Stella Rain is the daughter of the king and queen of Blood Stone pack. Her parents are different species, making her older brother unable to rule. This forces her to become queen, but before she agrees she and a few others sneak out of the packs to explore the outside before Stella is Bound to the packs for the rest of her life.
Lina sighs and slides down against the door and clasps her hands together as they rest on her knees, I plop onto the bed and put my hands on my lap.
"That is how she acts with everyone, and I honestly don't know how Iris and Prince Micah deal with her. It makes sense why Princess Rose left." Lina twirls her key ring with her pointer finger.
Rose?! That explains why I am here; Sky attacked a Princess. It still doesn't make sense how they are royalty, Micah is only half vampire, and Rose is full wolf.
I stifle a yawn; I was drained by the lack of food and sleep I've had. Lina gets up from the ground and blows out the candle beside the door, she walks around to them all, "You should rest, you have quite a long day tomorrow." to them all.
I get up and walk to the head of the bed, lifting the covers and sliding in, puling the covers over my shoulders, "Goodnight, Lina."
"Goodnight, Princess."
The sunlight hits my eyes, and they flutter open. I sit up to find Lina exactly where she was last night, "Morning Princess, breakfast with Prince Micah is in about an hour, you should get ready."
I reach to the right and grab my bag fishing for nicer clothes, "I brought nothing formal."
"Prince Micah has never been one to stress over formality, but I do suggest you find the best fit in case the queen sees you." Lina points to a smaller door; With my bag in hand, I make my way over.
It is a nice small bathroom with a walk-in shower, double sink and toilet. I look at myself in the large mirror.
I look like crap; my hair is brittle and clumped from the mud and lake water. My eyes were red and bloodshot from the lack of sleep, and I was so pale and skinny I looked like a ghost.
I put my elbows on the glass mantle in between both sinks and lay my forehead in my palms. I close my eyes to relieve the headache causing pressure behind them and rub my thumbs on my temple.
This was going to be a long, stressful day, and I did not have the energy nor the patience for it. I raise my head back up and turn around to the walk-in shower. I turn the nozzle to the left and take a minute to listen to the calming sound of running water.
I throw my clothes at the door and step into the shower. It was scorching hot, but I let it pound onto me, it felt like a million tiny needles puncturing my skin.
I stood there for what felt like hours until I heard a knock at the door, "Princess, you have twenty-five minutes."
"Okay, thank you, Lina, and please, just call me Stella." I turn off the water and grab a towel from the rack to the left of me.
I dry off and pull the towel around me, I reach into my bag for my compactable brush and a barrette.
It felt amazing to brush my hair, and the softness of it afterwards. I grab a few front pieces of my hair and pull them to the back of my head, clipping them with the barrette.
I look into the mirror to check my hair and see that my eyes were no longer red, and my skin finally had some color to it. I feel almost normal again, almost.
I then dig through my bag and find the one skirt I bought, and my Paris shirt. I pull that on and grab my gold locket and clip it around my neck.
I look at myself in the mirror, my golden yellow skirt hugged my hips, reaching to my middle thighs, my white shirt with the word "Paris" in cursive tucked into it. My locket hung close to my neck, I looked formal enough, as much as I could be.
Lina knocks on the door again, pulling me out of my head, "Five minutes Stella." I grab my bag and walk towards the door, bending down to pick up my clothes. I toss them into my bag and turn the knob opening the door.
Lina was right outside the door, pacing back and forth. She stops and turns when she hears the door open, "Thank goodness, I was not about to be late to bring you. Hurry and put on your shoes." She ushers me towards the edge of the bed and opens her hand out for my bag.
"Sorry, but it's coming with me." She nods and backs up towards the door to the hall. I grab my black converse and lace them on. I stand back up and face her.
"Ready?" She asks, she was getting back into the stern bodyguard the others were. I nod.