
Chapter 5: Getting weapons…

Alex was currently riding his scooter as he traveled through Andbridge city, it wasn't long before reached his destination, and as he took off his helmet, he turned his head and stared at the right where a fast food named Food sanctuary is..

Sigh* sighing and shaking his head, he headed forward to a small noodle shop named NoodleHome.

As he entered it, it was pretty small, but it had an amber atmosphere.

"Welcome to noodlehome!" A person welcomed him.

Alex nodded, went to the counter, and said with a small voice directly

"My name is Alex. I'd like some extra special"

The person didn't lose his smile as he heard him and said he pointed to a door on the left and said "Go ahead"

Normally a person needs a passcode that changes from time to time but his face and name were enough.

He headed towards the door.

Opening it, he saw chefs were busy cooking, Alex headed straight towards one of the refrigerators, He move the entire thing to the side and it showed a small door behind it. In which he opened it and found stairs leading down underground.

The first time he got here, he was pretty nervous, but now, after experiencing a beautiful morning, his balls hardened a lot.

Walking down, there was a steel door at the left.

Alex simply knocked. This was the last checkup.

"It's Alexander, I want to meet Stephen"

It took a couple of seconds before the door opened.

There he saw it was another restaurant but this time, it was filled with thugs, menacing people, or even people in business suits, basically people you don't wanna mess with.

Thankfully he could only see a few people at the tables and only one person at the counter. It was quiet.

Alex pick a spot where it was a bit distanced from the others as he waited.

Then a familiar face appeared from the kitchen, he was wearing an apron, a bit skinny, and had short black hair and brown eyes.

He smiled as he saw Alex.

"I didn't expect you'd ever visit this place again"

Alex didn't want to chatter and wanted to be direct. He came here with one purpose.

"I need guns"

He needed weapons. Iris said that monsters roam freely in the broken world. He needed something to fuck them up. Unfortunately, He had no money to buy guns and even if he had, he needs some certificate and permission that will take months to process.

There was only one way he could get guns without any money and certificate...

Stephen was surprised by what Alex said.

Tilting his head as he raise his eyebrow he asked.

"Might I ask what you need it for? Don't tell me you're planning to visit your old high school?? Haha"

"Of course not, so can you get me guns??" Not bothering to tell the reason, he simply said.

Stephen crossed his arm, pondered for a moment, and said.

"...Does your father know this??"

Alex sighed when he heard that, in the end, he winded up relying on his father. He swore to himself, that he would never ask him for help and never be part of his 'work' but now he has no choice but to rely on his father's influence to get weapons for free.

Irritated just thinking about it, Alex said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm not gonna fuck anyone with it okay? I'm not stupid, so can you get me guns or not??"

Seeing him get irritated, Stephen raised his hands and said.

"Alright, alright geez, what do you need??"

Alex mentally sigh in relief and said.

"Assault rifles, if not a submachine gun will do. Possibly several magazines of it. Oh and remember the gun that was given to me? I need ammo of it as well, Can you get that??"

Stephen crossed his arm again as he narrowed his eyes and stared deep at Alex.

Alex didn't back down and took it without any expression.

It took a few seconds before Stephen said.

"Alright, I could get you that, don't worry. Come back here at 6 pm"

Alex heaved a huge relief mentally when he heard this. At least now his problem with weapons is solved. Now he just needed to wait.

Not wanting to stay longer Alex stood up and left.

Seeing Alexander leave, Stephen grabbed his phone and called someone.


Not having anything to do, Alex just binges the series he was following at the same time experimenting with his ability.

It turns out, that he can get things out of the abyss in this world. Except for the Iris anything can be brought here like the golden crystal.

He also tested if teleporting back to this world is fixed and luckily it isn't.

He went to a bathroom in a mall and teleported to the abyss and when he teleported back to the world and he found himself where he was last in.

It was good cause he could use this if he needs to disappear.

About the miraculous crystal... Wanting to test it, Alex cut himself in his kitchen a bit. The moment he crushed the crystal he thought it would become bits and pieces of it but it turn into liquid and fell on his wound, there he saw his wound healing.

He might be going into a nightmare soon but at least he doesn't have to worry about injuries from on.

As for seeking help and telling the world of this? It was not even a day and from what Iris told him, other than him who had the mark, he can't bring people to the abyss. But he got a feeling that the answers will found in the broken world.

Time passed.

At almost 6 pm Alex was once again heading underground and after knocking and saying his name.

The door opened. He was expecting some guns laying on the counter and Stephen waiting but what he saw made him curse.

"Ah shit"

An old man, with hair and beard and was wearing a black jacket was sitting next to the stool he previously sat down on.

Without turning to look at him the man said.

"Kid, sit down"

Alex took a deep breath and said while taking his seat.

"Hey.. uncle John ... It's been a while"

Alex said. They weren't related by blood but this man looked after him when he was a child so he called him that.

After that, Alex got a bit nervous and waited for his uncle to speak but didn't, so he took the initiative and said stating the obvious.

"Is this about the guns?"

"Of course it's about the guns," His uncle said simply and turned his head he started At Alex straight in the eyes.

"What are you gonna need them for??"

Prepared for this question Alex said.."I'm gonna go hunting"

"Ha," his uncle scoff hearing that reason.

"Then why'd you'd need an assault rifle for? A simple bolt action rifle is enough"

Alex only has little knowledge of guns, all he knows is that the more rounds in the magazine, the better, after all, he has to explore a huge space with an unknown amount of monsters so he needs a gun that can spray a lot.

"Cause it's more awesome" not even bothering to think of a better answer Alex simply said that. Anyways, his uncle probably doesn't believe his reason.

"Why'd you need really?? Are you gonna do something bad?? Years without even getting to us or your father's help and now you suddenly wanted guns." His uncle asked again. Alex simply denied it.

After a few seconds...

"...Look me in the eye straight and say to me you're not gonna fuck anyone with it??"

His heart rate increased a bit when he saw his uncle's deep pan stare, god knows how many lives this man has taken.

But Alex stared at him with conviction, he needed weapons, and this is the only way...

"I swear to god, I'm not gonna fuck anyone with it"

Please comment any grammatical and spelling mistake you notice, Thank you~~

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