

Once upon a time, there was a guy who loved books.

His name was Steven Xhulietta. He was known to be the one and only book f**ker.

The problem was that Steven had fallen in love with a girl who hated books and made him want to change his ways- this is their love story.

One day, Steven was in BTEC pe lesson, on his phone (as usual...), and he looked up to see Irza Tahir, he suddenly saw love, he couldn't take his eyes of her...

Or more specifically, the girl right behind Irza- Xhulietta, the girl who's name he will soon adopt; reaching for a pen and pencil, he scribbled something down and passed it to her.

he wrote down- "

Je veux mieux te connaître pour un rendez-vous?"

Sadly she did not understand French.

She asked her friend Irza to translate, and Xhulitta slapped him in the face. Steven claimed that the note was actually meant to be for Irza. They met eyes and got closer, as if for a kiss, a French kiss.

Irza pushed Steven off his chair, and slapped him on the head with his book-"Are you mad?"- he landed onto Xhulietta.

Xhullietta offered her hand and Steven stood up, still holding her hand- everyone started to laugh and Mitesh took a photo and posted it all over social media. The caption was "Two french lovebirds sitting in a tree."

Of course the captions were false, that's how the internet always is.

It was only due to Irza that made Steven hate himself, every time he sees Irza, it would remind him of the embarrassing incident. [A/N: Goddamit Joel]

Of course, this incident involving Steven and Xhulietta was a distraction from Joel's life, and the love dilemma he was involved in; him and Mitesh had both fallen for the same girl, and Joel was taking great delight in the distraction of the two new lovebirds. (Revenge my JOEL! REVENGE!!!!)

Steven noticed that Mitesh was interested in Leshmi as he sat next to him, and had to pass on the knowledge to Leah, who couldn't hold her tongue and spilt it to Joel, causing the kerfuffle. (It's amazing to see my friends attack each other.

The principal knew about the many relationships in the school and was very strict, separating several of them through force, such as Keshaiv and Leah, or at least suppressing them.

The problem, was that Joel had to woo Leshmi, before Mitesh, and he decided to get help from one of Leshmi's friends- Leah. [A/N: Wasn't I supposed to be the cliché romanceanime-ish protag of the novel‽‽‽]

He arrived to see Leah, along with Stven, Irza and Xhulietta playing a game of truth or dare, seemingly having gotten over the previous events.

The game got dirty very quickly as soon as Shai joined the game.

Joel and Mitesh decided to also join the game, and Steven spun the bottle; it landed on Joel.


The group shivered in anticipation as they formed a dare of epic proportions: "Kiss Mitesh"

Joel leaned in...

And kissed Mitesh's fingertip and said no homo, everyone moved on, then they spun the bottle again, this time it landed on...Irza!

Irza hesitated for a while before finally deciding on one of the two evils, "Dare."

The dare was that she needs to sit on Stevens lap for the rest of the game.

Irza rolled her eyes- "I choose truth instead then.."

Steven pulled her onto him and Irza said "fine": there was no way out, she sat on his lap it wasn't mentioned or changed for the rest of the game. [A/N: WHAT IS THIS?! A HAREM ANIME?!]

Steven was surprised she didn't resist (too much), she had the attitude of a tiger...

[A/N: I'm sorry but she does]

"Let's end the game," Irza said- "it's getting kind of stupid anyway- let's play something else," and they didn't play truth or dare again but instead... they played MORE! "If it's Irza it's DARE,anyone else is truth", everyone agreed and this didn't change(irza needs to cycle twice before ending the game)

It was unfair, but no one cared and they happily played on.

It landed on Irza AGAIN, and unlucky for her it was dare, her dare was to give steven a french kiss which lasts for at least a minute. [A/N: This is just Joel's bs]

[A/N: My friend gives up on life as all storytellers are against her "That's it nope, im out you continue the story nopenopenopenope."...]

[Joel adds more stuff but its definetly NSFW, so I'll save you the pain. Moral of the story. Don't collab with idiots, sinceI already had to edit all of Joel's mistakes, namely 3 per sentence]

My friends' fanfic about me and some girl I haven't seen in literal years...

It kind of went on a tangent(Understatement of the century)

The school should not leave e-mail unblocked in the middle of class

*Dying on the inside witha friend*...

Rairarkucreators' thoughts