
Chapter 7: Abyss crystals…



Shit!" Alex was currently running away from the crab creature, when he first shot it, he missed but on the second try, he managed to hit its head. The crab mad, then chased after him.

Currently, he was running beside the wall, ready to escape at all times. But luckily he managed to shoot one of it's legs slowing it's movement.

"Graaahgh!" A deep roar came out of its injured head.

He was shooting it but its large claw blocked his bullets. He counted his ammo he was only left with 8 bullets.

Then taking a risk, Alex changed direction and plunged to the side intending to circle it.

Bang! Bang!

Its huge hand was used to protect its head but Alex shot two bullets hoping it could hurt its leg.

Luckily one of the bullets hit it and the crab screamed in pain.

It tried to turn around intending to follow Alex but he was faster.

Bang bang bang!

Three shots all to its legs. Finally, it couldn't take its weight because its left legs is injured, it staggered a few steps and fell to its side.

Taking this chance, Alex circled to its back and fired the remaining bullets of the gun to its head.

Bang bang bang!

Out of ammo he didn't choose to reload but grabbed the pistol tucked into his belt and shot a couple more to its head.

Bang bang bang bang!

It wasn't until at fourth shot that the crab stopped moving.

Alex panted a bit. As he slowly reloaded the scorpion Evo and observe for possible enemies.

After reloading, he slowly walk forward towards it. There, the huge body of the crab was slowly fading into dust.

'So it was a newly formed monster' Alex thought. According to Iris, there are three types of creature he could face in this world, The newly formed abyss creatures, these creatures still has remnants of the abyss to them in the form of a crystal. Once they die, their bodies disintegrate and a crystal will drop.

The second type of creature he could face is the fully formed abyss creature. Once time passes, the crystal on a newly formed monster will disappear and the monster becomes a full true creature but because it was formed by the abyss, its appearance are usually not something biologically possible like the dog like monster and this giant crab.

Finally, there's the natural creatures, or in better terms the creatures from worlds it conquered. Like animals and insects and such.

Then the crab completely turned to dust and a black crystal about an inch in size fell.

It was an abyss crystal... or shard... this thing has really no name, Iris just portrayed an image to him in his head. Alex smiled. At least this was a start. It was a black jagged crystal about an inch thick. It was bigger than he thought.

Putting it in his pocket. Alex contemplated whether to retreat or to continue, in the end since there were still more than half of bullets left, he decided to continue going back to where he was before.

It was not long before he saw the mark he painted and from there he proceeded forward.

Along the way, Alex used whatever he sees to hide. He saw some creatures he could only describe as a nightmare.

Bang bang bang!!

Alex put down his gun looking at the human-like monster, except it had no features except its wrinkled gray skin and pointy arms and legs. It walked on all fours.

Then its body turned to dust and an abyss crystal came out except it was small about the size of a fingernail.

Just as he was about to put it on his back, something tackled him front the back.

Alex hurriedly twisted his body and pulled the trigger on whatever pushed him. There he saw a starfish-like monster was floating. He had seen this before, it was attached to one of the doglike creature he had seen, he thought it was part of the dog but now, it seemed he was wrong. A certain movie flashed in his mind. But nevertheless he didn't forgot to pull the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

Three shot it was dead but Alex saw a couple more appeared on his vision.

"Fuck!" He cursed and hurriedly stood up as he planned to go the the wall.





He didn't forget to shoot them while running. He reach the wall in no time and opened a passage.

Now that his escape was pretty close he didn't fear them anymore and faced the starfish-like creature. It looks like they can float a bit in the air and push themselves forward.

Alex pulled the trigger until he ran out of ammo.

A couple more showed. He had no choice but to use his pistol but it ran out of bullets too but it was enough to kill them all.

The place quieted. Seeing no enemy coming he immediately reloaded both weapons.

After reloading, he relaxed a bit. He was only left with one magazine for the scorpion and two for the pistol. So he decided to stop and retreat but not before he collected two abyss crystal.

Back at the monitor, Alex sat the chair and heave a deep sigh.

"I'm fine" Iris asked him if he was alright.

He laid down on the tables his guns and magazines. And held the abyss crystals he got.

"So I just need to consumed this??" Iris nodded. Of course consuming didn't mean eating.

Then thinking of his mark, it appeared and the crystals in his hand melted and fused with his mark.

A prompt appeared in the monitor. When Alex read it, it said..

"Gained 6 abyss points"

He guessed the small crystal gave 1 point of crystal and the big crystal gave 3 points and since he had 3 small crystal he gained a total of 6 points.

Then he fiddled with the abyss points but it did nothing.

He guessed that he probably needed a territory to use it, otherwise, it was useless.

He checked his watch and saw only about an hour passed, yet it felt like it was the most devilish hour he felt.

He check his ammunition and sighed..

"I thought I had a lot but looks like I could only make a trip or two left"

"How the fuck is this possible for one person to do??" He cursed.

But he shook his head, he felt like the answer will come after he gained a territory.

"Is there anything else you can do??" He asked Iris but seemingly depressed the octopus shook it's head, sad, that it couldn't help it's master.

Alex sigh and said.."it's alright maybe you haven't opened your full potential yet"

After that, Alex teleported back to his room. He took off his clothes and immediately put it in the washing machine. He took another shower. And laid on his bed

"I need to find another way" His bullets aren't enough. And he was pretty sure he wasn't gonna get bullets again, at least not until he met his father.

Slowly he lost consciousness as he thought about what to do.

When he woke he found out it was 12:30 already.

But he woke up refreshingly with ideas.

Since he can't get firepower, he might as well make one.

Like for example... A Molotov cocktail or explosives

So once again Alex spent the entire afternoon watching DIY Molotov cocktails, explosives and even a how to make a nail gun.

At the same he wondered if he could bring large objects like a car on the safe space and it turns out he can.

When it became 9pm, Alex decided to visit the broken world again. This time he was equip with two Molotov's. He wanted to test if fire works on monsters.

At the same time he discovered that he couldn't use any electrical devices in the broken world, at least his phone and the drone he brought didn't seemed to work when it was inside the broken world.

After experimenting for a bit, he then spent his night filled with nightmares.

If you like my works, please buy me coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/casuallydreamin

Comment for any grammatical and spelling error as editing is soo time consuming. Thank you~~

casuallychillingcreators' thoughts