
My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

Meet Erika Walters, a woman who left her wealthy family and expensive lifestyle, hid her identity just to marry the one man that she loves. A man whom her family had warned her not to chase if she doesn’t want to be heartbroken. Turning a deaf ear towards her family, Erika married Adrian Hart. Adrain was against the marriage due to the fact that he never had feelings for Erika. However, the both of them got together because of the Matriarch of the Hart family. Grandma Elizabeth. A marriage was supposed to be a sweet journey for a woman who had just been accepted by her in laws but Erika’s was the opposite. Being treated as a servant wasn’t one of the roles of a married woman. Her in laws all treated her like dirt. Her husband continuously cheated on her with his lover, Felicia Evans whom his grandmother had always looked down on. After witnessing her husband having sexual intercourse with his lover in their matrimonial bed, Erika couldn’t take the torture anymore. She has reached her limit of endurance. She couldn’t let her heart to be continuously played with as if it was some toy. Erika reached out for the divorce papers, signed her name and left the Hart mansion with a promise that she would come back and make them loose everything they had ever worked hard for. Love? She has three elder brothers who dote on her. Erika went back to her family and started her plot against her ex in laws until she met Ethan, her childhood friend whom she had bumped into years ago. **** Excerpt “You really are a slut”, Adrian spat in disgust. Erika calmly looked at him. “The last time I checked, Mr Hart. We are not longer related so why is it such a bother to you if am a slut or not?” She coldly questioned him. “Since you have such a good eye at identifying who is a slut, why haven’t you figured out the main slut in your family yet?” She questioned him back. **** Will Erika successfully get her revenge? How will Adrain react when he sees that she has moved on? Will Adrain and Felicia have a happy ending? Will Erika feel any regret after getting her revenge? Will there be more secrets that she will discover on her journey of revenge? Find out more by clicking the book; My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

Sour_corn · 都市
413 Chs


Ethan was in his office in the Anderson Corp. He has seen the new headlines and was very satisfied with what was being talked about.

The Evans stock market has decreased by 20% and the Hart stock market has decreased by 18%. Both the family were so busy with the scandal. Ethan asked his team to reduce their investors now their stock market is dropping every minute.

Non of the investors would want to invest in a company that cheats even if it was a personal matter, the still valued their money and wouldn't want to be cheated.

Ethan had a bright smile on his face. He has not been able to see Erika yet but he knows she was doing alright but thought of doing so.

While on the other side, Felicia was raining heavy curses on Erika. It's been a week since the recordings she had sent to Erika have been uploaded. She was about to go crazy.

She has not seen Adrain since a week ago because he has been living in his office, trying to curb the issue. The recordings were just the same as the first one. They couldn't be taken down. She has asked Mr Douglas to help as usual but it wasn't enough.

Lucas Evans has forbidden her from entering the Evans mansion as he was very angry at her. She can't even go out without hearing a nasty comment directed towards her. This was all Erika's fault, she thought. The most annoying thing was that she can't find Erika.

In the Hart's mansion, Mary and Juliet were also angry but not with Felicia but Erika. They supported Felicia for sending the videos but who would have thought that Erika would publicize the videos.

In the living room, Mary gritted her teeth so hardly that you could hear it gnashing together.

"That bitch Erika, how dare she", she cursed. If she could see Erika right now she would have torn her to pieces.

She was mostly worried that if this scandal wasn't suppressed then they could loose everything. She doesn't want all her hard work to be part of this of this family to go down the drain.

Mary picked up her phone and tried to phone Erika again but it wouldn't go through. "Fuck!" She cursed again.

Erika was in her office doing work as usual. She already knows the chaos that was going on in the Evans and Hart's corporations since she was the one who caused it.

She was really happy today as she type on the computer was a big smile on her face. Now the Evans Corp stock market has reduced by 30% and the Harts has reduced by 26%.

She was typing happily until she heard a knock on her door, "Come in", she said.

The door spread open and Ethan walked in. It's been a while since she has seen Ethan and it was only after seeing him now that she realized that she misses him.

Ethan walked elegantly to the desk and sat down. "Good afternoon", he greeted.

"Good afternoon", she replied.

"I have seen the news and it seems like it's going to take a while before they can get back up again, the scandal has left a huge damage for them and it's only getting worse,"he said. Erika and Ethan got pretty close and she told him about her plans not knowing that the man in front on her has been keeping an eye on her for a while now.

"That is exactly what I want, besides they deserve it." Her main motive currently was to damage the Evans Corp first then the Hart will be in for dessert.

"Hmm", Ethan nods. "Are you free later? Let's go celebrate". He urged.

"Umm..... just the two of us?" She asked carefully.

"Sure why not? We are friends already right? Don't worry, I won't be a pervert. Believe me when I say I love my handsome face fresh from bruises", he joked and both of them laughed. "But we can invite Felix but I don't think he will be able to come with us, you see he has a blind date".

"What ? But why didn't he tell me?" She asked.

"I guess it was aunt and uncle who forced him into it and he is busy with it", he explained.

It wasn't time to go off of work and Erika didn't want to leave yet as it would be a bad example to the other employees so she worked in the office for the remaining few hours and Ethan went back to his office to continue his work as well but promised to pick her up later.

Erika hurriedly went home and took a shower first and changed her clothes. She does not want to leave in her office attire as it would draw attention to them. She put a lot of work to choose the dress she would be wearing and paired it up with a few accessories. Then she looked at herself in the mirror and realized that she was putting a lot of work in this hang out and now it looked more like she was going on a date.

Erika decided to change it to something more casual but her phone beeped with a notification from Ethan saying he was already outside.