
Call of the Gods

Thud! Chad stepped in front of the tree, gently touching its trunk.

CRACK! Sylph landed a fair distance behind him, "Chad!" She shouted.

~It's been a long time, old brother.~ A voice rang in their heads.

"What?" Sylph gasped, "The world tree?" She looked up at the three branches, "Yggdrasil, is that you?"

"Yggdrasil," Chad smiled, "I'm not exactly Adam, you know?"

~You are him, indeed. Not be the same flesh, but you are him in the soul. Mankinds are called as such because of you, the Man who started it all. They are all your kind, Adam's descendants.~

Chad smiled, "Why did you call me here?"

~There are multiple things I wanted to confirm with you. And her as well.~ The voice shifted toward Sylph. ~Sylph, bring me the children whom I rejected today. They must learn of my brother.~


~I'm the mother of Corellon, and he is my older brother. Corellon's uncle, the first human Adam,~

"I will bring them right away," Sylph said, jumping away immediately.