


They had been there two months every day the day started at 4.30 am and finished at 10.00 pm by the time they all hit the pillow they were all out they were too tired. The two Master really put them through their paces Anna had fully recovered thanks to Master Chung's herbal medicine.

Anna had also trained with Master Isaac and realised that there were a lot more she wants Master Isaac to teach her she won't to move like him so beautifully like he was dancing and all the lives she saw Master Isaac using that she hadn't learned so she made excuses to spend time with Master Isaac that she wanted more training but she just wanted to be spent time with him it's the first time he acknowledged her so she wanted to make the most of it. They would talk Anna was always nervous so she talked none stop she told Master Isaac about the 15 years she spent apart. Master Isaac listens to his granddaughter and regretted how he was cold to her all these years she was just as beautiful and brought the sunshine with her he listens to he babble on he found her to resemble her mother more and more. Master Isaac missed his daughter so much he tried to meet her but she couldn't remember him it pained his heart so much but he knew he was getting punished for ignoring his granddaughters all these years.

Master Isaac couldn't explain to Anna that he was cold towards them after he lost his only daughter he lived his daughter the most he pampered and spoiled her so when he found out what happened and he wasn't there to protect her he was afraid that the same would happen to his granddaughter so he didn't get close to them he believed if he distanced himself he wouldn't feel the pain he felt every time he would see the girls they remained him of his daughter. He could turn back time so he could embrace the girls instead of distancing himself so he was trying to make it up now to spend as much time as possible with them. he loves his great-grandchildren they were just like there mother and father at that age the boys were more like there father Little Blessing was like her mother. She was just a chirpy happy and brought the sunshine with her although she belongs to one of the elite families in China she was not spoilt or snobby she was very humble she mixed with everybody she paid attention to everyone she took others feelings in to count she spoke with respect to the elderly and her uncles and her peers. He was however worried she might have problems when on missions she was a softy and give in easily he had tried to toughen her but it was not successful.



Master Isaac remembered when they found Anna in the water when she was five barely alive and he found out he had lost his only daughter he took the anger out on the girls and when Anna would run a fever and babble on that her mother was alive and her father had taken her mother they were safe. Master Isaac used to get angry for no reason but Anna would have the reoccurring nightmare and run a high fever Master Isaac would come and sit with her he would pat her to sleep Anna always thought it was her Uncles many a time when Anna and Amelia slept he would secretly come and

check on them he would feel very guilty about how he treated them but he was very strict with them he didn't want them to face what they mother had faced he wanted to make the girls strong and independent to only rely on themselves.

Later when Master Isaac found out that his beloved daughter Jaden was alive he felt guilty of how he had treated the girls and how he punished Anna for babbling about her mother being alive but he was not backing down on making them strong anybody could harm them. He trained them extra harshly and taught them that if they cried he would punish them severely. The training took place regardless of whether cold or hot they had complete each task assigned to them in a certain amount of time they would be punished what he noticed is that Anna was very attentive of her sister and her team she would take the punishment for all of them she was truly born to lead and be a warrior princess she had the skills and stammer for it.

Master Isaac put in the effort to train her more although everyone thought he was more severe on her than the rest he was training her to be the best of the best. Master Isaac knew she would one day she would take the title of King of the underworld. Master Isaac wasn't that confident that his sons could do it but his granddaughter he knew she could she would someday make him proud. Master Isaac remembers when the girls went on a there first mission they were only 10 years of age when they were together they were like there were least 10-15 men were there they were a force to be reckoned with they alone could take out a whole team of fully trained men. To better, they complemented each other they move as one so nobody even knew they were there they had become to be known as the silent killers the enemy didn't know they were there until it was too late.

Master Isaac kept their identity hidden from his family out of the Uncles only first Uncle and the sixth Uncle knew and of course, Att knew that they were there secret weapon they went as a team but when they released their secret weapon they eliminated everyone in their path that's why they become the elite team in the underworld even when they went on their own they truly earned their title as the dark knights. Anna had another title that she received as the blue-eyed beast. Amelia got the title as warrior Jade. They went on rescue and recovery mission Master Isaac didn't take it easy on them even though the Uncles interceded on their behalf he didn't budge he had seen them train so he knows they could do it and true to the fact while their uncles worried so much they complete the mission with no effort required. It was smooth in and out. Master Isaac wanted the first to congratulate them but his ego got in the way the girls waited for him to praise them he just walked away all though everyone celebrated the success he could clearly see the girls upset faces but he couldn't bring himself to put down his own self-pride and join them. His wife was upset with him too she refused to speak to him for two weeks which made him angrier he took it out in the girls by putting them through rigorous training and missions after missions they become well known in the underworld which was not his intention. He didn't want the enemy to find out that they were his granddaughters and that they were Jaden and Kang Jun daughters they would be in great danger.

Master Isaac just wanted to protect them this the only way he knew how to even if it meant he looked like the cold-hearted old man he was okay. When Anna wanted to find her father he found out Master Isaac was so scared that they would find out there mother was alive he punished her severely he also knew Anna hated the dark Anna was afraid but he still put her in so she could get rid of the fear he knew that the whole shadow guard team would sneak in to keep, her company and uncles and his wife he never stop them. Then Anna had fear of water he threw her in the river told her if she wanted to survive she had to swim but Anna froze she went down her Uncles and Att came in dive in the river and pulled her out Sixth Uncle got into an argument with Master Isaac and got punished Master also got scolded of his wife and first Uncle wife Izzy got into an argument with her father in law he didn't punish her but First Uncle got punished as well Furst Uncle didn' mind he was also angry at his father for being so cold-hearted. He felt guilty too for punishing her which only made it worse because Anna would rebel more he would punish her more they were in a vicious endless cycle until Anna became pregnant and she didn't know-how and claimed she didn't know who the father was. Master Isaac, instead of being sympathetic he asked her to abort them he was very angry he said it in the heat of the moment but regretted it after he got scolded of his wife for it too. But by the time he asked where they were they had already gone to the clinic he was informed that Anna had run away he breathes a sigh of relief then Mu Zain turned up and told him that he was the father of her children he wanted to take responsibility for her. Master Isaac had never felt so relieved he decided that it would best if she left with him so she would be away from his cruelty. The more she stayed the crueller he would be with her. After Anna left Sixth Uncle argued with him and took Amelia and went to America where he married Amelia off to Ting Jun.

