
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · ファンタジー
98 Chs

Ch-33 Thunder Means

Amidst the applause, Su Hao led He Qingqing and Xiaopang out of the restaurant, and the two purses that were touched by Su Hao belonged to Su Hao. There were not many of them. The total was only 10 silver dollars.

  He Qingqing and Xiaopang's undisguised admiration. Although they knew that Su Hao was great, they didn't expect it to be more than just great.

  Recalling this series of events, after a while, He Qingqing suddenly said: "Xiang Wu, we have already got the money back, and interrupt his other hand, will it..."

  Su Hao laughed and said, "It's not your money that you stole, so you think I'm too much? Ask Xiaopang, does Xiaopang think I'm too much?"

   Xiaopang glanced blue and hesitated: "How to say it, I think it is a bit too much to break one hand, two hands are broken, but it doesn't matter, just get the money back."

  Su Hao curled his lips and said, "You don't think you can bear it because you still don't know the weight of the money. Both hands are light. If you steal my head, I will break another leg."

  As if thinking of Su Hao breaking his hands alive, the two of them shuddered.

Su Hao said to the two of them: "Now it's no longer a tea mountain whistle, everything depends on ourselves. We don't take the initiative to provoke us, but if someone takes the initiative to provoke us, we have to use thunder to hit those who dare to provoke us, and then I can't raise other thoughts."

   "Because once your hands are weak, others will think you are bullying, and the follow-up will be annoying. Do you understand?"

  He Qingqing and Xiao Pang nod their heads seemingly.

  Pang asked: "Xiang Wu, what is a thunder method?"

Su Hao smiled and said: "Well, different situations have different thunder methods. Let me give you an example! You like to eat steamed buns, if I have a steamed bun in my hand, let you change it with one arm. Not to change?"

   Xiaopang shivered, and immediately hid his arms behind him, and stepped back two steps: "Of course I don't want to, Xiang Wu, don't give me an idea."

  Su Hao said speechlessly: "I'm just giving an example."

   said again: "Why don't you want to change it?"

   "That's definitely not willing to change! Only for fools!"

  Su Hao smiled and said, "It's not a fool to change it, and a fool would not change it. Why? Because it's not worthwhile to change a bun with an arm as a price, right?"

  Pang nodded and said: "Yes!"

Su Hao stretched out a finger towards He Qingqing and Xiaopang and said: "So, you only need to know one point, that is, as long as the person who makes your idea realize that he is bullying you, the price paid will be far More than the happiness gained by bullying you, no one wants to bully you anymore."

  Looking at the thoughtful expressions of He Qingqing and Xiaopang, they made a summary: "So, the price the other party has to pay is your so-called thunder method."

   After all, regardless of whether the two of them could understand or not, they took them to find a restaurant and ate dinner.


  After the three of Su Hao left, in the box on the second floor of the previous restaurant, a few teenagers of about ten years old who were also having dinner began to discuss.

   "Brother Big Yan, the boy with short hair just now is so amazing, he seems to be a new student this year, right?" said a little girl with a ball head, and approached a cold, long-haired boy next to her.

  The handsome face of the long-haired boy stayed away quietly, and said in a cold voice: "It should be! It's amazing."

The long-haired boy is called Jin Dayan. He is one of the three young masters of the Jin family in Lingyun Town. He is known as one of the most talented warriors of the Jin family. At only ten years old, he broke through to a high-level ordinary warrior. His eldest brother and second brother were even more talented, making a sensation in the city for a while, and they are currently very famous in Lingyun Town. But few people have actually seen Jin Dayan, the third young master of the Jin family.

  The other little girl in pink can't stand it anymore, she hurriedly stood up, pulled the ball-head girl away, and said loudly, "Mo Xin, please keep me away from my brother."

  The girl in pink is called Jin Xiaohan, who is Jin Dayan's sister. The naming of the Jin family is very interesting. The males are called "big" and the females are called "little."

   Mo Xin said with dissatisfaction: "Is this not far enough? Xiaohan, you are too sensitive!"

  Jin Xiaohan stared: "Your face is almost touching my brother's face!"

