
My Dungeon Hunter System

Find out the mysteries of this new found world with Seth, unveiling the truth of what really happened on that night it all started. The new world introduces magical beasts from all types of mythologies and monsters the world has never even thought of. Will Seth be able to protect himself or will he be like one of the many people who failed to survive on the path of glory? Come and read and you’ll surely be surprised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am working on a discord server for the story but so far it is a work in progress and will probably be released only if the story gets popular enough! 10 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter 50 Power Stones = 2 Bonus Chapters 100 Power Stones = 3 Bonus Chapters Discord Hika#2138

HikaYami · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 5 - I Will Conquer This World -Info Dump-

[Congratulations on defeating -Goblin's Home- Rank F dungeon! Being the first to clear a farmable dungeon means you get extra rewards]

[Congratulations on clearing a Rank F dungeon, you have now passed the test and gained full access to your abilities and system]

[Would you like to consume this dungeon?]

[Yes - No]

Seth took a moment to gain his composure and gather his feelings on what just happened. 'I'm alive, I'm alive...' Seth started crying for the first time in his life. He felt so relieved that he was alive that he started crying, it wasn't just because he was alive but also because he felt horrible for dying and leaving his family without him.

He wouldn't ever be able to forgive himself if he died and wasn't able to protect his family. Slowly composing himself he started reading the notifications. 'I can consume the dungeon? I mean I have no reason not to consume it.' He thought as he tapped yes on the system's screen.

After he tapped yes everything turned black around him, it was only like this for a few seconds though as he soon found himself back outside the front of the portal.

[Congratulations on consuming your first dungeon, you will now be given a full explanation of everything]

'Finally, it only took me dying and reviving to finally understand my system'

[With the Dungeon Hunter System you can hunt and conquer dungeons. After clearing this dungeon you have gained full control over the system and abyssal magic. Instead of having a level like everyone else you gain stat points through consuming monsters and conquering dungeons with your abyss magic. But you have to meet certain requirements to conquer these dungeons, like being strong enough and helping clear the dungeon]

[Would you also like an explanation of your status?]



[Seth Young]

Male - Age 17

Mana- [200]

Strength- [6]

Agility- [8] + [10] [Added Agility because of your weapons unique effect]

Intelligence- [3]

Defense- [4]

Affinities- [Lightning, Abyss]

Skills - [Lightning Bolt Level 1], [Lightning Orb], [Devour Level 1]

[Mana is a visual representation of the mana you have left in your body, it is the source of your magic]

[Strength is essentially how strong you are, the more strength you have the more force you are going to be able to exert. A normal humans strength is around 1-2 meaning you are 4-6 times stronger than your average human]

[Agility is how fast you are, the higher your agility the faster you are going to be able to move. Not just with movement speed but also anything that includes moving like swinging a sword or thrusting a spear]

[Intelligence isn't how smart you are but instead how much mana you have and the strength of your magic. The higher your intelligence the more mana you are going to have as well as how strong your spells can be, it also increases your reaction speed and how fast you perceive things. 1 point in intelligence gives you 50 mana and clearing the Rank F dungeon gave you 50 more mana]

[Defense is how tough you are. The higher your defense the less damage you will take from attacks, for example, the arrow that you got shot by in your shoulder wouldn't be able to pierce your skin if your defense was 10 or above]

[Affinities are the elements you can use if you don't have fire magic and try to use fire magic you won't be able to use it except for a few exceptions. The basic 4 elements, fire, wind, water, and earth are the most common type of affinities. More complex elements like lightning, ice, lava, etc..., are rare. The rarest type of affinities is light, dark, and gravity. Your abyss magic is unique to you, no one else in this world should have your type of magic]

[Skills are self-explanatory, it is the skills that you possess and the levels of said skills, you can tap on them to see their description and level in more detail]

[The amount of stats you gain from the monsters depends on their stats which is why the gain is different for each stat. The stat gain from dungeons is dependent on their rank and if they are a farmable or one-time dungeon. If it is farmable you will only be getting mana from the dungeon but you will gain passive stat points from people killing the monsters inside of the dungeon as long as you have conquered it before. You can also repeat the same dungeon and get skill points from monsters you've killed before.]

