
Building the Kingdom I

"When AO influence fades. The abominable horrors of the primordials walk the world again. The dragons' suicidal attack on the gods would leave the world defenseless." Aria looked down at Amaterasu and Selune.

Selune blinked, staring at Aria. "That's why their attack on us was bad, but Cain taking over isn't. He's making the divine realm stronger."

Aria nodded. "You're right. It doesn't matter who claims to be a god, as long as they can use that power to fight the primordials when they come." She lifted her foot and rested it on Amaterasu's hair. "Cain is strong and is making you gods stronger. That is the only way you can survive and protect your worshippers."

"If a god's followers died, he will wither and die of divine starvation. Those who are immune are the ones representing natural order." Selune stared at Cain. "I'm the moon, and Amaterasu is the sun. We won't die. But we won't get any stronger without worshippers."