
My Dragon Boy (UNFINISHED)

Leslie_Contretee · 劇場
31 Chs

Thy Fire Breathing Dragon

Markus : " Hggggh.. "

Kimolina : " Is it hot? "

Markus : " Mmmmh "

Kimolina : " Are you-"

Markus : " WAHHH! "

Markus spits out the muffin onto the floor and puts his hands on Kilolinas shoulders

Markus : " W A T E R . "

Kimolina : " Wuh..? "

Markus : " WATER ,WATER!! "

Kimolina : " Oh water! "

She grabs a cup and runs to the fridge to get water. Her hands were still burnt so she winced at the pain. Kimolina turned around and handed Markus the cup

Kimolina : " Here! "

He snatches the cup of water and chugs it down

Kimolina : " - "

Markus : " My mouth..it feels..much better.. "

Kimolina : " I told you it was too hot, haha! "

Markus : " Ok whatever so your right for once..but that doesn't change anything! "

Kimolina : " Pff whatever you say ' fire breathing dragon! ' "

Markus : " I do breathe fire! "

Kimolina : " Then why is a ' little burn ' too hot for your mouth all great and mighty fire dragon? "

Markus : " Because..because..it has human flakes in it! "

Kimolina : " Pff human flakes?? "

Markus : " It's a thing humans create! "

Kimolina : " Oh okay! "

Kimolina giggled

Markus : " I will prove you I breathe fire. "

Kimolina : " Then do so. I dare you "

He throws Kimolina into a portal

REALM : 4736251

Inside Kimolinas Mind : 𝑊ℎ𝑦 𝑑𝑜 𝐼 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑

Kimolina : " What realm is this? "

Markus : " .. "

Kimolina : " Hmmm?? "

Markus : " The realm is 4736251 "

Kimolina : " Why numbers? "

Markus : " Because it's a code meaning "

Kimolina : " Huh, interesting "

Without and warning Markus turns into a black with red stripes dragon. He glares at Kimolina as she gazes at him in...amazement.!He seemed annoyed being in this form. Fire bursts from his mouth in the air lighting the sky!

Kimolina : " Wow..it's so beautiful! "

Markus : " I told you I can breathe fire! "

Kimolina : " Yup you sure did prove me

wrong "

Markus : " Haha!! "

Kimolina : " So then where is your

clothes if.. "

Markus : " Oh right..I don't have clothes if I transform into a dragon.- "

Kimolina : " Uhm can't you make a portal to home and I can get clothes for you.? "

Markus : " Yeah "

Kimolina : " Then can you do that please? "

Markus : " Yeah I guess "

Kimolina : " Thanks! "

Markus : " Yeah yeah your welcome "

He opens up a portal allowing her to walk in