[If it is a one-time dungeon you will get the total stat points of all the monsters combined multiplied by a certain value that is determined by the rank of the dungeon]

[That is all for the tutorial if you need help on a system feature just tap the help button on the top left of the system]

'God I didn't realize there was so much to it, so basically I can own the dungeons and get stronger from doing nothing as long as I own popular dungeons. I can grow infinitely strong while doing no work at all!'

Seth had a wide smile on his face after the system explained what everything did.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

Hearing his phone ring gave him flashbacks to almost dying so he quickly took out his phone and looked who was calling him. 'Shit she noticed, it was his mother calling him.

'My mother almost just killed me in there, I really should have told her that I was going out, I shouldn't have snuck out like that.' Slightly regretting his actions he picks up the phone.

Answering the phone Seth says, "Hello?"

"Where are you? I thought I told you that we are going to be staying in the house until it's safe to go outside and it still isn't safe. You need to get back home right now, me and your sister are both worried without you here."

Seth was trying to think of an excuse he could use for why he was out but he isn't the sharpest tool in the box, "Uh.. sorry I was just going back to the park because I left my phone there last night after you called me. It must've fallen out of my pocket when I started running home, I am coming home right now don't worry."

"Alright... just make sure you are careful of your surroundings, don't go doing anything stupid, please. I'll see you when you get home, I love you bye." Without waiting for him to even get the chance to say I love you back she hung up the phone.

Sighing Seth started to make his way back home but he didn't run, he just walked back slowly trying to think of ways he could escape from his house without his mom finding out. 'Maybe I could go out at night and farm the goblin dungeon then instead of going out in broad daylight. Yeah, that probably would have been a better idea than me just going out in the middle of the day.' He chuckled as he realized how impatient he was.

Reaching home he walked through the front door and was suddenly splashed with water.

"Hahahaha" He heard his sister's annoying laugh, realizing she was probably the culprit he opened his eyes only to see her standing in front of him with an orb of water in front of her hand.

"I told you to not do that to your brother, I swear you kids are going to be the death of me one day." Their mom said, clearly annoyed with her child.

Seth was annoyed at his sister's antics but at the same time, he was happy for her because this means that she would be able to protect herself against the monsters if she ever comes across any. Of course, he didn't let on to this as he yelled at his sister for splashing him with water for no reason.

"Whatever your just mad that you don't have any magic! Haha" She turned around and started to walk away from Seth with a big smirk on her face and he couldn't help but get irritated by her so he shot a lightning bolt towards her.

He wasn't trying to hurt her... too much at least so he lowered the power down by a lot. Making the lightning bolt feel like a taser. When the lightning bolt hit her back her body jolted and then she fell and hit the ground.

"Hahahahahaha not so funny to get by magic now is it?" Seth laughed in her face as he walked beside her to help her get up off the floor. She looked over at him with slight tears in her eyes and at that moment Seth couldn't help but regret it. He didn't think she would fall over like that, he only meant to give her a little shock but his regret only lasted a few seconds. He suddenly realized there was a big shadow over where he was standing so he looked up only to see a large cube of water floating over his head.

"Young lady you better not drop that in this house or I swear your behind will be as red a tomato." Her mother said with a stern voice looking over at her 2 children.

"You guys need to stop messing with each other and grow up, you are almost adults." Drew dissolved the cube of water she made and got up and ran to her room, slamming her door.

Seth could only give a slight smile to his mom while looking down and walking over to sit next to her on the couch. Seth and his mother sat there for a little bit in silence until his mother spoke up.

"So what class did you choose from the system? I chose to be a healer because I want to make sure I can always help you guys if you get hurt". His mother said with a bright smile on her face as she looked at Seth.

She continued by saying, "Your sister chose to be a mage, she can manipulate water."

Seth was confused about what his mother meant by choosing a class but then he realized that he had a different system. His system must not have given him that option most likely because he didn't need it.

"Oh, I chose the same thing as her actually, I decided to become a mage after realizing I have an affinity for lightning," Seth said as he showed off by holding out his hand upwards and making lightning dance around on the palm of his hand.