

Anna could feel something strange about all the people in front of her gut was tell her I wary of these people. She needed to through the background of these people. The frontman was a sweet talker but his intention where clear it's not the first time she met men like him she had ways of dealing with them but this was Mu Yazhe little game so she had to sit back and watch him play.

Mu Yazhe told the four they would be in touch if they decided to collaborate first he had to contact his partner Feng Chou in China. They all looked at him they now needed to find this Feng Chou and convince him that he needed to make this collaboration happen.

But the Feng Chou was a ruthless womaniser he never dated women for more than a week. The women who dated him got the life of queen but only for a week then she was dumped like a sack of potatoes. But he doted on Anna like a sister anyone tired to look funny at her gauge their eyes out so they were going to meet their match. But she also had a to feel these women would try and use him to their advantage but he would play with them like cat and mouse it was just right for these evil people.

As Mu Yazhe got into the car he smiled:" game set and match I giving the bate now Feng Chou will reel them all in, and then clean them out they are in this together that's all I need to check" he looked over at Anna.

Anna was watching and thinking this is my devious husband she always knew he was a cold ruthless businessman just like his brother Mu Zain and his father and Uncle they were no non-sense people and now her sons were the same very cold and ruthless when they went into work mode and with them working both worlds he had to be you always we're looking over your shoulder.

Anna also knew she had to protect the family they would soon have visitors to the orphanage watched especially Mark Lance he seems to be interesting a bit too much he was after something Anna would put the Ghost shadows guards on alert around the orphanage she couldn't the children and the adult who seeking refuge in harm's way.

Anna was busy texting she didn't realise Mu Yazhe had been watching her since they left the place he smiled and thought I scared her today without thinking she was trying to return to him he had to treasure her that he was only cold to people outside not to her he loved her with all his heart.

He would show her when they got back:" hey Little demon are you okay did I scare you earlier but you know that is only my business mode but for you, I am your husband I am sorry if I have ever been this cold a and callus with you in the past " he pulled her in on his knees.

Anna was surprised she pulled like a rag doll and placed it gently on his knees. She was bright red she was embrassed the other men were still in the car they chuckled as nothing happened, she smacked his shoulder:" what are you doing we are in the car not in your room" she sighed.

Mu Yazhe smiled as he kissed her cheek then held her face turned towards him and kissed her lips he stayed there and whispered:" I don't have to behind close door to express my love for you, Little Demon get used to it I will do this whenever I please it's how husband and wife show they love each other" he chuckled as he kissed her again.

Anna's ears were burning she was so embrassed they were out in public there so no dark screen so as they drove past everyone could see but when he kissed and explained it his lips so close she just wants to kiss him there was danger in the air of Mu Yazhe being assault by Anna. She couldn't speak her lips were sealed by him when he released her she gasped for air:" when did you become a hooligan and how old are your not some teenager I except this behaviour from you children, not you old man" she jumped back in her seat.

She didn't speak or look at Mu Yazhe the whole ride back she was too embrassed to face Li Jannan and Secretary Chang. Mu Yazhe smirked and thought who you calling old I will discuss this with you tonight I will show you who is old Little Demon you will be begging me to stop don't blame me this will be your punishment he smiled as the thought of ways to punish her later.

Anna wanted to, ask what he planned for these four evil people they needed to pay for the evil they did she wanted to know who's the idea it was to get rid of the family and who's is the idea it was to humiliate young lady in front of her family and child and who's the idea it was to sell the innocent child on the underworld black-market things were the worst kind of people were and the father did his soul not shudder to send his child into the depth of hell is he even human?

She wanted them to taste of their crimes but for Anna, she couldn't to it to another woman have her violated by men is too evil for Anna seeking her mother like that she couldn't put any women regardless of who they were through that, there had to be a punishment that would shake their souls? But she also knew that Mu Yazhe would have told Feng Chou about these people and he would also have told them they offended his sister so he wouldn't spare them so she would leave it to her brother Feng Chou to take revenge.

