


When I open the door ,I saw Scarlet ,she was looking hella beautiful and gorgeous ,I was looking at her like there is no tomorrow , but I control myself and look away and said

FERNANDO: Let's go ,we are getting late (I said and went outside without even glancing at her because I don't want to fall or trap in any feeling)


I was hoping that he will compliment me or will say something about me but he didn't even give me a second glance it hurts ,am I not beautiful enough for him ,why he is doing this with me ,I was in my thoughts when mom call me 

MOM: Scarlet let's go , everyone is waiting for us and don't worry about Fernando ,he didn't show his emotions so early and everything will be fine I promise , just believe in yourself (she said kissing my forehead and I nodded while smiling ,then we went outside and sat in our car ,Me , Fernando and Daniel were in one car ,mom and dad were in another car 

When I sat inside the car Daniel look at me and said,

DANIEL: Wowww Scarlet ,you are looking beautiful ,I agreed that your beauty is no joke  (he said and I blush )

SCARLET: Thank you my brother , you are also looking handsome (I said while pinching his cheeks )

FERNANDO: If your siblings drama is over so can we proceed (he said while clutching steering wheel and I sat straight and same goes for Daniel)

DANIEL: (Clearing throat) I think someone is getting jealous huh..(chuckling )

FERNANDO: I'm gonna beat the shit of you , it Will be good for you if you will sit like a statue (he said in a little anger and we both got silent and he start the car )

The whole journey was like this ,I was looking outside the window , everything was looking so beautiful and colorful , Daniel was busy in his Mobil 

After 30 minutes we reach at the destination and Daniel and Fernando went out of the car and I was struggling with my heavy gown when Fernando came and offer me his hand I was shocked but I grab his hand and came out of car ,and when I came outside cameras Start to flash that was making me hard to open my eyes ,media was present around us and I was not feeling comfortable and in the meantime mom and dad also came and then Mom stand beside me while dad was standing beside Daniel and Fernando was in center I was feeling nervous and I think Fernando noticed it ,he softly intertwined his fingers with me and I was so shocked but I was feeling good ,he is opening up with me ,then media take our pictures and then we went inside mansion ,it was a big mansion but not that big like ours ,when we went inside he quickly  remove his hand and whisper in my ears 

FERNANDO: That was just for the media , don't you dare to think much about it, it was just and act  (he said coldly and I felt hurt , my heart was feeling heavy I want to cry but I stopped myself and them Mom took me with her )

MOM: Let's meet with others because I want to introduce my beautiful daughter to everyone (she said and I smiled then we both went towards ladies while all males went toward their friends ) Hello everyone 

LADY 1: Hello Mrs Albert..how are you and who is she ? (She said looking at me with weird expression)

MOM: Oh .. I'm totally fine and she ..her name is Scarlet and my daughter -in -law. (mom said and all the ladies gasp )

LADY 2: You didn't tell us that Fernando is getting married ?(she said looking at mom with little high voice)

MOM:You know na about Fero he didn't do anything with so much gathering ,my Fero is introvert so he didn't like to do so much party and  all that that's why (mom said and she just nodded in a fake smile , I was standing and the women around me were whispering continuously )

LADY 3: I think Fernando made her pregnant that's why they quickly get him married and didn't told anyone (she said to another lady and she agreed with her )

LADY 4: I also think like that ,but rumors were saying that he married her accidentally ,and look at her she didn't even look like the girl with our status (she said and both laugh loud ,they were whispering but that was enough for me to listen and I was feeling more and more hurt  and they were continuously gossiping ) 

MOM: I heard that your daughter ran away with someone (mom said to lady 4 and she was stunned by mom's question)

LADY 4: She..she...umm.. excuse me (she didn't said anything and went somewhere without looking at mom)

MOM: And you , your son is involved in drug case right (mom said to her and She quickly went away,mom look at me and smiled) Don't worry about others  (she said and I nodded while smiling) 

After 1 and half hour I was feeling really bored and was drinking my juice when i felt like someone is watching me and I was feeling uncomfortable so I turn around and saw middle age man looking at me with a really weird and lustful gaze  ,I was not feeling comfortable 

MAN: So madam who are you ? (He said coming closer to me and I took some backsteps )

SCARLET: I'm…I'm Mrs Fernando ..(I said looking away inorder to find some familiar faces)

MAN: Ohh so you are Mrs Fernando Scarlet right? (He said and I nodded ) so may I help you with something ( he said and put his hand on my waist ,I was shocked and I quickly yank his hand away and went away)

MAN: Interesting (he said while biting his lips)

"Where are they " I thought and was looking around when I saw Fernando ,I decided to went towards him but I got bumped with the waiter and the drink spilled on my gown

WAITER: I'm sorry mam, I'm really sorry I didn't do it intentionally (he was apologizing continuously)

SCARLET: No..non.. it's okay ,but can you tell me where is washroom (I said and waiter showed me the direction of washroom which was upstairs and I nodded)

MOM: Scarlet what happened? (She came from behind )

SCARLET: Nothing mom , waiter accidentally spilled drink on me so I'm going washroom to wash it(I said while smiling)

MOM: Do you want me to join?(she said and I shook my head)

SCARLET: No mom , you can enjoy , I'm coming in five minutes (I said and she nodded and I went to washroom)

I was going to washroom while putting the lock of my earnings because it was losing I was busy in that when I bumped into someone 

SCARLET: I'm really so…(I look up and saw that man again and I Starts to get back but he grab my hand and push me to the wall and he was trying to kiss me and I was covering my face with my hands and then he took me inside the room and I fall on the ground and he locked the door 





