
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · 都市
13 Chs

Modern Fable Part VI

"Get me out! Get me out!" Martin focused his ears as he shouted. "Not much of my voice come back as echo so the wall must have sound proof padding." He inspected each corner of the room. "There is no window and ventilation come from the ac and air purifier. Strange there is also no camera so the privacy at least is guaranteed."

"I thought this will be like an underground prison with dirty floor and hand cuffed but I was wrong." For the room was furnished with the best carpet, king size bed, several game consoles (for offline game only), and several cabinets from quality wood. "This room is too luxurious for prison. Amanda did she say that this is called isolation room, well I wouldn't mine being isolated here if I don't have urgent case right now."

The ceiling was high. There were also no high furnitures which he could use as pedestal and no long objects which Martin could used to reached the light bulb and tampered with. The isolation room was colorful. Blue wall combined with red carpet. It would be easy to made the entire room white which could cause madness when entered for too long. The fact that this room was made to be comfortable was undeniable. After lazing around in his mind while laying in the soft bed, Martin woke up and decided to inspect the bathroom.

"There is a shave razor in this room which means this room is not meant to held someone for a long time period. Or else the razor could be used as some kind of weapon or to end one own life," Martin shuddered at the thought of someone trying that with the razor. After concluding that the bathroom was not useful for getting out, he went back to laid down on the bed.

Beside the bed was one short cabinet. Martin opened all the racks and found nothing interesting except for one kind of a book. "Inside the cabinet there are crayons and several drawing books. Let's see what the local resident here do on the free time," he flapped each pages. "What is this a horse? looks like a horse but it may be a dog. Most other drawing besides this is a scribble," Martin continued flipping the pages until he saw a drawing of a bunch of child with a maternal figure. One of the child was distinct with tears coming out. "Ah I see. This is where Amanda put one of her problematic child and according to this book, the punishment is just one day of isolation from everyone."

Martin tore the page with the picture of Amanda being surrounded by her children. "I'll just keep the picture for later. Now let's think about how to get out from here," Martin went to inspect the door. "The door is durable. There is soft padding on the door I guess to make sure the child who want to go outside doesn't hurt their hand scratching the door," he looked down for a bit. "There is a hole where food and drink will be delivered. Hmmm.... I do remember Amanda asking her henchmen to make sure I'm satisfied. Let's try it."

Martin wrote down with a crayon on another torn page of the drawing book. There he wrote "Hello can I get extra spicy laksa and chocolate milkshake." After he finished it, he tossed the paper outside the hole.

"Very well, Sir," could be heard faintly from outside.

After a few minutes from the hole was delivered a bowl of authentic laksa with king tiger prawn. The milkshake was delivered in several small glasses to accomodate the size of the hole. "Wow it really did happen," Martin was thinking of trying to fake injury and then taken out the guard outside however a primal thought befalled him. "Let's just finish the food first then get out. It will impolite for the chef if I don't finished it."

He slurped the noodles like a vacuum. He didn't use spoon to taste the noodle soup instead drinking it whole from the bowl itself. After his lips turned read from the spiciness, Martin drank the 3 glasses of milkshakes in one go. "That was delicious and nothing better to fight back spiciness than milk product. Now let's go outside," however Martin vision began to blurred. The entire room turned into a mist. "Huh? Why am I.... So sleepy."

In a room that had dim light, Amanda was watching from the monitor. "Sleep well Martin, someone like you should be spared of what happen next."

Martin consciousness was hazy. He was like a featherweight getting knocked out by bantam weight. A poured water in form of scream was poured on his head which regained his consciousness. "Police don't move!"

The swarm of polices was least of his concern. When Martin woke up what he uttered was. "Huh the door is unlocked! Where is Amanda and her child!?"

Martin was rambling like a madman but the police saw it as something understandable. They made him calmed down before answering. "What are you talking about? This building is abandoned. We only found you become of anonymous message sent to our website."

It was clear what just happen. With a greed Martin ask another inquisition. "What's the date right now!"

"3rd of January. What does that have to do with anything?"

Maestra mannerism sticked out to Martin which he found revolting but necessary in this situation. "Let me catch up for a bit. Has there been fire or robin hood incident in these past few days?"

"Not that I know off"

Without elaborating Martin ordered the uniformed man in his usual dignified voice. "Mobilize your man to this location I requested, we need to stop her before she do anything more reckless."

However persuasive Martin was, he was not Maestra. The police was not amused by him. "We won't listen to order from civilians," he said before one of his comrade made him bow and added. "You idiot! Inspector Bridon has instructed us to follow this man order as if it was his. You don't want to get promoted or what!?" The oblivious police quickly apologized and inquired about the detail of Martin's instruction.

As he explained the plan, Martin clenched his fist. Determined. His will couldn't be shaken. "Tonight the Robin Hood won't come out anymore," he declared.