
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · 都市
13 Chs

The Silent Murderer Part II

It seemed like the lone detective was not the only one who was reigned by curiosity. Many of the passing by visitor chose to stay on the scene and the staff, who was an old man in his 60s, struggled to preserve the scene with some naughty kid crossing the barricade leading to their traumatic cries upon seeing the rotting flesh.

"With this many people obstructing the scene, there might be a precious clue that accidentally get trampled over," Maestra said as she calmly analyzed the barbarity of those visitors. From her purse she took out a square shape device with grey color. "It's time for my 'Crowd Disruption Device' to do its job."Without hesitation Maestra pressed the red button on the square device and cranked up the volume wheel. Like a sudden thunder, a mighty loud sound was produced. "Police! Everyone scram from here or you will all be arrested on the basis of obstructing investigation!!!" followed by the sound of police serene and a gunshot.In no time at all, the scene turned into a chaotic state and the only person left was the old park staff."You there, old man, do you recognize the identity of this corpse? If so tell me right now!" Maestra ordered with her piercing eye looking straight at the old soul.Astonished by the sudden development, the old man was unable to give coherent response before he regained his composure. "Oh heaven! What a rude young woman you are!" gave the old man who was now looking at Maestra with contempt."I'll consider the feedback later but for now just give me the detail of the corpse identity." Maestra seemed a bit furious. Now she pointed her finger at the corpse and before the old man could give unnecessary response, she showed her business card."If you want feedback, call me Henry next time all right. Even so, a sleuth, eh? Really remind me of those I've read in novel. You know I'm sort of Conan Doyle fans before he brought back Holmes just to satisfy the whining of his fans," the old man replied with slow tempo of talking. Maestra who was now even more furious, tried to maintain her calm face while her foot was tapping the ground impatiently. "As for your question before young woman, what you call corpse here was once my own wife."Henry who looked like your average senile senior hide a certain brilliance in his eyes. In the split second, he gauged the response of the person in front of him. "You could at least pretend to be shocked. That doll face of yours is starting to look uncanny," concluded Henry upon seeing the lifeless reaction of Maestra."That's got nothing to do with the case. Anyway, you said she is your wife? Mind telling me what happen? With as much detail as you can remember." Maestra suggested. Once again she retrieved an item from her purse, this time it's a notepad.The expression on Henry's face became more serious, the wrinkle on his forehead appeared like a gathering of snake. "Alexa, she is my only reason to live. My son, he had perished in Nam and my daughter, she is now married with a foreigner, living in a country where I can't reach her," just saying those words was a heavy blow for Henry. His weak tear gland produced tears which he immediately swape away.Even Maestra knew that the last thing Henry needed right now was her insensitive comment. She chose to wait until Henry was finally able to gathered enough will."Just last night it was like the usual day. The freezing air of winter made my nerve rigid and so I chose to spend the night after doing work in front of fireplace while watching tv," his expression had become more relaxed but it was apparent from his tone that the sadness still remained. "I was watching a football match and coincidentally my favorite team 'The Fenex' was playing. However, they've lost badly, their new quarterback is an incompetent idiot who can't throw accurately for his life."She did not want to but the situation forced her to interrupted Henry's rambling. "I'm sorry but can you skip those details? I'm kind off in a hurry.""Are you mocking me young woman!? Just before you ordered me to tell all of the detail I can remember and now you want me to skip all those details? This is the problem with your generation, always assuming the older generation to be a bumbling fool who can't think for themself. Instructing us like we are a toddler who will swallow a plastic if left unsupervised but guess what? Your generation is the toddler one, always sticking to your phone and can't do anything without it," Henry was clearly agitated by the comment and his response became more unhinged. "I say we propose a new bill to The President that forced mandatory military service to the young generation so you all could learn a little bit of humility. Maybe then you could become more polite and grateful to the veteran who have protected this country.""That's it! If you want to fight then so be it!" Maestra snapped the pencil she used on her notepad. Her right knee was lifted as high as her chest, her shin positioned on x axis while her hand formed a rather triangular shape around her head, it was undoubtedly the stance of Muay Thai.In response Henry put his left bodyweight facing Maestra. His left foot extending to her direction while his right foot served as a foundation for his stance. His right arm guarded his chest while his left arm was a little bit bended. It was clear that Henry was a southpaw boxer who specialized in long range jab."Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What the hell happened here!?" running to the middle of those mighty fighters was a young man cladded in colorful red and orange scarf. "You could at least wait for me to come," Martin said as he faced Maestra, forcing her to left her fighting stance. "No matter how smart you are, somehow you suck at talking. That's why..." Martin turned his body to Henry's direction. "Leave the witness interrogation to me."