They arrived back at the hotel their children owned they would stay here tonight in case they were followed they didn't want to lead them to the orphanage the family had to be kept out of this. They had suffered enough.

Mu Yazhe held on to Anna's hand as they walked in the intertwined there fingers he smiled at this he felt like he was in love for the first time he chuckles to himself that he was doing things in reverse normal couples dated married had children him he had children first then married and now he was dating he didn't mind he wanted to know everything about his wifey he knew her better than anyone but she had changed over the years he was missing some wanted to know this Anna all over again she fascinated him more. He knew there was a lot still hidden but in time he would know?

They walked in to see Mu Xujiu (Little Tiger) and Ramano was heading towards them they smiled as they saw their Mummy and Daddy and secretary Chang and the shadow guards coming in like they meant business they all looked cool in their suits. They hadn't seen his father dressed like this in a long time it was nice to see they missed his dad over the years they were missing.

Anna was walking towards them she stops in her tracks as she saw an old man reading a paper watching the boys walking towards them the old man look spitting image of Romano she knew that Ramono looked like his father so this must be his Grandfather after all these years Anna realised that Ramano blood family is around he wasn't an orphan, where they looking for him the old man looked directly at her he wasn't happy to see Anna did he recognise her if he did he would also know that the people hire by this old man killed Ramono father in the battle they had his mother almost lost her life because she tried to save Anna as she had called her there to protect her son Anna owed her a favour for her helping Anna one time it was time to return the favour.

Anna had promised Ramano mother she would take him with her and never let him fall into the hands of his Grandfather as at the time they wanted to kill Ramano. Anna thought after all these years why would they look for him. The big was how did they know Ramano was alive. And now what did need from her precious baby boy, would they want to take her baby back with them? Would Ramano go with them a new fear gripped Anna? They got rid of Ramano they got what they wanted she wouldn't give up without a fight he was her son and she made her friend a promise she would keep, her son save?

Anna walked over to Ramon and hugged him tightly, she knew something wasn't right she could feel it in her gut. Ramono was pleasantly surprised at his Mummy reaction he hugged her back and kissed the top of her head:" Hey Mama how have you been I missed you I was going to come this weekend I was missing your cooking" he chuckled.

Anna whispered:" baby promise you will listen to all sides before you made your decision there are things you need to know and the truths need to revealed okay my sweet baby boy " she hugged him tightly.

Ramano listens to his Mummy he knew what she was talking about and from the way she whispers, she was scared of something but what? he still needs to find out he could feel his mothers heat beat speed when she was hugging him and fear coming from her he hugged her tightly he didn't want to hurt her ever he had seen her break once before and when they almost lost her he loved this mother too much. She sacrificed sleepless night so he could sleep in peace she patted him and held him in her arms when he cried in fear until he was okay how could he believe that his, mother would ever want to harm him.

He whispered back:" Mummy don't worry I am not easily swayed I am your son always and forever" he kissed her forehead. He made sure the old man saw him he could see his anger so Ramono knew this old man came with a hidden agenda he would get to the bottom of this.

Ramono had already spoken to the old man he wanted to believe him until his Grandfather told him that Anna killed his parents and kidnapped him. He knew his Mummy better than anyone Anna would sacrifice her life for him than hurt him so how could she have killed his parents, he wasn't his sister Mu Xingyan (Little Blessing) to believe that other people would say to him he would wait for his mother to tell him the truth.

Ramono listens to his blood-related Grandfather what noticed that he talked about his Father his Uncles and Aunties but nothing about his mother he didn't ask but why did he not mention his birth mother or her family who would tell him about her may his this amazing mother would may she knew her and what happened to her too.

Ramono spoke as he looked at his Mummy:" don't worry we will talk later okay I have a meeting to attend so I will meet for dinner " he smiked as he walked out of the hotel.

Mu Xujiu winked at his Mummy:" I will look after him don't worry " he left as well with Romano.

When the boys left she turned to the old man she gives a glare that only the blue-eyed beast would give to fear in you she walked off to her room.