
More Enemies

"How the fuck did you get out of that alive?" Ess asked his sister, his lip rising way higher than it should.

Twist also wanted to know. After seeing the state that Balm was in, he had expected Bee to be in a similarly morbid condition.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Bee was only a little burnt on the neck and left arm. The most concerning damage she had taken was a heavy bruising around her right elbow, which suggested internal bleeding and several torn muscles.

Her body was still encased in a vicious amount of Fint for reinforcement, but Ess doubted she had erected in time, and for the express purpose of minimising the damage from the piercing light just now; it was probably her assurance against a direct hit from Balm's full power attacks.

Bee stirred and sat up. She held her head and grunted, her placid expression unyielding.