
Chapter 4: Golden drop

The octopus wiggled its tentacles and pointed at the golden drop.

Understanding its intention, Alex got an idea as to what this was.

He immediately got excited as he undid the crude bandage on his leg. It was still bleeding a bit.

He put up his right arm intending to scoop a drop but the octopus shook its head.

Before he could ask. A golden drop fell by his hand, making sure it didn't slip through his hand, he observed it, but not long after, its golden luster slowly vanished until it turned into the normal color of water.

"The fuck? What happened?"

The octopus explained that the drop couldn't easily be contained.

Having no choice, Alex lifted the injured leg intending to catch a drop with his wounded part of the leg.

Balancing himself, he positioned his leg as he waited for the drop to happen, not long after, a golden droplet fell on his wounded leg, and instantly he felt as if, hundreds of ants crawled on his wound, he staggered losing his balance and fell on his butt.

But his eyes never left his wound, a miraculous thing happened. He saw his 3cm wide wound and probably 5mm deep wound heal visibly in front of his eyes after just a single drop.

After just a few seconds his wound scabbed already indicating it was already close to healing.

Alex could only hang his mouth as he saw what happened. In the end, he could only mutter...



Somewhere in the city, Donald was carrying the bread he managed to buy while smiling. His clothes were dirty and ragged yet his smile was just as warm.

After a hard day of begging and doing some small chores, he got enough money to buy a huge piece of bread so he wanted to eat it in a quiet place.

He had already forgotten how many years he had been homeless, but one thing he learned is that enjoying the little things is everything. He planned to eat this bread in an abandoned warehouse.

In the past he used to stay and sleep there, it wasn't until a couple of homeless shelters opened nearby that he moved out.

After a couple of minutes, he reached the warehouse, it was pretty old and full of dust. He heard it was about to be taken down soon to build an apartment building.

Nevertheless, not minding the looks of the place Donald headed to an abandoned room where it used to be an office but just as he was about to head there.

Chills crept out his spine. He stopped in his track as he tried to ascertain what caused it, then he noticed something in the corner of his eyes.

The building was rectangular shaped with many destroyed and abandoned pallet racks. At first, he didn't notice it cause he was busy thinking about eating but when he got a good look at it... there at the end was.... a giant door.

He thought it was a wall at first but he slowly got a full picture of it as he got close, it was a giant steel colored double door with patterns and sculptures of what seemed like monsters in it.

Donald felt the temperature getting colder as he got closer, but as if in a trance, he headed towards it in a quiet step.

When he stopped, he found himself just over a meter toward the door. Seeing it close, Donald's breathing got faster.... seeing it up close he estimate it was over 10 meters in height. just the handle of the door alone was more than 5 meters high.

Sweat completely drenched Donald's back. He took a step back but that's when...


A small sound rang out. Donald completely froze... as he stared deeply at the door, or more precisely what could be behind it. Once again driven by curiosity, He muttered up his courage and walk over and leaned towards the door, and closed his eyes. For a few seconds, there was no sound and when Donald thought what he heard wasn't real...


A bigger sound came and startled him to the core as he fell on his butt. Donald stared at the door, somehow he felt that behind this door is hiding the worst nightmare any human could imagine.

Not wanting to stay any longer Donald stood up and ran and decided to never come back to this place again.


Alex was looking at his now fully healed leg. it only took two drops for his wound to heal. He wanted to question how was this possible but then he had just killed an abomination not long ago so he withheld it.

Alex then stared back at the drops and asked his octopus partner.

"Is there any way to store this?" The octopus told him that this drop could only be stored through special means.

Then wanting to become reliable, the octopus relayed its intention to not worry.

Then it fell from his shoulder, and using one of its tentacles, it brought it near intending to catch a drop, and when a drop fell on its tentacles, it seemed to be disappeared or consumed by the octopus. Alex watched this in interest curious as to what the octopus gonna do.

Then the octopus body shook, lifted its other tentacles, and on the tip of it, a small golden crystal came out, it wrapped it with its tentacles and presented to his master and lifted its other tentacles as if saying 'Tada!'

Alex bent his knees and grabbed it, it was smaller than a fingernail but it was beautiful. The octopus climbed back on his shoulder as it explained what it was.

He understood what it was, now he could carry this wherever he goes, and he could have a lifesaver. Thinking of this he was excited.

"Thank you octopus...Speaking of which, do you have a name?" He just now remember that he kept calling it octopus without knowing its name.

The octopus simply shook its head. Alex tilted his head as he said.

"How about I give you one?"

Then the octopus was suddenly excited bouncing up and down from his shoulder.

Alex smiled and a thought came to him and suggested. "How about Iris?" In truth he was fascinated by its golden eyes so and because he was just too lazy to come up something, that's the name he came up with.

Then the octopus lifted its tentacles as if proclaiming ' I am Iris now!'

Seeing this Alex laughed "Hahaha calm down, first we need to clean that up" He turned around and vaguely see from the distance the mush body of the monster. Now that this place was safe he definitely didn't want to live with that mess, who knows he might contract some disease.


In the empty bedroom, Alex suddenly appeared with nothing but his boxers on. The reason for this was because the blood of the monsters was sprayed on his clothes and he was afraid he could bring diseases here so he took them off and threw them off the wall of nothingness.

"Better take a shower" For the second time, Alex took a shower today.

After some time, Alex lay on his bed and reviewed what happened not long ago. At the same time, he considered what to do.

Whether he liked it or not, he already has this power, there was no use avoiding it so he might as well face it head-on. He look for his gun and checked the ammo, it was empty.

As he stared at it, he contemplated a while before he sat up and finally decided what to do.

'If it's for the sake of the world, then my problems are nothing'

He prepared himself to meet someone.

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