
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · 都市
13 Chs

The Silent Murderer Part VI

"Among the four of you is the cold-blooded murderer who cowardly attacked an old woman while hiding behind the veil of night!""On what basis can you accuse us of that?" Henry protested. "What motive do we even have?"The usually cheerful Martin wore a bitter expression. He looked at the 4 suspects like a hunter looking at a beast. He signaled Inspector Bridon with his finger who at later time brought him several number of files."This is the official file about each of you from the city official. After reading this I say we have enough motive to suspect all of you of doing the murder," Martin ignored the sea of protest, his eyes looking carefully at each word that was etched into the hard paper.After some consideration, Martin shuffled the files and the stacked classified information was put on the green round table."I'm not exaggerating when I say from this point on, I won't listen to any complain," he took the first file, skimmed his eyes on it for a bit before uttering. "Harold Freeman, the son of famous investment banker, male 21 years old. On August last year you were kicked out from your university because of possession of illegal substance. At that time the one who discovered your so call stashes and reported you to the university official was Alexa who worked on your university as temporary foreign language lecturer."Harold was shouting an objection and various curse words but Martin remained sterned as he put away Harold's file and opened the second one from the stack."Susan Cecilia, female 26 years old. You suffered from the psychological condition called bipolar disorder which is why you change your boyfriend at rapid rate as most of them is not comfortable with you. During one of your fights with your boyfriend in this very park, Alexa came and lectured you on public, you must be feeling humiliated by her action that day."Susan was shocked hearing Martin disclosing her secret in front of everyone. She would have fainted if not for Inspector Bridon quick medical help. Everyone was looking at her with worry except for Martin who put away Susan's file and opened the third one from the stack."Nafsir an Nabil, male 23 years old. You are a foreign exchange student from South East Asia and as such your visa limitation make you unable to get job other than the one that pay peanut..." before Martin finished his report, Nafsir interrupted."I understand you suspecting Susan who unfortunately has psychological condition and Harold who used to be a druggie, but me? C'mon man, are you suspecting me merely from the fact that I'm poor?"Martin looked at Nafsir furious glare with tranquil and modesty, he was unfazed hearing Nafsir words. "You being poor is half of it. Do you know about the robbery case that happen yesterday in this park? The victim is you guess it, Alexa who also reported her own robbery to the police using anonymous name. However, she was found dead the day after. You do have motive for robbing her and you being one of the park staff, you must know that all the cctv in this park is merely a fake since the governor refused to give any development fund."Nafsir was smarter than his peers as he only looked in silence as Martin flung his accusation, Nafsir knew his words won't have any impact on Martin action.Martin tried to take the last file but Henry snatched it away before it could be seen. Inspector Bridon tried to take it back however Marvin prevented him, in the process he ensured the Inspector that what Henry did was for the best.Henry read his file for a while and in just a matter of second his energetic face turned into that of typical senile old man. "What's written in this file is right. It's all my fault. The fact that I was drunken that night and the fact that I abused my own wife in my intoxication which leaded her to her demise, I won't deny any of it. Take me away Inspector, a beast like me should stay in cage instead of enjoying the freedom that is paid by sacrifice.""Indeed, your confession served enough as proof of crime," Martin said as he clasped Henry's shoulder. "However, your crime is that of domestic abuse and not murder. Until I hear everyone testimony of what happen yesterday, me and Inspector Bridon won't go away.""Testimony, is it?" Henry continued. "If doing so allowed me to go to my cage a second faster, I will be the one doing it first," his body was in pitiful state as his mental place was at the lowest. "Yesterday was the annual maintenance day for Paloma Park, why the governor decided to make it on winter is anyone guess. I'm the oldest here so naturally I work the most since I need to set an example for the young'un. Since morning, I spend my day by clearing the snow and making sure no furniture is broken, by 11 pm I went home and the rest is history."Martin took a note on some of the keywords. "I see so that's how it is. Who want to volunteer for the next testimony."Susan, Nafsir, and Harold were seen making a small talk before they all nodded to each other. "Since we are colleague, our schedule is not much different. We all went to the staff office at 7 am and went back to our home at 4 pm. After that, I spent my whole day drinking at the bar and dozed off until tomorrow morning, the bartender there can vouch for me," said Susan."As for me, I spent my day after working by playing on my pc all night, my roommates can vouch for me," added Harold"I.... I spent my day in this park studying until night. Unfortunately, I can't provide anyone who will vouch for me," Nafsir said with grim look on his face."So how is it detective?" Inspector Bridon uttered to the absent-minded Martin. "I've played along with your little missus performance, surely you must have known the name of the murderer by now."However, Martin did not hear a single thing the Inspector had said. He was stroking his chin, deep in his thought that he didn't realize some words were leaking out of his mouth. "The maintenance day... The robbery... The testimonies... The biodata of the accused... So that's why Maestra said this case is better be unsolved." Martin became more bizarre as he scrambled away his short ginger hair. "Inspector I hate to say this but for this case, all of the accused were innocent."Inspector Bridon was a man of short temper, for him to play along with Martin's performance and Maestra's script, he expected a great reward in the form of case completion. He held on Martin's jacket collar and lifted him into the air, frightening everyone in the room. "Are you serious!? This is the best you can do after all that performance!? Should know better than to trust third rate agency!" Martin could only sulk and looked away as Inspector Bridon scolded him in animal like manner with his saliva being flung at Martin every time his mouth moved."Inspector Bridon, always the serious man, aren't you? What do you say again? Third rate agency, is it?" without any warning, Maestra kicked the door open, sending the outside cold breeze into the room. "My assistant here maybe a bit dull but he is not incompetent. He knows the murderer's name but choose to let the murderer get away.""Stop, Maestra! That person is innocent, it's all just a bad luck on that person part!" Martin pleaded, not caring that he was still being lifted by the Inspector."What are you even saying Martin? Aren't you the one who says that are you ready to take all the risk involved and ready to do anything for the sake of capturing the murderer? I want to stay away but of course a certain little imp wished to solve this case and so I will solve it." Maestra's face was grinning, she couldn't contain her laugh. All this time, it was nothing more than an entertainment for her.