
My First Love Bad Boy

I just wanted to graduate from high school peacefully without getting any more attention from my surroundings. So far everything is going according to my wishes. People don't notice me, maybe they don't know that I exist. Everything changed when a naughty and famous boy in our school started to enter my life and started to change my life which had been quiet. I shouldn't have let him around me because I started to feel a spark of love for him in my heart.

Varisha23 · 若者
4 Chs

Nusantara High School

Happy Reading All


This year I am in XI Sains class 1 at a well-known school in Jakarta. Who doesn't know Nusantara High School (SMA)? The school is known for its achievements and luxury. On average, graduates go to well-known universities, both domestic and foreign universities. The students who go to school here are also not children from the ordinary class, they are usually the children of famous and rich people. Students who come from ordinary families can attend this school because they get scholarships because they excel or get scholarships because they can't afford it from a donor.

If you are not rich, you will become slaves to those who are rich. If you are smart but not rich then you will be their helper who is rich but lazy. If you are ugly, then get ready to be bullied at this school. Those who are famous in this school are always glorified by the entire school population and they are also those who usually make ordinary people the subject of bullying if they don't like that person.

Such is the cruelty of life in this Nusantara high school. From the outside, this school only looks good. An outstanding school, an elite school, a school for the rich, a school with a myriad of medals and many other good names for this school. Even though in it there are millions of bad things that make me sick of being in this school for a long time. Schools are full of bullying, teachers are submissive to students, schools are just looking for a good name so they always close tightly every crime that occurs in it.

How about me? including where am I? a famous student or a student who is the subject of ridicule? I don't belong to either of those two groups. I'm just an unobtrusive quiet girl, I always try not to be the center of attention.

I only have one friend, that's a friend from childhood named Dio. Actually Dio is one of the famous boys in this school, but he still wants to be friends with me. It's not that I'm ugly or poor, but I just want to be calm while at school without having to be involved in anything until I finish school and move abroad, yes I want to study at one of the famous universities in South Korea. I really like everything related to the ginseng country, even I prefer not to eat or whatever as long as I don't miss the ongoing drama.

"Woy Ra, hurry up. I'm about to come in," said Dio, calling me who was behind him.

"Patience, if you want to hurry then help please"

"Oh no"

"You're bad, it's heavy you know"

"It's your own fault who told you to want to be ordered, I've gone first"

Have you seen my friend's behavior? he's really annoying, likes to annoy him but he's also the one who's always by my side.

He actually left me who was having a hard time bringing some materials for class decorations.

When approaching the school gate, the bell sounded signaling that it was time for the first lesson, I couldn't help but try to run while carrying everything in my hands.

Suddenly someone from behind hit me and I fell, the things I was carrying fell scattered.

"Oops, if you go have a look," I complained.

"You're the one blocking the way, so you're the one who's at fault"

Actually I don't want to cause trouble at this school because I don't like being the subject of conversation, but this time I can't just let it go.

"You're the one who hit me, so it's your fault"

"How dare you with me? Do you not know who I am?"

"Why should I be afraid? Both humans are afraid," I replied casually.

"Wow, how dare you. Just watch you will be crushed in my hands" threatened the man who bumped into me.


It seems like today was an unlucky day for me, I was late for school, I was hit by someone, now I have to be punished again.

You know what made it even more unlucky that the man who bumped into me was also here, getting punished too.

"Wow, we meet again, it seems we are mates"

I didn't respond to that nonsense, just drying it under the hot sun made me feel hot, especially when I had to deal with guys who were known to be naughty in this school.

After half an hour in law finally we students who were late were allowed to enter our respective classes. When I got to class I was relieved that the Chemistry teacher didn't come today.

"Fortunately, if Mr. Oki comes, I might get punished again for being late for class," I thought.

Just when I could breathe a sigh of relief, three girls who thought they were the most beautiful in this school came to me.

"Where's the item we asked for?"

"Here" I answered taking out some of the things they told me to bring yesterday.

"Good, that's how friends have to help each other" they are smart when they say small talk.

"Yes" I said assent, let them go quickly.

Even though they want to talk to me if they want to, just like now. The homeroom teacher told us each to bring one material or tool to decorate the class and they told me to bring decoration materials on their behalf.

Because I was lazy to deal with them for a long time so I just followed their orders.


After the break we were given the freedom to decorate the class because in a week there will be various competitions between classes.

I chose to write and draw the back wall of the classroom. I really like art, that's why I like painting.

While he was having fun painting, he suddenly heard the noise of the girls in this class. It turned out that famous boys who were also student council members came to our class.

There were five people, including the man who hit me earlier and also Dio, my best friend, who is the head of the Arts section.

After knowing what caused my class to be excited, I resumed painting the classroom walls.

"Wow, well, it turns out you're good at painting," said someone behind me.

"Andra, why are you talking to him? Let's just go to the cafeteria, I'm bored here," said Sintia, the head of the gang of three girls who were pretentiously beautiful.

The man who hit me this morning is called Andra, everyone in this school knows who he is.

Apart from his handsome face he is also the student council president, he is also famous as the head of a motorcycle gang. Anyone who dares to harass his gang members or deal with him will become the subject of bullying in this school, that's why he is known as a bad but handsome boy.

"Whichever do I want to talk to, you'd better go."

"I want the same as you" said Sintia in a spoiled voice. I'm sick of hearing their talk, just annoying.

"If you want to talk somewhere else, please"

"Wow, someone's angry here"

"Just go away" I said.

"How dare you kick me out, as long as you know I'm here because I and the other student council members have to check the preparation for the competition"

"Don't ask and don't want to know"

"Wow, you're so brave to answer my boyfriend words," said Sintia pulling my hair.

"Take your hands off him," Dio ordered, who had been silent for a long time.

Seeing that Sintia didn't want to let go of her hand from my hair, Dio immediately pulled Sintia's hand and scolded her.

"Are you okay Ra?" I answered with a nod.

"Don't you dare disturb her, not only you, this applies to all of you. If you dare mess with Adira, it means you are dealing with me" Dio threatened everyone in this class.

Even though all this time I deliberately pretended not to know Dio because I didn't want people to know that I was close to this famous man.

"You guys are dating?"


~~~To be continued~~~

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