
My Fanfic Stash and Favorite online quests

Recommending the fanfics I like and I am also open to recommendations seriously though thats what it is but if you want a cooler and weirder introduction? well aheem....... I am a mere scribe that records good works of fanfiction history I am but one man nothing like the mighty archivists of ao3 still this is a work I enjoy I desire to share my own tastes of fanfiction I like perhaps its a selfish non objective way of doing things perhaps its done too biasedly but do you know what I say to those reactions? Than why do you care why do you come? I am doing this both for fun and from my own desire I never did it to neither lecture these people nor enforce my views on them they are free to take a look and if they don't like it they can just leave no one is forcing them to read my small archive and thats what it is a small archive of works I compiled which I like hopefully I will continue to expand it until the day I die :) Note: After so many people never bothered checking or not even bothering to think how websites work I am forced to write this first of all most of the questionable questing fics I post are in the nsfw creative works part of the site which requires you to sign up to the site so you become an offical member after that process that particular section opens up and no It does no ask money like patreon accounts of authors questionable questing is a free site you are given acces straight up after sign up process is done note that after doing the inital signing up they will want a confirmation done so they will send a confirmation request to your gmail or whatever equvelant you have for me it was gmail you need to confirm that first to open up previously locked nsfw section the same logic goes for alternatehistory.com fics where most of then I posted from is either from alien space bats or fandom sections so repeat the process Now If You can't find the gmail or email whatever post they send you to confirm from either site it might been actually stuck in spam section of your gmail so search the title of the site to look it up if it still exists and second of all....... those of you who constantly ask me the links.... those of you that actually do no bother to even read beginnings of the chapters I post.... before I go to the fic part I sometimes give my own introduction of the fic than I give the word count and bellow that is the links....... always in each chapter there is the links around the begining of the chps you people who ask just never bothered to check it up............ for those who are wondering why I am adding dash to the links after chp 193 and onwards well apparently webnovel admins like scre wing over writers so they made that if a link is posted normally it will not appear this is what I had to come up with for it to work Aside from all of this I am slowly posting this in ao3 too ^The Above Site One is no longer the case turns out ao3 admins can be sore losers who could guessed they would not care constant citation and links of original creators works and not taking credit for fics as still plagarism sigh

ScientistXxXx · ビデオゲーム
400 Chs

Eve of Destruction (Fallout Pre-War Quest) by The Bird

one of the best fallout quests there is with lots of world building and expansion

Words: 140k+

Link: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/eve-of-destruction-fallout-pre-war-quest.104970/

(Five years before the bombs fell, the world is on the eve of destruction: the Nukes cannot be stopped, but that doesn't mean you can't save lives. Heading a small organization in the Pre-War, can you successfully alter the course of history?)

"War, war never changes."

-Ron Pearlman, Narrator

America, 2077. October 23rd.

A day that will live in infamy, as the bombs of the great war dropped, vaporizing the vast majority of america, reducing it to a radioactive wasteland: the end of civilization as it was known, with humanity only surviving thanks to Vaults, giant complexes designed to house those lucky (or unlucky) enough to secure a spot within, shielding them from the radiation, ash storms, diseases, and mutated creatures within.

On that day, humanity might have lived, but America and billions of its people died, snuffed out in a single evening.

However, this was not October 23rd. It was not 2077.

It was January. 2072. Five years prior. Too late to stop the bombs: they were as inevitable as the setting sun.

But that didn't mean hope was lost. Five years is a long, long time. Long enough to salvage something, perhaps: preserve some of the lives that would be lost, or perhaps ensure that whoever did survive would have the tools to rebuild, repair, renew. However, for that to happen, there would have to be an initial divergence...

Choose your faction!

[ ] Pulowski Preservation Services: In the true course of history, the CEO and owner of Pulowski had been driven by greed, constructing coin operated shelters throughout the east coast that, due to their flawed design, failed to save anyone, leaving those desperate enough to use them trapped, starving, and frequently irradiated. However, here, the owner had a heart attack, leaving his company and all its assets to their younger, more conscientious heir, who fortunately saw the writing on the wall: eventually nuclear war would come, and the Preservation Shelters the company manufactured wouldn't save anyone. So they decided to change the direction of the small rival to Vault-Tec, and in the process, altering the course of history.

-+1 Construction Dice, +1 Business Dice

-Gain Technology: Pulowski Power-crete

-Major Mandate: Construct Pulowski Communal Bunkers (Phase two) in at least three major regions.

[ ] Daisy Technological Enterprises: A subsidiary of Big Mountain Technology located in Daisy Mountain, Oklahoma, in the true course of history the Director of the DTE had been an incompetent, bumbling fool whose hubris had stifled any breakthroughs the Oklahoma based think-tank might have produced. Here, however, they had been fired after an allegation of gross misconduct, and their replacement given strict orders: DaisyTech would either start making breakthroughs, providing at least one major region with significant improvements to its missile defense infrastructure, or it would be dissolved.

-+1 Research Dice, +1 Intrigue Dice

-Gain Technology: DaisyTech Computer Terminals

-Major Mandate: Increase one regions Missile Defense Level by +5

[ ] Department of Preservation: One of the myriad bureaus of the United States Government, the Department of Preservation was tasked with preparing for a theoretical nuclear holocaust, chiefly by constructing strategic supply depots meant to aid in the rebuilding of post-nuclear society. In the true course of history, the Department had been woefully underfunded. However, here it managed to obtain a powerful congressional backer, who gave the Department the tools and resources needed to fulfil its mandate.

-+1 Political Dice, +1 Agri Dice

-Gain Technology: Rad-Preserved Food

-Major Mandate: Establish Strategic Cache (Phase One) in every major region.


AN: Inspired, loosely, by House Quest on SB. Also my first plan quest.