that sad given he was an orphan except for that event, which is unimportant as he isn't Ethen Rogers anymore but Alex Luxehurt.


But he did miss his 5 years of hard work, Lexi which he remembered every effort he had put to make her.


Well he could always make another, but he felt a little complicated.


Shaking his head off, he put the thought at the back of his and focus on the transparent screen glowing in his vision.




{Yes, Host}.


Alex still felt everything surreal even if he finally accepted that he reincarnated.


"System, what are your functions?"  


{System's name is Futuristic system, as the name my purpose is to help the host with his journey  toward the future}


The system replied in a feminine with a calm and warm voice.


Alex who was little calm suddenly felt excited, his imagination ran wild as he thought of the word 'futuristic' and recalled every novel about systems from his previous life and this life about the system.


As he was immersed in his imagination…


The system poured cold water by saying,


{Sustained damage during reincarnation of the host,


Unable to use the function of the Futuristic system due to insufficient energy,


No usable energy founded in the 24 years of the host's life, continuing the search for energy,


Remedy action…

Used the remaining energy to downgrade the system function,


Downgrading …




Downgrading successful…}


Alex was stunned by the words of the system and was about to retort.


{Host now will be using the downgraded version of the Futuristic system, the Futuristic system. (Mini)


The Futuristic system (Mini): This system will provide the host with different products from different fields which are from your previous world or the future of your previous world.}


Reading through the FS (Mini) description and recalling when he compared the two worlds' history and finding the difference, he knew many things could be used to earn money that was not used in this world.


So, Alex who had almost opened his mouth to retort the system closed his mouth consciously.


Even though it was downgraded as described but Alex felt it was more appropriate for him, even though Alex felt it was a pity.


As if waiting for Alex to feel pity, the system announced,


{As compensation for the host, system will provide an additional starter package}


"Excellent" Alex beamed with happiness, even though he felt pity, he wasn't losing anything as the system stated earlier about using different energy for repairing the system.


This world has similarities as well as some major differences compared with his previous world.


The major difference should be that this world is roughly 3 times larger than his previous world. And another is that world history changed drastically from 300 years ago.


So, he was fairly confident there will be something different energy in this world which can be for system purposes.


Alex after collecting his thoughts, takes deep breaths, eyes filled with pride, determination, and joy, says the word every otakus and weebs in his previous world would die to say out loud and hoping something appears in their vision.




{System host name: Adam Luxehurt

 Net asset: 102,083,533 credit

 Futuristic coin: 1020

 System shop






Alex laughed hard looking at the sight that any otaku would die to see.


Thankfully the room was soundproof so his roaring laugh didn't reach outside.


After a few seconds, he stopped laughing and curiously looked at the displayed text.


The name was self-explanatory and he was curious about the other things shown in the text.


"Can you describe their uses system?"


{System host Name: The name of the system host

Net asset: Total amount of assets in the host possession.

System Shop: The shop is divided into grades 1 – 5, where the host can purchase different items with futuristic coins.

Lottery: Generates items from different grades with futuristic coins. Higher the grade, higher the cost.( Unlocked only grade 1)

Inventory: Space with static time for storage proposed. (Unavailable due to insufficient energy) (Can be activated with 800,000 futuristic coins)

[Tap to open the Two starter packages]



Alex read the text completely. While he read it again he however particularly focused on the futuristic coin as well as the inventory definition.


He did some calculations with limited information and concluded that he was not wrong and in a voice filled with apprehensive and in quivering voice. Hoping he was wrong. He says,


"Umm.. system what is futuristic coin? and how do I earn it?"


{Futuristic coins are system generated coin automatically as host earns money. It can used for shop, lottery, for inventory and many other which are not unlocked for host.

Futuristic coins can be earned automatically at the rate of 100,000  credit = 1 FC. It can also be earned by completing the system generating mission.

(Note: Any type of asset will not be counted again and fluctuating assets are only calculated in the year end, it can deduct futuristic coin too)}