
Past events

Soon enough after Iris woke up, the nurses rushed in response to her call and immediately started to call the Doctor in charge of Jake and his coma while tending to his needs. On the other hand, Iris and Liz started informing him of what had happened to him on that night and all that had happened leading up to the present day. Jake was in shock on hearing all this and said, “So you are both telling me that I have been out of it for three weeks now all because of what happened that night?”

They replied simultaneously, “Yes!!!”

“Come to think of it, I can’t seem to remember anything that happened up until I woke up here.” said Jake.

“I mean my last memory was from when I told Nana that I was going to take a stroll in the woods. Anything after tha not is completely blank; I don’t even remember actually leaving the house.” Jake continued.