
My father sold me to a cold CEO

Her father sells her sister to a powerful man to repay the large debt he owes him, but she cannot accept it. After many years of abuse from her father wanting to save her sister, she decides to save her one last time.

Pinkfoxy · 都市
7 Chs

Tomorrow? So soon?

"Our marriage won't be real. I will marry you, but when the time is up and the debt is paid, we will divorce."

Chaerin paused for a moment, took a breath, and continued.

"I don't want my sister to know anything about our situation, but I have to get her out of this house in some way. My father has a bit of a temper, so I can't let her live like this for long."

Hee-kwon waited for her to finish, and when at last she said all her terms, he smiled and spoke.

"Don't worry, your sister will never know about our secret alliance. When the debt is paid off you will be free to go. Is that all?"

"Yes. But what about my father?"

"What do you mean?"

"I must take my sister away from him, but I can't do it alone. I'll need your help."

"You don't have to worry about that either. Secretary Park will take care of it."

And turning to Secretary Park he continued.

"Tomorrow already, you'll bring Chaeyeon Kim to work here at the company. Find her an apartment and pay for everything she needs."

Secretary Park made a bow and went to take care of what his boss told him.

"Thank you for that." Chaerin said to Heekwon.

Protecting her sister was everything to her. Although through this situation she couldn't see her future husband in a good sight, but she felt grateful towards him.

For once she didn't have to go through it alone. There was someone who, even if he had vested interests, offered to help her.

She spent many years suffering in the shadows. Now, even under these circumstances, she has an ally. But for how long?

"Miss Chaerin, we must discuss."

Chae-rin recovered from her thoughts.

"Oh, yes! We can discuss whatever you want."

"Good! Tomorrow, I'll bring you to meet the family."

"Tomorrow? So soon?"

"Well, you must study for each one. Here I have the records for the whole family. With these you will learn what you need."

And holding out his hands he gave them to her. She took them and looked at them in shock. The pile of papers was so big she couldn't lift them.

"And I have to read all these by tomorrow?"

"Why? Do you find it difficult to read them all in one night?" he looked at her with indifference and sarcasm.

"No, no. I'll manage."

"Great, I love that attitute." The sarcasm continued.

"Anyway, miss Chaerin," interrupted Secretary Park, who at that moment entered the office, "for these days you and your sister will be staying in a hotel. The expenses will be arranged by the company. You may, then, go find your sister, she is downstairs in the lobby."

Chae-rin rose at once thanked them both warmly and reservedly and went down to the entrance.

There Chaeyeon was waiting for her. She looked at her in wonder but Chaerin didn't explain anything until they reached the hotel room.

In the room, Chaeyeon asked her what happened.

"A man called Park called me on the phone and told me to come to that address. What was that big building? And why were you in there? Did you get a job there?"

"I'll explain everything, don't worry. But first tell me, did this Park guy tell you anything about me and this company?"

"No, nothing in particular. Now will you tell me what happened?"

Chaerin tried to fake a smile before speaking.

"Chaeyeon, I'm getting married."

"WHAT?! Wait, are you really telling me? You're getting married? Who? When? Why didn't I know anything about it until now?" 

"Whoa, whoa! One by one the questions, I got dizzy."

The two sisters laughed and Chaerin began to tell Chaeyeon what happened. Or rather what they would tell Heekwon's parents that it happened.

"Remember when I went to a café with Soo-ji and Mi-dae?"


"On the way out, I ran into a man who, out of surprise, spilled his coffee on me. I then started yelling and he offered to correct his mistake and buy me new clothes. So we met another day alone to pay me back for the clothes. From that day on we stuck together. We are in love and decided to get married in a week."

"What? Are you kidding? So soon?"

"Yes. The sooner the better."

"Chae-rin, are you pregnant?"

"Chae-yeon, what's your problem? Of course, not"

"Then why are you in a hurry?"

"It turns out that the man I love and met that day is the heir to the company we were in before we came to the hotel. His family found out about me and pressured him to speed up the wedding. So, we decided together to get married in a week."

She looked down. She couldn't look at her sister after all the lies she told her. But she couldn't do otherwise if she wanted to see her sister happy and without worries.

" My dear sister, you know you are the only thing I have in this world. I want you to be happy. If this man makes you happy, I will support you with everything I can."

Chae-rin teared up but tried to hide it. But her efforts were in vain because her sister not only saw her but when she realized she was crying she hugged her tightly.

"Chae-yeon, I'll make sure you never worry about anything ever again. Now that I have some money and power through Hee-kwon, no one will ever touch us again. I won't leave you alone."

"You don't have to worry about me, Chae-rin. I'll be fine. You have to live your own life now. Don't think of me or father."

"No. Don't say that again. I won't leave you alone with him. Don't be afraid, I've already talked about this matter to Heekwon, and he said he will help."

"Really?! I have a hard time believing it. Even our close relatives didn't agree to help us when dad started drinking and abusing us, and now a stranger..."

She didn't continue her sentence. They both decided not to continue this conversation.

"Oh, I'm too tired," Chaeyeon yawned.

"Go to bed if you are, I'll stay a little longer."

"Okay, good night, Chaerin."

"Sweet dreams, Chae-yeon"

Chaeyeon fell asleep and Chaerin sat to study the pile of documents for the Na family.