Mo Xin just giggled, and turned to ask Jin Dayan, "Brother Big Yan, the kid looked younger than us just now, but he defeated three middle-rank martial artists. Will he be a high-rank ordinary man? Musha?"

  Jin Dayan shook his head, and said unsure: "It's not very clear, but if it's me, I shouldn't be able to knock down the three of them as cleanly as he did."

  Jin Xiaohan and Mo Xin smile froze, and immediately said: "Impossible! That kid was just lucky."

   Jin ticked the corner of the big cigarette holder, and said lightly: "Maybe! We will meet."


  At this time, the sky was already dark, and there were only dim lights in the academy. Fortunately, the moonlight was like a gauze.

  After sending He Qingqing back to her dormitory, Su Hao deliberately took Xiaopang and had a face-to-face meeting with her roommates, which directly showed that He Qingqing was covered by someone to avoid being isolated in the girls' dormitory.

   Although Su Hao claims to be knowledgeable, he still does not know the complexity of the female dormitory. With He Qingqing, who didn't understand anything when he came out of the village for the first time, he would easily become the target of bullying.

  After Su Hao and Xiaopang returned to the dormitory, they found two roommates there.

  One of them was tall and strong, his face was tanned, and his head was taller than Su Hao. The muscles on his body swelled up, and he looked at least 12 years old. It looks like it is stepping on the line to enter school.

   Another small man, about ten years old, looks a little malnourished compared to his peers, and looks thinner than He Qingqing. At this moment, the little man was shrinking in the corner of his bed, looking timidly at the tall black face.

  It seems that these two people are not in the same group.

After seeing Su Hao and Xiaopang come back, the black face showed a bright smile and said: "Heh! Welcome back to my dormitory. Let me introduce you first. My name is Kong Yang, you can call me Brother Yang. I will be the boss in the future. , I have the final say. Okay, it's your turn! Little guys!"

  Su Hao's brain hurts, and there are such troubles everywhere. He glanced at Xiao Pang and found that he was already showing his timidity.

  Only listen to Xiaopang said: "Yang...Hello Brother Yang, my name is Li Cunzhi, you can call me Cunzhi."

  Only listen to Kong Yang's stinky face: "What is the record, huh, it's a dead fat man."

  Fatty dared not speak.

   Kong Yang saw that Xiao Pang was stunned, and immediately smiled triumphantly, and turned his head to look at Su Hao triumphantly and said, "Where are you? Little man!"

  Su Hao adjusted his clothes first, then turned his head and said to Xiaopang: "I'm optimistic, what is the thunder method!"

  Pang nodded in confusion.

  Su Hao hooked his finger at Kong Yang and said: "Come on, let's go out and talk!"

   Turn around and go out first.

   Kong Yang said hehe, "There is a kind", and stepped out.

  The two stood still, their expressions unclear in the moonlight.

   "My name is Wu Xiangwu, are you ready?" Su Hao prompted.

   "Hey hey, you come here first. They are all roommates. I will show mercy." Kong Yang's muscles began to bulge high.

  "I'm optimistic!" After that, Su Hao disappeared in place when he moved his feet.

   Kong Yang was shocked: "Where is the person?"


  Su Hao kicked Kong Yang away with one kick.

   Kong Yang got up with a blank face, and after seeing clearly that Su Hao was standing where he stood just now, he furiously said: "You sneak attack!"

  Su Hao said again: "Then look carefully, I'm going to go."


   hit the face with another punch, knocking the person out.

   "You..." Kong Yang just got up, before he could accuse Su Hao.


   kicked him a few meters away.






  After a while, Kong Yang didn't move anymore. He just lay on the ground, tears streaming down his face and said: "Big brother! Don't fight, I give up, you will be my eldest brother from now on, and I will listen to you!"

  Su Hao stopped then, then turned to face the dumbfounded Fatty and asked, "Do you know what Thunder means?"

  The little fat kowtow said: "Know... I know!"

  At this time, the little roommate rushed out and said to Su Hao: "Brother Xiang Wu, my name is Hua Wanli, can you teach me? I can pay the tuition."

  Su Hao turned his head and glanced, and said with a laugh: "You don't need to teach me, you can learn in the academy."



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