

It was already evening when Cain managed to get off the king's eyes. The conversation took longer than he liked and having the king push his daughters at him was honestly annoying.

But Cain managed to learn a few important things about the king that he never knew before. 21 is the number of the king's official wives, those who are considered queens. He didn't count the concubines which will push that number up to 35 total. Baltos might have actual jewels to push all of them.

Another piece of information he managed to get is that the Headmaid that was chasing them is actually one of the queens, and Cassius's mother. She used to be the king's private assassin and bodyguard before getting injured and having to retire early. Nonetheless, she still has enough strength to kill most commanders in open combat.

"Look who's here? What a beautiful hunk of a man!" A woman approached Cain as he was walking in the capital's streets. A brothel seems to be on the other side of the road.