
My Ex-Husband Fell in Love with Me

Sheng Xiangsi, consumed by jealousy, pushed her husband's pregnant lover down the stairs, causing her to miscarry and bleed to death. Rumors spread like wildfire in Jiangcheng, portraying Sheng Xiangsi as arrogant and malicious. To vent her anger at Bai Yueguang, her husband threw her out of the country, turning a blind eye to her fate. Four years later, Sheng Xiangsi returned to Jiangcheng. She and Fu Hanjiang exchanged smiles and buried the hatchet, going their separate ways thereafter. When they met again, Sheng Xiangsi became the top performer in the dance hall, with countless men willing to pay a fortune just to catch a glimpse of her. Fu Hanjiang couldn't sit still. He blocked her path and said, "Life is tough. Why not come back to me?" Sheng Xiangsi smiled faintly, "Mr. Fu, are you asking me out? Please take a number, join the line behind, thank you."

david_lee_1509 · ファンタジー
259 Chs

With a Dirty Heart, Everything Looks Dirty

Sheng Xiangsi looked at Yao Leyi, who was shouting in a rage, and suddenly felt a bit sorry for Fu Hanjiang.

"Yao Leyi, do you have a grudge against Fu Hanjiang?"

"Hmm?" Yao Leyi was taken aback, not understanding. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"No grudge?"

Sheng Xiangsi nodded, a trace of contempt appearing on her delicate face. "Then you really are incredibly selfish."

"To put it bluntly, you want both brothers to like you, but you can only marry one... You couldn't have Hanjiang, yet you can't let go of him. You can't stand to see him with another woman..."

"Sheng Xiangsi! Shut up!"

Before she could finish, Yao Leyi cut her off, deep anger appearing on her pretty face.

"How can you spew such filthy nonsense? Your heart is dirty, so everything you see is dirty! Hanjiang and I grew up together. I want his happiness more than anyone else!"

"Don't make it sound so noble."

Sheng Xiangsi looked at her indifferently, her tone flat.

"If you really think that, you wouldn't be saying things like 'he will always remember you' to me."

The attempt to sow discord was so obvious. Anyone who couldn't see through it would be a fool.

"You? Ha." Yao Leyi laughed coldly. "Who do you think you are?"


Sheng Xiangsi tilted her head, feigning confusion.

"Yeah, who am I? I'm also puzzled. When Fu Hanjiang was taken away, he told me to remember... that his wounds were for me, not for you. What do you think that means?"

With a smile, she flipped her hair and turned to leave.


Yao Leyi was stunned, standing there speechless.

Did Hanjiang really say that?

Could it be... he's fallen in love with Sheng Xiangsi?


After signing the paperwork and handling the procedures, Fu Hanchuan ran into Sheng Xiangsi.

"Brother," Sheng Xiangsi nodded politely, ready to walk away. She didn't want to face Yao Leyi again.


Fu Hanchuan glanced in Yao Leyi's direction, then lowered his head. "Can we talk? I have something to say."

Since her elder brother had spoken, Sheng Xiangsi couldn't refuse. "Alright, Brother."

"Come with me."

Fu Hanchuan led her to a resting room.

"Here, Xiangsi." Fu Hanchuan poured her a glass of water.

Sheng Xiangsi accepted it, holding it in her hands. "Thank you, Brother."

"No need." Fu Hanchuan sat across from her, silent for a moment, pondering how to start.

"Brother." Sheng Xiangsi apologized first, "What happened today was my fault. I bear some responsibility."

Even though it wasn't intentional, she had indeed caused Fu Hanjiang to be injured, leading to a second surgery.

Fu Hanchuan was taken aback, then shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to blame you. I don't know the full story and I'm not in a position to criticize you."

Sheng Xiangsi's heart skipped a beat. Then why did he want to talk to her?


Fu Hanchuan sighed, finally speaking, "I can see that you and Hanjiang have some misunderstandings. Is it because of Leyi?"

"?" Sheng Xiangsi was startled, her eyes widening in surprise.

This topic had always been a taboo in the Fu family, never openly discussed, especially not in front of Fu Hanchuan.


Seeing her look like she was facing a formidable enemy, Fu Hanchuan couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Relax, it's okay. I know everything. Including the rumors in Jiangcheng that the two Fu brothers fell in love with the same girl..."

"..." Sheng Xiangsi opened her mouth, but had nothing to say.

For the elder brother, being so calm despite being involved himself?

Fu Hanchuan picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of water.

"I've never explained it, mainly because there's no way to explain it. I can't outtalk the countless mouths spreading the rumors. I know the truth, and that's enough."

Sheng Xiangsi remained silent, her breathing light.

So, there was more to the story? Were the rumors really just baseless?

Fu Hanchuan set down the cup. "It's true that both Hanjiang and I treat Leyi well... indeed very well. Xiangsi, do you want to know why?"

Sheng Xiangsi was taken aback, her heart suddenly racing.

She bit her lip and nodded. "Yes."


Fu Hanchuan sighed lightly, as if finding it hard to speak. "This matter is rarely mentioned in the Fu family because... for Hanjiang and me, especially Hanjiang, it's not a pleasant memory."

He slowly, painfully, recounted the past.

"When Hanjiang and I were young, we were kidnapped..."

Their parents were also kidnapped at the same time.

This incident caused a sensation in Jiangcheng at the time.

The police searched day and night but couldn't find them. The kidnappers never contacted Fu Mingzhu after they disappeared.

The police deduced that the kidnappers weren't after money, making the situation even more troubling.

This case remained unsolved for over six months.

In the end, the police found Fu Hanchuan and Fu Hanjiang in a criminal gang's hideout, starving and covered in wounds.

At that time, Fu Hanjiang was being carried on a girl's back.

The girl looked about his age, in ragged clothes and skin and bones, having carried him through the mountains for ten kilometers...

After the police rescued them, they immediately wanted to take them to the hospital.

But the girl refused, insisting on taking them to find Fu Hanchuan...

Fu Hanchuan was older, and she couldn't carry him.

Since Fu Hanjiang was saved, she had to go back to save him!

Under her guidance, the police rescued Fu Hanchuan.

However, their parents... remained missing.

The police believed they were probably dead...

This past event was buried deep in every Fu family member's heart, rarely brought up because just thinking about it tore open old wounds.

At this moment, Fu Hanchuan finished briefly recounting the story, his voice distant and not quite his own. "That's it."


Sheng Xiangsi's lips parted slightly, her vision blurred.

She understood. "Yao Leyi was that girl."

"Yes." Fu Hanchuan nodded lightly.

"People only know that my brother and I treat her well, but they don't know it's what she deserves."


Even Sheng Xiangsi couldn't deny it.

If it weren't for Yao Leyi, the Fu family might have long disappeared from Jiangcheng...

How could an old lady like Fu Mingzhu support the family alone?

No wonder Yao Leyi was so confident.

So, there was such a history behind it!


Fu Hanchuan spoke again, his voice slightly hoarse. "Hanjiang is my brother. I know him. I can see that he likes you, perhaps more than he himself realizes."

He checked his watch and stood up.

"He is straightforward by nature. He treats Leyi well out of gratitude, but with you? He treats you well simply because... he wants to. If that's not liking you, what is?"